Tatiana V. Kein Marshal Bluhher pr. 67 k.1, 311 Saint Petersburg, 195253 RUSSIA Phone: (812) 226-4116 Fax: (812) 310-6007 I was born in 1959 in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), Russia (formerly USSR), where I received my art education and where I live and work as an artist at present. I studied at the Art Academy's special evening classes, then finished Serov Art School (decorative graphics), and in 1993 I graduated from Repin Art Academy (book graphics specialization). I have illustrated more than 20 books to date, including a 10-volume edition of the works of William Shakespeare, J.R.R. Tolkien's SILMARILLION, LEGENDS OF KING ARTHUR, and more. I have also done the design for the CD album of the Russian rock band "NOM." And I work in the field of advertising graphics designing posters, booklets, postcards, and more.