24 April, 1993 Brady Flowers Ph: 507-388-7001 Oberon Software BBS: 507-388-1154 518 Blue Earth St. Fax: 507-388-7568 Mankato, MN 56001-2142 Fido: 1:292/60 CIS: 72510,3500 Re: PMQWK008.LZH Dear Sysop: Permission is granted for you to post the above mentioned file, PMQWK008.LZH on your BBS for user downloads. You may re-archive the PMQWK008.LZH file if you have a different archiver standard on your BBS (i.e., ZOO, ZIP, ARC, etc.) so long as you DO NOT remove or alter any of the constituant files in the original archive. They are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Listing archive: G:\Binkley\FATTACH\PMQWK008.LZH Original Packed Rat Date Time Attr Type CRC Name -------- -------- --- ------- -------- ------ ----- ---- ---------------- 1181 683 58% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- D3AB Coming.Up 17447 4144 24% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- 9849 Install.Cmd 22 22 100% 93-04-22 16:52:12 ...... -lh0- 5B46 +Oberon.Ico 888 193 22% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- 2F9F Oberon.Ico 45405 15480 35% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- AA90 PmQWK.Doc 956 303 32% 93-04-22 16:52:14 ...... -lh5- 52B9 +PmQWK.Exe 328266 132169 41% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- DFC8 PmQWK.Exe 67475 44497 66% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- D3F0 PmQWK.Hlp 5217 2036 40% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- 6767 Read.Me 24634 9154 38% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- 75F9 RegExpUT.DLL 763 503 66% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- A78B Taglines.Txt 5528 2356 43% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- EB7E Whats.New 4461 1770 40% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- 98D5 ZFront.Doc 33280 17358 53% 93-04-22 8:00:00 ...... -lh5- 4ACD ZFront.Exe 537 307 58% 93-04-22 16:52:32 ...... -lh5- 86EA Apply-Ea.Cmd -------- -------- --- ---------------- 536060 230975 44% 15 files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample file description for posting on your board: PMQWK008.LZH PMQWK, Oberon Software's 32-bit Offline Mailreader for OS/2 2.x Workplace Shell. Third public beta release. Thank you for your time. If you have any questions please direct them to me via one of the methods listed above. Regards, Brady Flowers