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When CHOOSE AND PRINT LETTER is selected from the MAIN MENU, a list of letter categories appears in the left hand corner of the screen. Move to the type of letter you wish to select with the ARROW KEYS and press ENTER . A sub-menu will appear listing the selections available. Again, move to the type of letter you wish to write with the ARROW KEYS and press ENTER . For example, the general letter menu will have Thank-You Notes as one of the twelve main selections. Toggle up or down with the appropriate arrow keys to Thank You Notes; press ENTER and a sub-menu will appear containing your two choices: Thank You for Coming Thank You for Gift Toggle up or down to make your choice and press ENTER . You are now in the Letter Editor viewing a raw copy of a form letter. The ARROW KEYS will also facilitate moving from the general letter menu to the sub-menu and back. The ESC feature will allow you to depart to the MAIN MENU at any time. The number of form letters to choose from will vary from one selection to as many as nine! If you want to use the letter you are viewing, press F2 . A row of fill-in-the-blanks will appear. Simply answer each question by typing in the appropriate response followed by ENTER . The cursor will automatically jump to next blank. When all the blanks are filled, press F10 and the program will place your answers into the raw copy and display the new letter. If any of the fill-in-the-blanks are left blank, the program will question you at the bottom of the screen. If you intended to leave a line blank, answer YES and the new letter will be displayed without the omitted line. If you forgot to fill in a blank, answer NO and the program will take you back to the row of fill-in the blanks so you can fill in the omitted line. Does the new letter suit you? If not, you may still edit any part of the letter. Press F1 for a list of the editing features. Remember, you do not type in your name, salutation, or address block. These lines will be printed on any letter, even though none are shown on screen, as per the instructions completed in the CHANGE CONFIGURATION sequence. LETTER PERFECT contains a word-wrap feature. When an inserted word causes a line to exceed the maximum length of sixty char-acters, the word at the end of the line will be wrapped to the next line. The wrapping will then cascade down the paragraph. To underline a word simply enclose the word in parentheses (). This feature is reset at the end of each line so you must include another underscore at the beginning of the next line to signal that underlining is to continue. When you have finished editing the letter, press F10 and this menu will appear: Print the Letter Write the Letter to a Disk File Go Back and Review or Change the Letter Return to Main Menu A. Print the Letter: Prints the selected letter. B. Write the Letter to a Disk File: Transfers letter to a designated disk file instead of printer. The letter may be edited using any word processor utilizing ASCII text files. C. Go Back and Review or Change the Letter: Returns you to the Letter Editor screen should you need to make any changes. D. Return to Main Menu: Takes you back to the MAIN MENU. This command should only be activated after you have saved, printed, or desire not to use the current letter. II. ADD AND MODIFY FORM LETTERS This section of LETTER PERFECT allows you to delete, insert, rename, or re-categorize letters. We suggest you become familiar with the basic operations in CHOOSE AND PRINT LETTER before you the functions in this section. Because you can delete form letters and whole categories using the information in this section, make a copy of LETTER PERFECT and use the copy while operating in ADD AND MODIFY FORM LETTERS. ADD AND MODIFY FORM LETTERS has the all the keys contained in CHOOSE AND PRINT LETTER plus some new ones: A. F3 adds a blank to the raw copy and the Editing blanks in letter screen. B. F4 copies the current letter to the same category or different categories. You can modify and rename these newly placed form letter to fit your needs. C. F6 lets you add a new letter. D. F7 deletes the current letter. E. F8 moves a letter from one category to another. F. F10 returns you to the letter editor or to final options menu. Although ADD AND MODIFY FORM LETTERS is similar to CHOOSE AND PRINT LETTER, in this section form letters are created or form letters are altered. You are not filling in blanks; you are now adjusting the blanks used in form letters. Select the letter category and then a specific letter from the sub-menu. When the raw copy appears, just like CHOOSE AND PRINT LETTER, press F2 and the Editing blanks in letter screen will appear. By changing the information and defaults on this screen, you can change as much of the form letter as you wish. Use TAB or the arrow keys to move around the screen. You have the option of changing 1) the length of each blank, 2) the type of field (Numeric or Type with the SPACE BAR ). 3) and the description in each blank. ESC or F10 takes you to the editor screen to work with the letter text in the raw copy itself. To make a permanent change in a Form letter, move the cursor to the desired spot and press F3 . The letter A will appear in that spot. Simultaneously, a new line is created on the Editing blanks in letter screen containing UNNAMED BLANK X (X = the next available letter). You must edit the newly created blank (length, field, and description) by returning to the Editing blanks in letter screen. If you wanted to use the information contained in letter line again (the letter C for example), rather than creating a new blank, with a new letter, but containing the same information. Simply type a tilde ("~") followed by the letter C . When you have made all your modifications, press F10 and this menu will appear: Save the letter Go back and review or change the letter Discard your changes entirely III. CHANGE CONFIGURATION This section should be completed prior to printing any letters. These instructions will become a permanent part of the printing function; therefore, you only need to configure the printer one time. There are four choices in CHANGE CONFIGURATION: A. Letterhead: If you use paper with a letterhead select YES to the right of the phrase, Print on letterhead?. Blank lines will be added at the top of each letter to accommodate the letterhead. Pressing the SPACE BAR will toggle the letterhead option. B. Plain Paper: When NO is selected the program will automatically print (in every letter) the information you enter in the next for spaces: your name, company, address, and City/State/Zip. Use the ARROW KEYS to move from line to line and press ENTER when the information in each line is complete. C. Closing Line: You must enter a closing line such as Sincerely or Thank you. This salutation will be printed all letters whether they are letterhead or plain paper. D. Printer Configuration: Three printer configuration strings are included; however, printer codes will not be necessary if the printer defaults in LETTER PERFECT are compatible with your printer. Print a few sample letters to determine if you need to adjust the printer configuration strings. The first printer string, Printer Init, will allow each letter to be as close to letter quality as possible. The second two lines, Underline On and Underline Off, contain codes controlling the underline mode in your printer. Printer codes are a series of representative ASCII numbers from 0 to 255. Your printer manual will contain the appropriate numbers for these three functions. For example, 27 is the ASCII code for an ESCAPE character. Up to ten character codes may be used in each printer string. If you need less than ten character codes, put a -1 in the space after the last code to signal the end of the command string to the printer. IV. EXIT TO DOS Selecting this option will take you to the system prompt or back to the MAIN MENU if you ran the program from BIG BLUE DISK. ^CTo run this program outside ^1Big Blue Disk^0, type: ^1LETTER^0. DISK FILES THIS PROGRAM USES: ^FLETTER.EXE ^FLETTER.CFG ^FLETTER.CAT ^FAll "BBD_*.LTR" & "BBD_*.VAR" files