Gabriele L. Berndt Helsinkistrasse 68 D-24109 Kiel GERMANY Phone: (0431) 522588 I was born in Lubeck, Germany, in 1954. Since my childhood I was interested in painting. Today I'm working as an artist and illustrator. My paintings of fantasy, science fiction, phantastic art, and space art have been published as book covers, postcards, posters, and puzzles; some of my art has been published in the United States. Besides the phantastic art, I paint horses, cats, dolphins, and whales, sometimes in a fantasy way. My pictures on this CD-ROM are from my self-published books, DREAM & REALITY (1988) and MISSION (1993). If you are interested in these books or my original paintings, feel free to contact me at the above address (please enclose an International Reply Coupon; these are available at your local Post Office). Enjoy the pictures.