ON DISK MONTHLY #74 CONTENTS FEATURES COLOR DIRECTORY - You do a "DIR" on a directory. A long list appears...and to save your life you can't quickly locate the name of the file you want in the "sea" of filenames on the screen! Color Directory helps you find that "needle" in the haystack by highlighting only the files that have a specified extension (such as .EXE). You can change the extension on the fly. And you can change the highlight color to one that appeals to you. We think this is one of the most useful command-line utilities we've ever published. Once you've tried it, we're sure you'll agree. DIRECTORY TREE 2.0 - Lightning fast and easy to use, Directory Tree 2.0 is a "keeper." This program gives you the information you need: a complete directory tree structure for any drive you specify, the total number of directories on the drive, a list of the files in any sub-directory, the amount of occupied and available disk space, and much more! EXCLUSION - Can't resist those "golf tee" puzzles that seem to adorn tables in pancake houses across America? You know...those puzzles where you jump one peg with another in order to remove it, and the object of the game is to clear every peg but one. Exclusion takes up where those games left off. The longer you play, the more determined you get. The more "marbles" you remove the higher your score. When you play Exclusion, less IS more! FINAGLE - The best features of some of our most popular past games are united in Finagle--the most addictive "card" game you'll ever play. Clear cards from the screen by forming poker hands in a 5x5 "well" from randomly dropped cards. When you can't form any more hands and the "well" fills up, the game is over. How long can YOU play Finagle? NET WORTH 2.0 - Recession and inflation have affected us all. However, you may be doing better than you think. How do you find out? Gather up all your financial records for reference. Run Net Worth 2.0. Enter all your assets and liabilities, then view or print out Net Worth's Analysis of your data. You'll have to do a little "homework" before you use this one, but the end result will be worth it! .PCX CLIP ART - More great .PCX clip art from the Softdisk art department. Offered on every other issue, our .PCX clip art is one of our most popular regular features. This month's clip art focuses on "winter" topics, including winter sports logos and holidays. DEPARTMENTS Behind the Scenes - The whole Softdisk Publishing crew. Contents - What's what on this issue. Editor's Corner - Information and more. Mailbag - Letters from people just like you. Marketplace - Special offers you don't want to miss. User Guide - How to use the menu and more. Report Card - Tell us how we are doing Warranty Information JUST FOR FUN Cartoon Word-Up! - Vocabulary game for the whole family.