Gail J. Butler 2506 Wetmore Everett, WA 98201 (206) 258-2925 Gail Butler has been working with art for many years, and doing science fiction and fantasy art for about 15 of those. She started out doing "hard" science fiction (that is, sf that deals with the scientific side of the genre, such as space ships) illustration, then switched over to her now-famous "Ambassador" series of anthropomorphic animals. Working primarily in acrylics, she has recently added dinosaurs to her areas of interest. She has sent her art and prints to science fiction conventions all over the country, winning numerous awards. She is a fanatic for detail, and will go to great length to be sure she gets all the details of a painting correct. Recently, Gail has been published professionally, with some interior illustrations in ANALOG. She loves animals and creates absolutely wonderful fantasy portraits of family pets.