On Disk Monthly's Issue #80 * * * M A I L B A G * * * ASK ODM ------- I own, and enjoy using, the ODM Indexer. May I suggest, as I'm sure many of us subscribers use it, that you include an ODMISSUE.BID file on each subsequent issue which we can merge into the database of programs. As a further service, how about filling in the data gap from issue #65-#68 and #73 through the latest issue? An additional request: will you please reinstate the file names service? In the "olden" days you included the file name for each program, along with that program's description and other details. The crossword program on issue #75 was GREAT! Please keep it going with more puzzles, etc. As with the INDEXER, possibly you could include a new puzzle now and then or you could persuade the author to turn it into a functional program with which we could develop puzzles. Phil C. Kopriva San Francisco, CA RESPONSE: As promised, we've provided you with files that update ODM Indexer (published on issue #64). There were updates on issue #68 (for #65-#68), issue #73 (for #69-#73) and issue #77 (for #74-#77). M. Friedman of Freehold, NJ, also wrote, asking about an upgrade for ODM Indexer. We have discussed upgrading the program itself (adding mouse support, etc.) at some point in the future, but it has not yet been planned for an issue. Also, a handful of subscribers have claimed that the update files will not work. We've discovered that they're right--the ODM Indexer (#64) files WILL NOT update the Big Blue Indexer that was published on issue #53. Why not? They're two different programs, regardless of any visual or title similarities. Next, we DO list the main file name, as well as list all accompanying files, as part of our COPY dialog box. Just "arrow" up and down the list of programs to copy (on the left) and at right you'll see the program name after "Main File:" and a list of any accompanying files below the size information. You will see more crosswords on future issues, and you aren't the only subscriber who has requested a way to "make" crosswords. We did Super Crossword in house and do have a program that enables us to type in crosswords--although the program isn't "polished" enough to publish. It does not generate or create crosswords for you; it simply allows you to enter words and their clues in a 13x13, 15x15 or 17x17 grid. Would you want a program that enabled you to type in previously created crosswords? Finally, your letter also mentioned that you wrote us earlier this year, but received no response. I try to answer as many letters as possible on each disk, but I usually only publish one letter per question or topic. Some letters are forwarded (or copied) to other departments for action. For example, technical support problems that demand and deserve immediate action are forwarded for a response from that department since it might be a couple of months before your letter would appear in the Mailbag. Why so long? We're finishing up the "next" issue about the time you receive the current one, and by the time your letter reaches us, it may even be too late to publish your letter in the upcoming issue. And, we might have just published a letter on the same topic in the previous issue! It sounds like we need to drop a postcard in the mail to let you all know that we've received and have read your letters. * * * Klondike works, but the pointer is two inches to the right. Can you send me a copy that works? If I still need an updated mouse driver, can you supply it? Eric Roffe Yonkers, NY RESPONSE: I'm not sure if you're having problems with our original Klondike game, or Klondike2 (issue #71). If you're referring to Klondike2, the problem no doubt stems from your mouse driver. I'm sorry to say that we cannot "supply" an updated driver for you. Try contacting your computer or mouse manufacturer, computer store or local BBS. Why doesn't your driver work? It was probably produced before the VGA resolution used by Klondike2 (320 x 200) was available, and therefore it does not "recognize" the resolution. * * * LETTERS ------- I'm happy to see you really do hear us out there. When I sent my letter to you and got a quick answer I was surprised. You fixed my problem with Jacket II on issue #76, but on issue #77 the game called Tiles of the Nile has a problem. My mouse is only active on the left hand side of the screen. Please look into this matter for me. All the programs are a big savings to me because your programs work better sometimes than store bought. The report card on issue #77 wasn't in Form Fill (.ff) format. Why not? Michael A. Julian Sierra Vista, AZ RESPONSE: Looks like you have the same problem as Mr. Roffe above--an older version of your mouse driver. Tiles of the Nile contains two sets of graphics (320x200 CGA and 320x200 EGA). The EGA graphics are "tweaked" from 640x400 EGA graphics. The program is able to "fool" your mouse into thinking that the 320th column of pixels is at the far right edge of your monitor. Your older mouse driver doesn't "understand" and interprets this as being the exact middle of a 640 pixel-wide screen. Hence, you only have mouse control on the left side of the screen. Finally, Form Fill was published over six issues ago. 1) Many recent subscribers do not have it. 2) There hasn't been much extra space on our 360K disks. 3) Unfortunately, if we substitute the .ff file for the .txt file, all those form-creation characters are visible, making the Report Card nearly indecipherable. We hope to add a way to complete the Report Card from within the menu to our next upgrade of the menu system. * * * Big news! Softdisk has discovered Windows! I have been a Softdisk and BBD/ODM subscriber for years and enjoy each issue. I think, however, the issues are somewhat weighted in the direction of game players and programmers and are on double density disks, limiting the amount of material in each issue. On the IBM level, the world has gone to Windows and I was happy to see two Backdroppers (wallpaper) on issue #77. A close friend, John Hebert, told me last week that he would allow his subscription to lapse, because for too long a time you "have been re-issuing tired old utilities and games on double density disks." He and I believe you have fought the migration towards Windows and the new world it has opened. I am, however, happy that you agree Windows exists and am writing to request that your programming contributors devote some time to developing utilities for Windows. And, to that end, may I suggest that you develop and include on each high density issue, not only Print Shop images, borders and fonts, and .PCX graphics, but also sounds (.WAV files), .BMPs (wallpaper) and True Type fonts for Windows. Most importantly, I also would like to see the Electronic Christmas Card, a really delightful program, upgraded to VGA color graphics. I think the program is great, but the primitive graphics are a minus. Also, I would like to see such programs designed for Valentine's, Easter, July 4th and Thanksgiving holiday periods. You might also consider additional programs centered around Mother's Day, Father's Day and Halloween holidays. To be able to utilize animated graphics, personal messages, and music to communicate with friends and business associates during those seasons would be TERRIFIC! Donald J. LeBlanc Houma, LA RESPONSE: Sounds like you're going to love Birthday Card, which was under development long before your letter arrived. Apparently, great minds DO think alike. * * * Have used Check Tracker for several years, so when it showed up on disk #75, I update my .EXE and .HPL files with the newer version. I could find no difference except that it starts each program with a copyright page that I can't get rid of. This is not a great way to update programs. Also, I have noticed that you are duplicating many Gamer's Edge programs on ODM. If you are going to do this, then there is not much sense in subscribing to both of them. I feel rather strongly about this. With the exception of the duplication of Gamer's Edge games, I like your ODM disks and consider them a good value. Keep up the good work. Steve Russell Round Lake, IL RESPONSE: We did fix several bugs in Check Tracker, but made the most changes to its companion, Credit Card Tracker (added mouse support, fixed bugs, etc.). We fixed some things that you may not have noticed...or hadn't yet had a reason to notice. For example, one of the things we fixed, a date problem, would only have become apparent when your computer reached the year 2000. This new Tracker duo should last you well into the 21st century. Finally, the truth about the game duplication problem you mention is that a "very behind" Gamer's Edge department snapped up games created for On Disk Monthly by On Disk Monthly staff members or submitters--before we could place them on issues of ODM. Keep your subscription to On Disk Monthly; Gamer's Edge has not been the tremendous success that we hoped it would be. * * * I'm a visually impaired (actually legally blind) reader. It's nice that I've found that some of your programs also work with print enlarging software that I run. However, the new version of Klondike (Klondike2 on issue #71) doesn't work well for me at all; I keep losing the cursor because there isn't enough contrast between it and the cards or background. Any suggestions? I can play the version that came on the Bonus Disk I got when I first began my subscription so it's no big deal, but it's got me curious. Karen Broderick Raleigh, NC RESPONSE: Try forcing Klondike2 to run in CGA mode (black & white only) by typing "KLON2 /C" at the DOS prompt. The lack of contrast that you describe is probably the result of Klondike2's VGA color palette. * * * I use GeoWorks Pro and Quattro Pro to manage my operating system, so many of your programs do not help me. On your bonus disk, I like the label printer. Klondike, I already have in GeoWorks. I don't mean to cut you down, because you do many times better than I could, but your graphics have some distance to go before you are in their ball park. Murder in the Museum would be more interesting if I had a list of acceptable verbs. For example, I find myself in a dark room; I have a flashlight, but can't turn it on. I liked Check Tracker on ODM 75. I copied it to my hard disk and use it daily. I think Check Tracker is worth what I paid for the three-month subscription, so if I find a program I like every three to four months, it's a good buy. Charles Auvil Newport News, VA RESPONSE: Don't forget that you can call our technical support department toll free at 1-800-831-2694 when you run into problems. * * * Letters used in the ODM Mailbag section may be edited for length, clarity and subject. Send your letters to: ODM Mailbag Softdisk Publishing, PO Box 30008, Shreveport, LA 71130-0008