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Welcome to the Internet Launch Home Page of

Swift Family Ancestry

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. -- Campbell

The Beginning of a Journey to the Past...

This Family Ancestry home page is a launching pad to research resources, all over the World Wide Web, and all over the world. Just doubleclick on one of the hyperlinked buttons at the left to begin your virtual journey back through time, across seas, and back, back, into the dusty tomes of time, where words and pictures may reveal the stories of lives that should not be forgotten.

Our ancestors forged the paths that helped shape our own lives. The countries where we live, our lifestyles, the language or languages that we speak, perhaps where we worship, even what we do for a living, may have been influenced by decisions made by our ancestors. Their choice to emigrate to a certain country, to pursue a family business, start a railroad, build a road, get in a covered wagon and go west, fight for religious freedom, or make a better life for their children, changed their lives, and pre-destined part of our own.

Our ancestors bequeathed us more than this. They contributed to the color of our eyes, the texture of our hair, our blood types, whether we sunburn easily, whether we are tall or short, have artistic talent or math ability, and much more. If you have ever looked in a mirror and caught yourself thinking, "Wow, I am starting to look like Mom or Dad," this is an undeniable and wonderful gift from our ancestors.

Family Ancestry's web site may help you to find evidence of their existence, so that their lives may be recorded, and shared with your family for years to come. We need to find them, so they can be remembered.

We wish you a good journey. For all time.

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Internet Launching Pad of Swift Family Ancestry on CD-ROM Copyright © 1996-1997 Cosmi