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Finding all the duplicated files can be very time consuming if you try to do it manually. ^1Duplicate File Finder^0 (DFF) does all the work for you. It will automatically read all the file names from all the subdirectories of the disk you specify and check for duplication. You may then view this list and optionally delete unwanted files from the list and from the disk. DFF can also give you a printout containing an alphabetical listing of the duplicate files. RUNNING DUPLICATE FILE FINDER (DFF) When you run DFF, you will see its opening title screen followed by the main menu. Press F1 while at the main menu to obtain onscreen help on using DFF. Menu options are selected by moving the highlight bar to the desired choice and pressing the key. The bar is moved by using the UP and DOWN ARROW keys; you may also press the first letter of a menu option to move the highlight bar to it. As you cursor through the selections, the bottom line on the screen contains a brief explanation of each option. MAIN MENU SELECTIONS: Analyze Drive -- Read all file names from specified drive and locate duplicate files. View Duplicates -- View the list of duplicate files and optionally delete unwanted ones. Output Duplicates -- Output the list of duplicate files to your printer. ^1Analyze Drive You will be prompted for the criteria on which to determine duplication. The default is that the files have the same name. You may further restrict this to same file size and/or same date and time. See "Selecting Duplication Criteria" below. You are then prompted for the drive to analyze. Press a key from "A" to "Z". You may also press the ESC key to abort this process. If you have entered a valid drive and there is a disk in the drive, all of the files on the disk will be read. As each subdirectory is searched, its name will be displayed, as well as the number of files processed so far. A system with a large number of files and/or a slow processor may take a while to analyze, so please be patient. If you decide you do not want to analyze the specified drive, you may press the ESC key any time during the search phase; a box will pop up asking you if you are sure you want to abort -- answer appropriately. Once all the files have been read, the list of duplicates will be constructed. You will then return to the main menu from which you may view this list (with optional deletion) or print it out. NOTE: If you have analyzed one drive and then analyze another drive in the same session, the duplicate list in memory from the first is destroyed when the new one is constructed. Therefore, once you have analyzed a drive, be sure to output it if you think you may want to reference it later. Selecting Duplication Criteria After selecting "Analyze Drive" from the main menu, you are prompted to select the criteria on which to base duplication of files. By default, the program checks for identical file names. You may also have it check for same file sizes and/or same date and time. The box displays the two optional criteria, followed by an "off" or "on" for each. To switch a criteria off or on, move the highlight bar to it and press the Space bar. Once you are satisfied with both criteria settings, press the key. You may also press the ESC key to return to the main menu, or the F1 key to obtain onscreen help. ^1View Duplicates The list of duplicate files is displayed on the screen. The last row on the screen contains a list of the movement keys and functions available from within the viewer. Functions include printing the list (F3), selecting a file for deletion (), deleting selected files (F2), onscreen help (F1), and returning to the main menu (ESC). Browsing the List: You may browse through the list by using the UP and DOWN ARROWS, PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN, and the HOME and END keys. The ARROW keys scroll the list by one line. The PAGE keys scroll the list a screen full at a time (approx. 19 lines). Pressing the HOME key will send the highlight bar to the first file on the screen; if the bar is already at the top, it will move to the first file in the list. The END key works in a similar manner toward the end of the list. Selecting Files for Deletion: To select a file to be deleted, move the highlight bar to the desired file and press the key. The key acts a toggle between select and deselect. If a file is already selected, pressing the key will deselect it. Selected files (and non selected ones) are displayed as follows: Color Monochrome Normal Display Not Selected -- Light Gray on Black Light Gray on Black Selected -- Bright White on Black Bright White on Black Highlight Bar Not Selected -- Light Gray on Red Reverse Video (dk. on lt.) Selected -- Bright White on Red Blinking Bar Repeat this procedure for each file you wish to delete. When you have marked all of the files you want deleted, press the F2 key to start the deletion process. Deleting Files: Once you have marked a file or several files for deletion, press the F2 function key while in the viewer. A box will appear asking you if you wish to confirm each individual file before it is deleted, or if you want to delete all marked files at once. We recommend that you confirm each file individually; however, you may, of course, choose to do them all "in one fell swoop". If you have chosen to confirm them, by pressing a "C" at the prompt, each file name and its path will be displayed in the box, and you will be asked whether or not to delete the file. Answer "Y" or "N". A "Y" will delete the file; a "N" will not delete it. If you elected to delete them all, by pressing an "A" at the original prompt, each file and path will be displayed and the file will be deleted without asking you for confirmation. Regardless of the method of deletion you chose, you may abort the file deletion process at any time by pressing the ESC key. Any remaining selected files will be not be deleted and you will return to the viewer. If there are no more duplicate files after the deletion process, you will be returned to the main menu from which you may analyze another drive or quit. Printing Files: Pressing the F3 function key while in the viewer will print the list of duplicate files. See the "Output Duplicates" section below. ^1Output Duplicates After selecting this option, you are prompted to ready your printer. Ready your printer by turning it on, setting it to "online", and placing paper in it. At this point you may now press a key to start printing, or press the ESC key to abort printing. The list of duplicate files will be printed with the file name in the first column, path name in the second, file size in the third, file date in the fourth, and file time in the fifth. The drive letter is displayed in the first column of the row containing the column labels. You may press the ESC key during printing if you wish to cancel the print out. ^1OPTIONS FOR RUNNING DUPLICATE FILE FINDER DFF can be run from the DOS prompt with the following options: M Starts the program in monochrome mode. Use this option if you are using a composite monitor, or an LCD. C Starts the program in color mode. Use this option if you have a color graphics adapter (CGA, VGA, EVGA, etc.). Examples: >dff M - Run DFF in monochrome mode. >dff C - Run DFF in color mode NOTE: This program automatically detects the type of monitor being used and adjusts accordingly. However, due to the wide variety of computer hardware on the market, it is possible that the detection may not work properly on all systems. This is the reason we have provided the options mentioned above. To run this program outside ^1Big Blue Disk^0, type: ^1DFF^0. DISK FILES THIS PROGRAM USES: ^FDFF.EXE