Michael C. Goodwin 718 East 3550 North North Ogden, UT 84414 (801) 782-0062 After deciding against a career in Relativistic Matter-Anti-Matter Propulsion Units, Michael Goodwin accepted a scholarship in Commercial Art to Utah State University, hoping to meet some sexy models. He didn't. He sold his first cartoons to a local Utah fanzine, CLAVIUS, in 1975. After much encouragement and a promise of big bucks, he wrote his first cartoon book: WHO WAS THAT MONOLITH I SAW YOU WITH? Lured by the Promise of even bigger bucks, he started a syndicated cartoon strip titled, MY STARS! Alas, fate was not kind to him and the strip failed after a year, and he didn't make much money at it either. The cartoons later appeared in a book, MY STARS!, and a personal fanzine, THE STARRY NIGHT, under the title of "Tripping the Light Fantastic." His art and cartoon work have also appeared, over the objections of other artists, in STARTOONS (edited by Joan Winston), STARLOG, and other strange and wonderful fanzines all over the country. He has also published a guide to Alan Dean Foster's COMMONWEALTH series, titled, appropriately, A GUIDE TO THE COMMPONWEALTH. With Orson Scott Card, Goodwin did a two-volume anthology of stories about dragons. Recently (with even more objections by other artists), he published a new cartoon book sequel, titled SON OF MONOLITH!, and worked on TREK TOONS I, II, and III, edited by Mark Lister. Among some of the many things Michael hates is being mistaken for someone talented, and maintains that all of his paintings are done by his Siamese cat, Mushroom. He is married with one wife (unlike some people in Utah), has one very nice son, a large mortgage, too much extra weight, and 1,000 pounds of rocks and fossils gathered foolishly from the southern Utah deserts. He is currently at work on THE MONOLITH SRIKES BACK, and DINO TREK, AN UNNATURAL HISTORY OF THE MESOZOIC. He has also recently started on a full-length science fiction novel titled BETWEEN THE DARKNESS AND THE LIGHT. He has exhibited his astronomical art in planetariums and museums around the West and has illustrated book covers in Europe.