^CComputer Industry Report ^Cby Sean Golden This is a new column that will run whenever there is something happening in the industry that seems worthy of special note. If you are fascinated by new technology and computer innovations, then you should love this column. ^CIBM-APPLE ALLIANCE BEARS FRUIT That's right folks, after two years of working behind the scenes, the joint Apple-IBM-Motorola hardware\software venture has produced its first real product. That product is a chip which will compete directly with Intel's new Pentium (TM) chip. The chip, known as the PowerPC 601, is a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) chip and operates at extremely high speed (66 megahertz). It also has sophisticated methods for enhancing its proficiency. Overall the chip is significantly faster than the Intel Pentium in most tests. Furthermore, it only costs about half as much. Most industry observers think that the PowerPC chip would dominate the Pentium in any straight competition, but the Pentium has an enormous advantage because of its native ability to run existing 80X86 software. The PowerPC will be able to run the same software, but only by emulating an 80486, which will slow performance somewhat, bringing the Pentium and the PowerPC to more or less equal ground in running programs like Windows 3.1, WordStar or other PC compatible software. The real advantage of the PowerPC chip will only be available to a new generation of software written to take direct advantage of the PowerPC's capabilities. IBM, Apple and Motorola are determined to break the Intel domination of the PC Compatible marketplace, and this just may be the chip to do the job. Of course Macintosh users will be able to put the full power of the PowerPC chip to work on Macintosh software as early as the first quarter of 1994 when the Apple PowerPC computers are released. These computers promise to boost top of the line Macintosh performance by five to eight times. Such a performance increase will make a wide variety of applications much more feasible. Programs will finally be able to take advantage of voice recognition, real-time 3-D modeling, optical character recognition, multi-media, and many more features more commonly associated with powerful mainframe or workstation computers costing ten times as much. ^CAPPLE ANNOUNCES "NEWTON" LINE Apple also announced the release of a completely new type of computing device. Known to industry insiders for over a year as the "Newton" project, Apple has released the first of these new hand-held computers, the "MessagePad." The closest thing to a Newton that has been available before now is probably the Sharp Wizard line of hand-held devices. But the Newton is a new generation of hand-held devices and promises to bring an entirely new industry into existence over the next year. Sharp likes the Newton so much, in fact, that they have licensed the technology from Apple and will soon announce products that are, in fact, Newtons with the Sharp logo, although with a slightly different design. A MessagePad is a hand-held, stylus-operated Personal Digital Assistant. It manages all of the common tasks that would be expected of such a device, including appointment calendar, to-do list, address book, note pad, alarm clock and contact manager. But there's more. A lot more. For example, with a MessagePad you will be able to write a quick note on the 336x240 pixel screen and with a few taps of the stylus, send a fax of the note directly to a colleague. Furthermore, the MessagePad employs revolutionary handwriting recognition technology that actually makes it possible for a person to write on the screen with the stylus, and the MessagePad will recognize the letters, replacing them with normal text, reducing storage space and enhancing compatibility with other computers. As if that isn't enough, the Newton will be able to run an entirely new generation of applications, some of which are available now. Dell, the crossword puzzle company, has produced a crossword puzzle application which allows you to work a crossword puzzle on the MessagePad as easily as you would work the morning paper's. Easier, in fact, because you never have to worry about erasing words, and you can even get hints. Other applications exist now and several are in development. One of the most innovative new applications available for the MessagePad is a nation-wide road map which allows you to choose the best route from one city to another. You can even get hotel information for the cities you are visiting, and the MessagePad can recommend restaurants within walking distance from the hotel, then show you the best route. Finally, the coup de grace, direct connection with desktop computers. The MessagePad can already interact directly with a Macintosh. A Windows connection kit is under development and should be announced before Christmas. With these connection kits you will be able to upload and download information directly to and from your desktop computer. MessagePads can even talk to each other, using an infrared data link that operates at about 9600 BAUD. This capability will lead to even more innovative programs, including interactive games that can only be imagined. Apple is very proud of the Newton and has licensed the technology to several manufacturers, such as Sharp and Sony. This is a savvy marketing move and will ensure that the new devices will receive a good advertisement boost. At less than a thousand dollars each, with prices expected to drop as the market grows, these are not high-priced executive toys. As a matter of fact, Apple expects the Newton to usher in a new age of computer power and ease of use. Don't be surprised in a month or so when you start seeing the sleek black devices appearing in board rooms and conference rooms all over the country. I'll have mine, you can bet.