SAOimage V1.07 Information and Installation Instructions -------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: SAOimage is a stand-alone FITS file viewer and display server for X11 originally developed by Mike VanHilst of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. It provides interactive contrast/brightness manipulation, image pan/zoom, and pseudocolor display of images. In stand-alone mode disk FITS files can be displayed directly, SAOimage can also be used as a display server for the IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) package or any other client software using the IIS protocol for remote I/O. The current version of SAOimage is being supported by the IRAF Project at the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) in association with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO). The latest releases of the software (and pre-compiled binaries) can be obtained via anonymous FTP to (, questions or problems can be sent to An alternate contact for questions, especially those related use with the PROS software, is Additional information can be found in the original 'readme.txt' file in the SAOimage source directory. An (incomplete) revisions history for the package is kept in the 'update.txt' file also in the source directory. Bug fixes, enhancements or suggestions should be sent to for inclusion in future versions. Installation: The installation of SAOimage as a stand-alone product is covered in the 'readme.txt' file in the source directory. Installation for use with IRAF is discussed in the 'readme_iraf.txt' file. On most supported systems the default 'makefile' will figure out the architecture and set things appropriately. VMS users should see the 'readme'vms' file in the vms sub- directory for special instructions. User documentation: Documentation for SAOimage can be found in the 'doc' subdirectory. The main source of information is the User's Manual, which is provided as both PostScript and the original LaTex source. The Unix-style man page is given as both PostScript and TROFF source. Various '.txt' files are taken from sections in the user's manual covering particular topics for quicker reference. A VMS help file is provided in the 'vms' subdirectory. Acknowledgements: SAOimage originated with showimg under X10. Showimg was written by Bill Wyatt, and has continued to be extend under X11 by Doug Mink. The user interface ideas for SAOimage were developed in collaboration with Richard Burg and Eric Mandell. Jay Travisano did the VMS port and has continued to support it as SAOimage evolved. John Roll has put work into the remote IO. Rich Burg and Jay Travisano are both with the Space Telescope Science Institute. The others mentioned are all with the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Numerous others have contributed bug fixes, porting information, and helpful suggestions. They are credited in the source files where their contributions appear. Mike VanHilst may be contacted at or Copyright: SAOimage is copyrighted by the Smithsonian Institution. It is available without charge, as is, to anyone who wishes to use it. The Smithsonian takes no responsibility for the appropriateness of the code for any application, the timeliness of bug fixes, or the continued compatablility of future versions with any code linked to this program. Others are free to use, distribute, add to, or change the code. In fact fixes, extensions, and improvements are encouraged. We would appreciate donations of such code for inclusion in the generally available version. You may identify yourself with your added code and offer it under whatever arrangement you choose. But you must keep the Smithsonian's copyright on original source code. You may not represent this program as anything other than freely available code made available by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.