DOS Manager is a program designed to help you perform many useful operations with your disks, files, and directories. A user-friendly menu structure makes DOS Manager easy to use. You can view directories on your hard disk and floppy disks; copy, rename, move, and delete files; and examine text, database, spreadsheet and other common types of files. Small text files can be edited with DOS Manager. You can even run other programs from within DOS Manager. ^C^IGETTING STARTED To start running this program now, press F10. To run it from outside the ON DISK MONTHLY menu system, you can type DOSMAN from the DOS prompt. It is strongly suggested that you install DOS Manager to a hard disk, in a directory that is somewhere in your DOS PATH (as set in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file), so that you can run it at any time. ^C^IADVANCED COMMAND-LINE OPTIONS You can follow the name "DOSMAN" with any of the following command switches for special options: DOSMAN /M runs in monochrome mode. [e.g., for LCD screens on which the normal colors are hard to read] DOSMAN /NOMOUSE Disables the mouse. Use if you are having compatibility problems due to your system's mouse driver, or if you just don't want to use your mouse for whatever reason. DOSMAN /? See all possible command switches. In addition, you can specify a particular directory to start at by typing its name in the command line: ^1 DOSMAN C:\FILES\ If you specify a filename, you will go straight into file- viewing mode with that particular file, then exit to DOS when the viewing is finished; this lets DOS Manager be used as a command-line-accessible file lister: ^1 DOSMAN C:\FILES\TEST.TXT If you include the command switch /EDIT and specify a filename, you will go straight into the built-in text editor to edit the file you have selected: ^1 DOSMAN /EDIT C:\FILES\TEST2.DOC Of course, you do not need to use any of these advanced parameter options; all functions, including file viewing and editing, are accessible in a menu-driven way within DOS Manager. These options merely provide another means by which advanced users may make use of the power of DOS Manager. ^C^IARE YOU SICK OF THIS TEXT? To stop this text from displaying every time you run DOS Manager, select the "Toggle Opening Info Text" item from the Options menu (from the main screen, press Alt-O then I). From then on, this text will not display at the start of each run, until you select that menu item again to re-enable this option. (Typing DOSMAN /Q from the DOS prompt also turns off the opening info text, and DOSMAN /INFO re-enables it.) The "Opening Info Text" feature is one of several things which are saved to disk so that they retain their status through different runs of this program. Other saved parameters are the Sound vs. Silence setting (toggled using F2), and the chosen type of directory sorting (set by pressing F6). ^C^IAND NOW... Press F10 to get into DOS Manager now. Press F9 twice in a row to bring up this text again. Press F1 at most places within this program to see a context-sensitive help screen. Press F1 again while a help screen is visible (except while viewing another scrollable text file such as this one) to see the full instructions for DOS Manager.