Dear fellow PC enthusiasts: Summer will soon wind down and you'll be sitting in front of your home computers more often. Your backyard will be less inviting and the smells of grilled steaks and fresh-cut grass will become a fond, olfactory memory. On those colder, damper, darker evenings, I urge you to take time to look back through your recent issues of On Disk Monthly and explore some of those programs that you may have dismissed as being too complex to think about on a warm summer evening. Look carefully at our recent financial- oriented programs such as Insurance Shopper (issue #70), Loan Accelerator (issue #68) and Home Refinancer (issue #67). We all dread delving into financial matters, but we sure will benefit from everything we learn. Also, try out some of our games and puzzles--even if you've convinced yourself that you won't like them. I'm betting that you will. It's also a good time to make use of those programs that sounded great but may have seemed too involved. Grocery Kart (issue #70), for example, requires you to create a "master" list of those items you regularly buy. Type in your next handwritten grocery list for a start. And the next time you go shopping, all you have to do to create a list is to scroll to each of those items you want to buy, press the space bar to "tag" them and print it out. Note the price beside each item on your list as you shop, enter that data when you get home and you will soon be able to estimate your grocery bill--before you get to the store. Also, note and enter the aisle numbers for each item and you'll be able to print out a shopping "map" for yourself or your spouse. Why am I writing about previously-published programs? Because your Report Cards indicate that many of you don't have time to look at every program on each issue before you get the next issue and that many of you don't ever run some of the programs. Sit back, relax, and try out a program before you shelve it indefinitely. And, dig out those Back Issue Catalogs and go shopping! At only about $1 per program, every issue is a bargain. Subscribers, please remember: this is YOUR disk. And your requests actually do help shape On Disk Monthly. For example, look at the contents of this issue. My EntertainMate, a database for your home entertainment, including music, books and videos, resulted from subscriber requests for such a program. And your requests for a higher graphic support and interface updates to Klondike and Print Shop Utilities IV (both CGA only), resulted in Klondike2 (CGA, EGA & VGA graphics) and Print Shop Utilities 5.0 (CGA & EGA). Also on this issue: a great selection of Print Shop images; Appointment Calendar, an easy-to-use utility that keeps you on schedule; and another installment of Word-Up, your favorite reccuring "quiz." I hope you enjoy this issue and that you'll look forward to the next one as much as I do. Coming next month: Circuitry, a tantalizing strategy game; more .PCX and Print Shop clip art; a disk jacket-making program; and much, much more! Until then...happy computing! Ronda Faries On Disk Monthly Product Manager