Color of Monochrome (C/M)? THE COMPUTER QUIZ A Scott Miller Production Have a nice day... return.chn THE ASTRONOMY QUIZ A Scott Miller Production O This program will test and rate your general knowledge of Astronomy. The quiz O will cover all facets of Astronomy, its history, the cosmos and the people who O discovered it. In all there are 50 varied questions to test your knowledge. O The quiz is played like a game. You begin with three marks and lose a mark for O each incorrect answer. However, for every 5 correct answers you earn a bonus O mark. If you complete the quiz you receive a ranking and a score. Your score is the total of: 1 point for each correct answer * 1 point for each bonus mark you have left O Therefore, the best possible score is 63 points. A score of 50 is excellent. O You will see a question and three possible answers labeled 1, 2 and 3. Simply O type the number that you think correctly answers the question. The questions 8 appear randomly and there is no time limit. Good luck. < Press any key to begin. > THE ASTRONOMY QUIZ Question: Correct: Bonus Marks: Press to pick your answer. Hit to quit. Your question: Which answer do you choose: !What is the closest star to earth (How many planets are in our solar system 9How long does it take the earth to revolve around the sun :The average distance between the earth and sun is about... *Which astronomical distance is the longest What is the name of our galaxy AOther than the Milky Way, what's the next closest galaxy to earth "Which planet is closest to the sun 2Which planet is furthest from the sun (on average) /Which is the largest planet in our solar system 0Which is the smallest planet in our solar system (Which planet is closest to earth in size 3What objects orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter 0The order of planets outward from the sun are... BAn "Event Horizon" is associated with which type of universal body 4What are the brightest known objects in the universe AWhat type of object is believed to be at the center of our galaxy *The term "supernova" is associated with... %In general, comets are composed of... A shooting star is... -Pertaining to stars, what does red shift mean /Which is the hottest planet in our solar system (Which planet orbits the Sun the quickest /How many planets in our solar system have moons #What is the closest star to the Sun What is a constellation 9Which term represents one of the sun's atmospheric layers %Which is NOT a description of a dwarf An ecosphere is... What does equinox mean 4Which is NOT a scientific categorization of a galaxy ?What does the famous Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram classify What does a light year refer to :A solid body from space that lands on earth is called a... 3What is a cloud of interstellar gas and dust called What is Phobos 4Which of the following planets has rings like Saturn What is Titan How many moons orbit Jupiter -What is the brightest star as seen from Earth GWhat is the most renowned scientific theory about the universe's origin How large is the universe $What does "escape velocity" describe -What is the real name for the North Pole star 'What element do stars mostly consist of A galaxy is A solar system is &Who developed the Theory of Relativity CWho first proposed and confirmed the idea of a multiple star system 5The famous Shapley-Curtis debate in 1920 was about... Who invented the telescope EWho first proposed that the sun was at the center of our solar system @Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) first explained which type of force What is a solar prominence 5Which spiral arm of our galaxy does the sun reside in 9When a star collapses into a singularity, what is created 3How does the sun's density compare with the earth's =Excluding the earth, does any other planet have an atmosphere &About how wide is the Milky Way galaxy 0About how many stars are in the Milky Way galaxy The sun. Alpha Centauri Betelgeuse A day. A month. A year. 149.6 million kilometers. 1 light year. 10 Astronomical Units (AU). An Astronomical Unit (AU). A parsec. A light year. AA-1138. The Almond Joy. The Milky Way. "Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Andromeda. Ursa Minor. Neptune. Mercury. Venus. Uranus. Saturn. Pluto. Jupiter. Saturn. The sun. Earth Pluto Mercury Neptune. Mars. Venus. !Asteroids (in the asteroid belt). Comets (in the comet belt). White dwarf stars. EMercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Venus, Neptune. EMercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. ENeptune, Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto. White dwarf star. Nebula. Black Hole. Quasars. Galaxies. Pulsars. A universe. A black hole. A giant red star. The birth of a new galaxy. *The collapse of a star into a black dwarf. $The death of a star by it exploding. Ice and dust particles. Molten rock. Solid rock, like an asteroid. %A star rapidly moving across the sky. 8A meteor burning up as it enters the earth's atmosphere. "A small comet flying by the earth. The star is a red giant. !The star is moving towards earth. #The star is moving away from earth. Mercury. Earth. Saturn. Pluto. Mercury. Venus. Proxima Centauri. Sirius. Vega. .The outer most region of the sun's atmosphere. =An agreed upon region of the sky containing a group of stars. 9A cluster of galaxies held together by their own gravity. Stratosphere. Ionosphere. Photosphere. @A collapsed mass of gas and dust from which a star will be born. *A stable, middle-aged, main-sequence star. 9One of the small persons with whom Snow White associated. BThe lowest atmospheric layer on earth, capable of supporting life. ?The region around a star capable of supporting earth-type life. 5The outer, dusty region that surrounds most galaxies. $The half-way point in a star's life. 2The average distance between a planet and the sun. 'A time of equal length days and nights. Periodic galaxy. Seyfert galaxy. Elliptical galaxy. Galaxies. Stars. Comets. The speed of light. 4The amount of energy released by a star in one year. 'The distance light travels in one year. Meteorite. Meteoroid. Meteor. A pulsar. A nebula. A black hole. 'The largest known star in the universe. -A massive nebula on the fringe of our galaxy. &The larger of two moons orbiting Mars. Uranus. Venus. Mercury. *The largest sea on the surface of Jupiter. ,The largest moon orbiting the planet Saturn. !A planet orbiting the star Rigel. Sirius. Proxima Centauri. Altair. The Protostar Theory. The Big Bang Theory. The Hubble Constant Theory. 'Almost 630 trillion light years across. Infinitely large! No one knows for certain. DThe velocity needed for a body to break free from another's gravity. ?The velocity a comet needs to maintain an orbit around the sun. /The speed a moon must travel to orbit a planet. Capella. Polaris. Antares. Oxygen. Carbon. Hydrogen. =Stars, gas, dust and other bodies bound by their own gravity. $Everything there is in the universe. A spiral shaped cloud formation. =A large group of stars bound in a gravitational relationship. ?A star (or group of stars) with orbiting bodies (like planets). *A group of planets floating through space. Percival Lowell (1855-1915). Max Planck (1858-1957). Albert Einstein (1879-1955). ?William Herschel (1768-1822) and Caroline Herschel (1750-1848). Heber D. Curtis (1872-1942). Harlow Shapley (1885-1972). -If the sun was at the center of the universe. 0The existence of other galaxies in the universe. A huge burst of fiery hydrogen gas from the sun's photosphere. The Cygnus arm. The Perseus arm. The Norma arm. A quasar. A black hole. A neutron star. The sun is more dense. #The sun has about the same density. The sun is less dense. Unknown. About 5 light years across. !About 120,000 light years across. 1About one million (1,000,000) light years across. $About one million (1,000,000) stars. (About one billion (1,000,000,000) stars. *About 100 billion (100,000,000,000) stars. You scored points... "congratulations, a perfect score!! (near perfect, an out-of-this-world score )outstanding, you're a real astronomy buff +excellent score, you really know your stuff ,great, you have well above average knowledge *impressive, you know a lot about astronomy good score fair, you're about average not bad, but below average poor, but you show promise "this score can be greatly improved %go buy yourself a good astronomy book 9 Congratulations, you have completed THE ASTRONOMY QUIZ! / You have not yet finished THE ASTRONOMY QUIZ! Reference: 0Astronomy: The Evolving Universe (Third Edition) by Michael Zeilik $Would you like to play again (Y/N)? %Are you sure you want to quit (Y/N)? $ You got it right ...and also earned a bonus mark Wrong, the correct answer is # are out of bonus marks remain at zero marks < Press any key to continue. >