MENU.TXT STATUS.DAT BLUEBOOT.PAK Read It Run It Back to Main Menu 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF <<< User abort >>> 0Program, text, picture, or data file is missing. 4Program, text, picture, or data file has bad format. (Insufficient disk space for output file. )Cannot do this while within TURBO PASCAL. I/O error encountered. Insufficient memory available. &Unexepected runtime error encountered. -Error in MENU.TXT file: Invalid menu option. -Error in MENU.TXT file: Invalid side number. $Status data file has been corrupted. !Fatal internal error encountered. #Unexpected error of unknown nature. ^0Scrolls ^0 Selects ^1F1^0 Help ^1F3^0 Silence ^1F3^0 Sound ^1F4^0 Light ^1F4^0 Dark ^1F5^0 Prints ^1F9^0 Menu Exits X ^1PgUp^0, ^1PgDn^0 page -- ^1Home^0 goes to top -- ^1End^0 goes to end N N N Status file for BIG BLUE DISK UNKNOWN DISK ERROR Status file for BIG BLUE DISK UNKNOWN DISK Status file for BIG BLUE DISK ;WARNING: Status data has been corrupted; status not saved. 5 BIG BLUE DISK - The Magazine On Disk For The IBM PC Text key functions Menu key functions ^0 move up and down through the ^0 move up and down through the ' ~CHome^0 goes to the beginning of the ~CEnd^0 goes to the end of the ( ~CPgUp^0 and ~CPgDn^0 page through the ^0 (Enter or Return key) Selects choice from menu. + ~CF1^0 displays this page of instructions. * ~CF3^0 toggles between sound and silence. G ~CF4^0 toggles video mode between light characters on dark background, , and dark characters on light background. ~CF5^0 outputs to printer. 2 ~CF9^0, ~CF10^0, or ~CESC^0 returns to main menu. * ~CF9^0, ~CF10^0, or ~CESC^0 exits to DOS. . Press space bar to return to where you were. Issue Number End of menu Top of menu 5 BIG BLUE DISK - The Magazine On Disk For The IBM PC runs program End of text Top of text %Get printer ready and press space bar " or press ^1ESC^0 to abort. Printing... to abort. N Please insert: 1 and press ^1SPACE^0. Press ^1ESC^0 to abort. Issue Disk Checking disk... N You inserted: " That is the wrong disk. Top of text End of text "Loading and running the program... 0Color graphics are required to run this program. Press any key to return to menu. ^BRunning^N program. ^BLoading^N text. ^BLoading^N program. %Do you really want to quit now? ^BExiting^N from BIG BLUE DISK. ^BLoading^N text file. ^BRunning^N program. Top of menu End of menu 5##################################################### BIG BLUE DISK 3The Magazine On Disk for the IBM PC and compatibles Press Any Key ~5##################################################### ~$Copyright (C) 1987 by Softdisk, Inc. }DSome programs on this disk were compiled using Microsoft QuickBASIC. y}KRuntime modules included are copyright (C) 1982-1986 by Microsoft Corp. and }:are being used in accordance with their license agreement. If you have: |JA: One floppy disk drive -- Run BIG BLUE DISK in drive A. Be sure to keep @|Byour MS-DOS system disk handy; some swapping will be needed later. {@B: Two floppy disk drives -- leave MS-DOS system disk in drive A {!and run BIG BLUE DISK in drive B. [{