^C^1KRAMDEN UTILITIES ^CBy Bryan Higgins The Kramden Utilities are a set of utility programs which perform many useful functions on your PC. We are using them on our inhouse systems, and find them to be extremely useful. Whether you are a "hacker" or just an ordinary user, these utilities will help you make efficient use of your personal computer. This issue, we have the CP command, a file copying command which has many more features than the COPY command of MS-DOS. Over the next few months, you can expect to see more Kramden Utilities in BIG BLUE DISK. Due to the nature of the programs, they cannot be run directly from the menu. They work just like DOS commands (such as COPY, DIR, etc.); you invoke them by typing their name followed by whatever parameters are appropriate. To use them, you should copy them onto a diskette of your own (or onto your hard disk, if you have one). Before using any of the Kramden Utilities, you should carefully read its instructions, which can be read from the BIG BLUE DISK menu by selecting the menu entry for the utility. While each Kramden utility is useful by itself, they can also work together to do even more. The whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts in this case. You should copy all Kramden Utilities onto one floppy disk or one subdirectory of a hard disk. The documentation for each utility will describe the ways it can be used in combination with the others. Make sure not to miss an issue of BIG BLUE DISK, so you can get a complete set. (Subscription information is available elsewhere in this issue.) If you have used the UNIX (tm)* operating system, you will probably find the syntax of Kramden Utilities' command lines to be familiar; it is based largely on the UNIX commands. * UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.