KIDS FORUM banner colors 2 2 SG kids forum images title 90,62 descrip 234,215 AG kids forum pieces T #1 1 317,45 5 T #2 1 199,85 5 T #3 1 163,138 5 T #4 1 38,179 5 T #5 1 35,259 5 T #6 1 103,307 5 T #7 1 321 171 5 T #8 1 128,38 5 T #9 1 80,73 5 T #10 1 271,120 5 T #11 1 369,96 5 T #12 1 355,35 5 T #13 1 41,141 5 T #14 1 389,199 5 T #15 1 120 294 5 T #16 1 96,57 5 T #17 1 26,81 5 T #18 1 316,131 5 T #19 1 389,101 5 T #20 1 56,244 5 T #21 1 284,212 5 T #22 1 117,147 5 Dear Jay, I would like to get some programs that will help me do my homework. I am now learning spelling, science and math. Can you ask your programmers to write that? ^RJeff Billings ^RShreveport, LA Hi Jeff, I was thinking about a program that would solve algebra equations for you, explaining each step along the way. How does that one sound? We don't have anything on the drawing board for spelling or science right now, but that will change if enough kids want it. ^R-J Dear ODM, I like to play games on my dad's computer. My dad likes me to learn stuff on his computer. Can you write games that will let me learn stuff? ^RJoshua Horton ^RPanola, TX Joshua, You have just let out the secret to GREAT educational software. You wrap the lessons into a game so that the kids (of all ages) learn something as they play. Usually they are having too much fun to even realize they were just taught something useful. ^R-J Those are all the letters we have for this month. Please keep those cards and letters coming.