Diskovery Way back in the Diskovery of issue 52 I wrote of the changes to come. As you can see, we've made quite a few of them. Back then I had a simple list of three goals to fulfill, let's have a peek at the score board to see how I'm doing. My first goal was to begin allowing our VGA friends to exploit higher video modes with our software without sacrificing CGA compatibility. Thus CERTIFICATE CREATOR was born. It has a sexy graphic shell that supported every video card I had ever heard of. The ODM staff will be using that shell to do more and more programs over the next few months. As I type we are exploring ways to support a richer variety of printers and to make its updates (fancy programmer lingo for redrawing the screen) more efficient. Second on the list of goals was to upgrade our presenter system. As you can see we've hit the mark a second time. Those of you with EGA (with at least 256k on board) or better video cards are in for a high resolution treat. We have a ton of graphic goodies in store for you. Those of you holding out with the CGA standard are covered with a colored text duplicate of the high-res presenter. To be honest, I didn't think our development team could pull it off in CGA--I was wrong. The third and most important goal is not to stop. I'm constantly looking for ways to improve every aspect of the ODM experience. The near future shows us being more supportive of our younger users. You can expect to see at least one educational program per issue until the day they fire me (for not wearing a suit and tie no doubt). Also in the on-deck circle is soundboard (Disney's Sound Source, AdLib & Sound Blaster) support. You should hear the difference soon. The last short term achievement that I am allowed to comment on is multimedia. If you're not familiar with multimedia, you will be if you stay with ODM. The future for ODM and our subscribers looks brighter than ever. Our Publisher and myself are firmly committed to keep you on the leading edge. Be it this year's multimedia frenzy or next year's yet unknown technological wonder--we'll be right on top of it. Perhaps even defining a few wonders ourselves in the process. In issue 52 I wrote that we would begin to push our use of technology--bear witness to the first step. Jay