^C^1JOB PREFERENCE ^CBy Ed Powell Ever since we were five years old or so, people have been asking us: "What are you going to be when you grow up?" Most of us would think a moment and answer -- a fireman, a doctor, a cowboy -- then run off to play again. For most of us today, however, that question is harder to answer. The reason for the uncertainty is simple. We are more complex than we were at age five; our desires often compete against one another. There are also more choices to make: even if we know we want to be a "doctor," we still have to decide between becoming endocrinologists or heart surgeons. Then there is the nature of the economy to consider: recent studies maintain that the average worker can expect to change careers three times and jobs seven times during his life. To better help you match your interests with possible careers, we present JOB PREFERENCE, a program that uses a questionaire format to determine what kind of work you would find rewarding. After you answer the program's questions, the program will list careers that correspond with your interests. Hopefully, JOB PREFERENCE will point out careers that you should explore more closely. DISK FILES THIS PROGRAM USES: ^FJOBPREF.EXE ^FBRUN20.EXE ^FRETURN.EXE