*** SIXTEEN *** The Imperial Cruiser Fury had intercepted the uncoded Starfleet message declaring the possibility of 'peace' between the two opposing powers. It caused a great amount of controversy among Kang's crew. They, much like their Federation counterparts, were first struck by unbelief. Kang had told them that it did in fact appear to be true, but alluded to the fact that there might be something strangely wrong with the Emperor. He said it in such a way as to avoid any suspicion of treason. It came out the way Kang had intended, as concern for his Emperor's well-being. Wanting to inform them all along of the treacherous evil who now walked the Throneship Thunder, he satisfied himself with the fact that he was able to instill an amount of doubt on His Majesty. Kang could not allow his crew to know that he was actually 'glad' to see the Enterprise. Perhaps this was the ally he had needed so desperately. He let himself hope that it was so. Though it would be difficult attempting any co-operative venture with Captain Kirk, at least the meeting with him would raise no questions. It had been scheduled with credibility. They would value any information on the invading ship and the deadly cargo she cradled. "Mara, Gor, I will meet with Kirk and his First Officer alone. You both will stand outside my personal chambers and await my summons," Kang commanded. The two affirmed his order and followed him off the bridge to the transporter room. Two images began to take shape in the dimly lit, strangely hazy room. Captain Kirk became recognizable with his Number One Officer beside him, then they were complete. "Captain Kirk, if pleasantries suit the day, welcome," Kang said. "I will lead you to a place of privacy, where we may discuss the matters of invasion and matters of peace." "Thank you, Captain," Jim said. He and Spock stepped off the platform and stood beside the Klingon. "I trust you remember my First Officer, Mara?" Kang asked the two from the Federation. "I remember her bravery that rivaled her beauty," the Captain said, nodding to her. He was tempted to take her hand and kiss it, just to add an element of finesse to the greeting. She remained unmoved by the complement, though recognizing the effort on Kirk's behalf of being cordial. "This is Gor, my Communications Officer," Kang stated, wanting to be done with the awkwardness of the introductions. "Gor," Jim acknowledged. "This is my First Officer, Spock." The Vulcan gave a slight bow to their Hosts. "Follow me," Kang stated, ushering them along. He led them PAGE 104 down a short hall and into a room that looked more like a private study than a conference room. "That will be all until I notify you further," Kang spoke to his officers and led Jim and Spock into the room. The heavy door closed behind them and Kang stood behind his desk and eyed the two men for a moment. Debating with himself on how the discussion should begin, he bid them to be seated as he took his own. Kang reminded himself of the importance of gaining Kirk's confidence. One Klingon was no match for the task of halting the Emperor's crusade. One Klingon was not enough, he admitted to himself, bruising the famous 'Klingon Pride' he had been bred to bear. "Kirk, I am in a position that I am unaccustomed to," Kang began in all honesty. "I am committing treason with what I am about to confide in you." He closed his eyes for a moment and pursed his lips as if he were about to eat something bitter. "I do not find it easy to give my trust to anyone. I do not give it lightly to any in the Empire and never to an enemy... until this day." Kang stopped. He looked deep into Kirk's eyes. He remembered their ordeal on the Enterprise, months ago. He remembered the Captain's honor and bravery and came back believing that this man would keep the trust. "There is a devil, Captain," Kang stated assuredly. "I had been told that Klingons have no devil, Kang." "We have yours now, Kirk," the swarthy Captain said. "He controls my Empire and he wears the face of my Emperor. He is now on his way to Earth with words of peace and the weapons of destruction behind him. He is going to pull this universe and all in it into war, and then into the hell that only he will rule over." Jim looked gravely at Spock for confirmation of his own thoughts. Spock gave him the silent, serious nod of the affirmative. "Kang, I believe that you have given us the last piece to a puzzle that has been stumping us for days." If the day called for honesty, Jim decided that it would be for the best if he shared the truth with this Klingon. "The devil you call Emperor, is a dangerous man that has escaped from a Federation mental institution. His name is Garth of Izar, a former Starfleet Captain. Once he was an honorable man, but he has been driven insane by the torment of injuries he had previously sustained. He is the inventor of a terrible weapon that could be used to destroy the galaxy." "I have seen this weapon in use, but the one I speak of is no ordinary man, Captain Kirk. He is able to 'become' my Emperor. No mere man could accomplish that," Kang stressed. "Garth is able to change his form and his voice to that of anyone. I do not completely understand it but I am telling you the truth. If he has your Empire, then we all are in grave danger." Jim placed both hands on the desk before him. Jim did not know the PAGE 105 extent of the 'truth' that he should share with Kang, but he felt compelled to give him anything that might help. "Kang, we also have a powerful man in authority who wants to start this war. We believe that both he, Garth, and perhaps others of high rank in the Federation, had arranged this from the beginning. His name is Commodore Stormcloud." Jim said, knowing he too was committing treason. "He sent us here, on the surface, to question the Organians about the destruction of two Federation Outposts. Underneath and without our knowledge, he had a bomb prepared to blow up Organia and remove their hand from stopping the war." "I trust that you have dealt with this bomb. But regardless of that fact, I do not believe that the Organians will be able to prevent the war." Kang recalled the recorded speech of the 'Emperor's' plans. He would let the two hear it if necessary. "That's what the Organians told us! How did you know?" "I believe that I may be able to provide you with an answer, Captain." Spock stated confidently. "With the initiation of the Klingon Empire to the United Federation of Planets, the treaty would be annulled by the unification of both document signers. If war was to break out, it would be a 'civil war', a police action, as Ayelborne pointed out. It would therefore fall under the heading of internal affairs," Spock concluded. "Garth had all the angles figured from the start, while we have been wasting our time chasing our tails!" Jim was enraged at himself, that it had taken so much time to see this truth, precious time that may cost the universe dearly. "Not all the angles, Captain," Spock responded. "He did not foresee the three of us. We now have the knowledge that he has tried to keep secret. There is still time to act." "Not without a plan, Spock, and boy, do we need a good one. Garth has certainly prepared for this. We haven't." He looked at his long-time friend. "The time that we do have is precious little." "Precious little," Kang agreed. "This Garth is already headed for your home planet, Kirk. He has a head start and certainly will not be an easy target, and he now has both Federation and Klingon protection." Kang warned. "The war may start immediately after the treaty is signed." "Then we must make sure that he does not sign," Spock stated, as if it were a solution within itself. "Captain Kang, the Enterprise is presently unable to transmit on subspace frequencies. If we were to use your equipment, we might be able to send enough information to Starfleet Headquarters, apprising them of the situation and perhaps persuading them to take action." "If we transmit anything in subspace, my government will know that it came from this ship. We will be hunted down and killed by our own countrymen." Kang stated with a surety. "I will, of PAGE 106 course, accept that fate, but only if you can guarantee that the war will be halted and leadership of my government returns to its rightful Emperor." Jim looked down to his own hands on the table, the hands of a Starship Captain, too often powerless, too often chained. "I can't guarantee anything, Kang. I have been told by the Organians that there will be war." Jim said. "It may not be preventable, but it might be able to be stopped before it escalates to the point of no return." "That is not good enough, Kirk." Kang sat forward in his chair. "The throne of the Klingon Empire must be restored. This Garth must be destroyed. Nothing short of that will turn my Empire from the 'Glory' they have been promised by him." "I believe that Kang is correct," Spock said to his captain. "If we are to stop Garth, we will need Garth himself as evidence of the deception. Our proof of his involvement is largely based on conjecture. It may be enough to persuade some, but not all. If we transmit what facts we do have, we will, in essence, 'tip our hand' to the enemy." "Then we've got to get to Earth. We must try to stop him there." Jim said with resolve. "Captain, with the damage to our ship, warp 4 is our maximum emergency speed. Garth could be back to the Klingon side of the Neutral Zone long before we could reach Earth," Spock pointed out the fact. "My ship has been strained, but is undamaged. It might be able to reach your Earth on time," Kang offered as a ray of hope to the dim future before them. "It could at least give them a good race." "Kang, until the treaty is signed, your ship would not be allowed to cross our side of the Zone by the Organians. It would still be a violation of the Treaty." Jim paused in thought. "...Unless you were to surrender your vessel to me." Kang was shocked at the mere mention of such a thing. He knew that the suggestion was not a surrender under threat of fire, and it was more of a formality than anything, but it had never been an option in the past. It was their code to die rather than surrender. "My crew would never accept it, Kirk. I find it difficult to stomach, myself." "If we are worthy of your trust, is not your crew also?" stated Spock as though it were not a question. "My crew would not be as easily swayed to deny their loyalty to the Emperor. We would be hard-pressed to convince them all." Spock was aware that loyalty would be a difficult hurdle but knew the attempt must be made. "We have some proof of the deception that could be made available to them. We have files on Garth, PAGE 107 explaining his condition, his explosive and his metamorphosis capabilities. You could present these facts and lead them to the truthful conclusion." Spock stood from his chair. "I could have the information compiled and copied in a short amount of time." "Well, Kang, what do you say?" Jim asked. "All or nothing, seems to be the 'order of the day'." Kang became silent. He thought long about all that had transpired since the day the Fringe Ranger crossed over the Neutral Zone. He had to do something to stop the flames that were consuming the very throne of Klinzhai. He could think of no other options than to fall in with his enemy, to trust Captain James T. Kirk with the future of the Empire. "I see no alternative. I will take your evidence and present it to my crew, but it will be their decision whether or not to mutiny and kill their Commander." "I'll be there to help." Kirk extended his hand in friendship. "Let me collect some things of mine and I will return to make the journey with you." Kang took his hand and shook it in the 'Earther's' tradition. He pressed a button and summoned Mara and Gor. "These must be the first to know the truth. May they assist your First Officer in gathering the information?" The two Klingon officers stood before Kang, not having the vaguest idea as to what their Captain proposed. They could tell, whatever it was, it was of great import to him. "They will be welcome," Jim said as he pulled out his communicator. "Kirk to Enterprise. Four to beam up." "Keep our trust, Captain. That is all I have left." Kang said as they were caught by the field wave of the transporter and disappeared. * * * Captain Kirk returned to his cabin aboard the Enterprise. Time was less a friend than his Klingon counterpart. Jim sat on his bed and faced the half-wall next to it. There, imbedded within, was his personal safe. He pressed the proper sequence of buttons to allow admittance into the small cubbyhole safe. He had not been in it for weeks and it looked, well, different to him. The contents seemed to have been altered upon his first glance. Then he noticed, there in the back, something new to the private locker. There was a vellum manuscript, some 40 pages thick, on top of his medallion case. He removed it carefully, knowing the age-worn volume was delicate. Gingerly, he opened the cover and saw the PAGE 108 Latin words on the animal-skin page. Unnoticed by Jim as it fell to the floor, was a note written in English to the Captain. Jim looked at the Roman style type on the manuscript, examining the impressions of each letter with the tips of his fingers. Though his knowledge of the language was rusty, he recognized the passages that were before him. He turned it over in his hand, amazed at what he found. 'Time for this mystery later,' he thought to himself, and with care, he placed the pages back into his safe. He removed what he had come in for in the first place. He looked at the phaser, now in his hand. Remembering the setup of the Federation Auditorium, he knew there were many stationary weapons detectors maintaining the Council Member's security. He would have to modify his phaser setting for an invisible beam, and 'illegally' place his weapon on silent discharge. His aim needed to be extremely accurate to hit the weapons detectors from a greater distance than their detection range. At least he would be granted access to the Council Room by his rank, and then would be within range of Garth. It was his intention not to be seen by the man, but merely hit him with a heavy stun beam and let the audience see who wore the 'Emperor's New Clothes'. When unconscious, as Spock had proven months ago, Garth would revert back to his own form. The chime to his cabin rang. Before he could say 'come in,' Bones barged into the room. "Jim, what the heck do you think you are doing!" he said to 'Jim Kirk', his friend, not to 'Captain James T. Kirk'. "Let me guess," Kirk said, knowing he would be having this argument with the Doctor sooner or later. "You badgered Spock into telling you what I had already planned to tell you later?" "So what if I did? You're about to do one of the most foolhardy things I can think of in recent history. What makes you think Kang won't kill you in your sleep, or take you hostage and hide you somewhere in the Empire?" The Doctor spoke with deep concern and anger at the very idea. "Because he needs me, Bones, as much as we need him. If we don't try this, we will be at war with the Klingons and the Romulans in a matter of weeks, maybe days." Jim looked at McCoy, knowing his friend was deeply worried for his sake. "If Garth isn't stopped now, Bones, we may never get a second chance." Doctor McCoy looked at him hard and set his jaw. "Why does it always have to be us who has the weight of the Federation on our shoulders?" The Doctor asked bitterly. "Why is it always James T. Kirk who has to put his life on the line for an enemy who would just as soon kill you as look at you?" Jim looked at the Doctor, with a compassion that did not diminish his resolve. "The same reason a Starship's doctor would risk his own life to save the wife and unborn child of the High Teer of Capella, or take the place of his friends, allowing himself PAGE 109 to be tortured by the Vians on Minara. Because, Bones, deep down we both know that there is nothing in this universe worth living for... if it is not also worth dying for." McCoy knew he was as guilty as his Captain when it came to putting his life on the line. The knowledge didn't help much. Klingons were too dangerous and untrustworthy to safely deal with from across the Neutral Zone, not to mention, while among them. "Jim, you know full well..." "I'm going Bones," Captain Kirk said. "If you don't have anything that will help me, then just wish me luck." Dr. McCoy knew at that moment that he would not be able to change his friend's mind. He was fairly certain before, but that did not stop him from trying. McCoy removed the tri-corder from around his neck and set it on Jim's desk. He also removed a medi- scanner from his bag, and set it next to the tri-corder. "I've found something that might help," he stated, somewhat dejectedly. "What is it, Bones?" "I was helping Spock gather his information on Garth for those... those Klingons," he said with disdain. "While I was, I discovered something that I hadn't noticed before. Garth has a very small 'spinal anomaly' for lack of a better word for it. It was on file in his medical records from Elba II. It was thought to be a piece of vertebral cartilage that had been fractionated from its host, during his accident on Antos IV." "Ok, Bones, I'll take your word for it," the Captain said. "What about it?" "The very first time Garth altered his shape to that of Governor Cory, the guard and attending Doctor who found him in his cell let him out. The Doctor scanned him for injuries and released him, thinking it was the Governor. After he was found out to be Garth in disguise, he was returned to his cell but the medical record of the doctor's scan was placed in the Governor's file, not Garth's." "I'm with you so far. Go on." "In addition to Garth's file, I have a file on everyone who was on Elba II, including Governor Cory. While Spock was concentrating on Garth's file, I was killing time and browsed through Cory's file. They all appeared to be normal, with the exception of one entry, where his medical record showed that he had the exact same 'spinal anomaly' as Garth." McCoy looked at Jim, who was trying to piece the information together. "Jim, Garth can alter his shape, internally and externally, even his clothing. But this little anomaly never changes, no matter who he looks like." "You mean we can trace him by scanning for this 'anomaly,' PAGE 110 if we need to?" "Yes, Jim. With this medical scanner, if you are close enough. You can see the reading on the tri-corder and be able to identify him if he changes shape to hide or get away." "That is helpful, Bones. What is the range on this thing?" Jim asked. "Without the tri-corder, about one meter. But with it, I have been able to stretch the sensor output to 15 meters with accuracy," the doctor said with a small amount of pride. "Very good. I just hope I get a chance to be that close to him." "That's not all, Jim," the Doctor said. "I believe what the other doctor's thought was cartilage on Garth's spine, is really the 'organ' that allows Garth to change shape. If it is, then once Garth is captive the organ can be removed." "There are a lot of if's, Doctor, but if things work out, I'll make sure the attending physician is aware of that fact," Jim said, placing the phaser to his hip. "It's about time to go," he announced, none too eagerly. "Jim," the Doctor said as the Captain picked up the medical equipment. "For God's sake, be careful." "For my own sake as well, Bones. I'll see you in two weeks or so," he said to his friend. And they both left the cabin, each heading in the opposite direction, down the corridor. Spock met Jim in the transporter room with the two Klingon guests. They had their hands full of information that would, with any luck, prove to the crew of the Fury that their Emperor was not from the Klingon Realm. "They are ready, Captain," Spock stated. "Both are now convinced, themselves, and ready for the task at hand." "It will not be easy," Jim said to the two, "but now you realize the cost of failure." They both looked at the Captain with all seriousness. The gravity of the situation had been instilled within them and they seemed to be prepared to face the day. "Captain," Spock began, "I request that I take your place aboard the Klingon vessel. I am quite capable of carrying out the mission, and am not indispensable. Logically the Captain should not be displaced from his ship for any prolonged length of time, and certainly not placed at such risk." "I will neither order, nor allow any Officer to take part in, what we both agree is a 'treasonous activity' when I am perfectly PAGE 111 capable of doing it myself." The statement did not come out as the Captain had intended it, but Spock understood what was meant by it. "Besides," Jim said, "you have a mission of your own. Stormcloud must be arrested, and the evidence of Garth's deception must be taken to the Neutral Zone. Since you are limited to warp 4, it doesn't give you any time to stand around arguing with your Captain." "Agreed, Captain." He stepped back from the transporter platform. "And, Spock, you might see what you can 'make' out of Lieutenant Grensk," Jim hinted, "His 'heart' may not be in it, but he'd make a good 'Weapon's Officer' in a pinch." "Understood, Captain." Spock raised his right hand in the traditional Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, Jim." "Good bye, Spock," Jim said. Then to Lieutenant Kyle, "Energize," and the Captain and his company, were no more. PAGE 112