EZ CALCULATOR banner colors 7 7 SG ez calc static static 53,51 AG ez calc animation T #1 1 80,67 38 T #2 1 82,227 38 T #3 1 141,272 38 ^C^Bby Terrance Emerson^B ^C^BEdited by James Barberousse^B How often have you sat at your computer in the middle of editing some document, sans calculator, and needed to divide 53 by 15.24? Well, happily you're not alone. Terrance Emerson had the same problem and came up with a solution: Ez Calculator. This handy, desktop calculator with a scrolling electronic tape can be run as a standard DOS application or alternatively as a TSR. As a TSR, it can be invoked in the middle of another application to provide a quick answer to a math problem. Just in case you're wondering: 3.47769. ^C^BEz Calculator as an Application^B To invoke Ez Calculator as an application, simply type >EZCALC from DOS. Then, press any key to remove the About Box. Your desktop calculator is now ready to use. The following is a summary of the available commands: +, A-Add: Add Entry to Current Result. -, S-Subtract: Subtract Entry from Current Result. /, D-Divide: Divide Current Result by Entry. *, M-Multiply: Multiply Current Result by Entry. L-Natural Logarithm (base e = 2.7182818...): Take Natural Log of next Entry. U-Square Root: Take Square Root of next Entry. P-Number of decimal places to use (from 0 to 5): Enter number of decimal places to use for future calculations. Press P (or E, =, ESCAPE, ENTER) again to resume calculations. $, F-Financial mode (2 decimal places): Toggle between Floating mode (0 to 5 decimal places) and Financial mode (2 decimal places). T-Tape On/Off: Toggle tape display On and Off. All calculations go to the tape, even if it is not currently on the screen. C-Clear: Clears Entry and Current Result to zero. F1, H-Help: Provides a summary of commands. Press ESC to resume calculations. F2, B-About: Provides program credits and copyright info. Press any key to resume calculations. 0123456789.-Entry: Numeric entry. DELETE-Delete: Removes one digit at the cursor. R-Remove Digit: Clears the entire Entry to zero; does not effect Current Result. ESCAPE, Q-Quit: Open a quit dialog box. Select Y(es) to Leave Ez Calculator and N(o) to stay. =, ENTER, E-Equals: Complete the calculation in progress. NUM LOCK, O-Num Lock: Toggle Num Lock On and Off. up/down arrows, PGUP, PGDN-Scroll: Scroll through tape entries (if it is on the screen). F3-Print: Print entire tape to your printer. F4-Clear: Clear tape's contents. ^C^BEz Calculator as a TSR^B To configure Ez Calculator as a Terminate Stay Resident program, type >EZCALC TSR from DOS. An about box will pop up indicating that Ez Calculator has been loaded and that CTRL-ALT-C will invoke it. Press any key to clear this message from your DOS screen. Now, whenever you need to perform a calculation, simply press CTRL-ALT-C to reenter Ez Calculator. To quit, press ESCAPE as usual; however, this quit dialog allows 3 choices: Q-Quit Ez Calculator for now, but leave it in memory: You may reenter again later by typing CTRL-ALT-C again. R-Quit Ez Calculator and remove it from memory: You may not reenter again with CTRL-ALT-C. C-Continue: Abort request to quit and resume calculations. ^C^BImportant Disclosures^B This program contains licensed software materials from ^CEagle Performance Software ^CPO Box 122237 ^CFort Worth TX 76121-2237. TSR routines are licensed and registered with the TesSeRact group. ^C^BOutside of On Disk Monthly^B To run Ez Calculator outside of On Disk Monthly, type >EZCALC -- To run as a standard DOS application. >EZCALC TSR -- To run as a TSR. Invoke with CTRL-ALT-C. ^C^BFiles This Program Uses^B ^FEZCALC.EXE