SLIDE GLIDE SG slide glide static staticgraph 52,110 AG slide glide animation T #17 1 53,63 0 T #18 1 311,117 18 T #8 1 181,203 0 T #15 1 181,249 18 T #8 1 181,157 0 T #12 1 181,203 18 T #8 1 245,157 0 T #11 1 181,157 18 T #8 1 245,203 0 T #7 1 245,157 18 T #8 1 181,203 0 T #12 1 245,203 18 T #8 1 181,157 0 T #11 1 181,203 18 T #8 1 245,157 0 T #7 1 181,157 18 ^CJohn "BEZ" Besnard In the 1920's America went puzzle crazy. Tons of twisted metal puzzles that were seemingly impossible to take apart were sold. Then we discovered wooden blocks in a box. You were supposed to SLIDE the blocks around until you moved into a specific goal position. SLIDE GLIDE computerizes the blocks. In the 20's you could cheat and pull a piece out of the box and put it back in where it 'belonged'. Sorry, but in SLIDE GLIDE, the pieces stay put. There are three tests included in SLIDE GLIDE. Each screen is similar. The starting position is shown on the left side of the puzzle. The goal position is shown on the right. After pressing a key to clear the opening screen, you will start on the first puzzle. Just type in the letter of the piece you want to move. If there is room to move it, it will SLIDE on its own. If ever there is more than one way to move, the program will ask you to pick a direction with the arrow keys. ^C^BUsing the mouse^B If you are using a mouse, the cursor on the screen looks like an arrow. If it were real, you could shoot the creator of these puzzles. Thank heaven it's not! Put it on your choices. Click and release to activate. Use the mouse to answer yes and no, too. The left button is yes. Click the right for no. ^BThe following keys control game actions:^B Press ^BF1^B for Help. Press ^BF2^B to change puzzles. Press ^BF3^B to toggle the sound & speech off and on. Press ^BF4^B to start over or try for a hint. Press ^BESC^B to end the program or to exit menus without change. ^C^BSTUMPED^B Don't feel bad, so were we until we called BEZ and asked (read: begged, pleaded, cried in tortured pain) for the solutions to these mind benders. We've included the solution to the puzzles on a file called SLIDESLV.TXT on this disk. We are not going to make viewing these spoilers easy though. You'll have to use your favorite ASCII file lister (LIST, EZ, Speed View, etc.) or word processor to view or print. If you don't have an ASCII file lister you can always type: ^BTYPE SLIDESLV.TXT^B to view the file on the screen. Use the PAUSE key to stop the scrolling long enough to read. If you want to print the file enter the following at the dos prompt: ^BCOPY SLIDESLV.TXT PRN^B. This all assumes that you've logged dos to the correct drive. If the above statement stumps you, don't panic! Just exit ODM right now and type the DOS command at the next prompt that appears. ^C^BOutside of On Disk Monthly^B To run Slide Glide outside of On Disk Monthly, type >SLIDE -- To run as a standard DOS application. >SLIDE s -- To run in silent mode. ^C^BFiles This Program Uses^B ^FSLIDE.EXE ^FSHAPES.BEZ ^FALPHA.BEZ ^FBEZ.SEZ