"Active Keys = ..... Parameter help is ON. Parameter help is OFF.U 'You've solved them all . . . Excellent!0That's all for this set . . . Try some new ones!#Solution complete! . . . Very Good! Got It! . . . Keep Going! Correct! . . . Very Good! Solved! . . . Try Another!U L:u4; X=+/- Two Dimensional Point: Y = AX+B A=+0.0 X=+/-0.0 B=+0.0 Exiting!..5 SORRY!... That type of function is NOT present.U X=+/- 1.0$ WARNING!..."B" must not equal "0"& This would lead to division by zero.& ** DIVISION BY ZERO IS UNDEFINED. ** LINE: AX+BY+C = 0 A=+0.0 X=+/-0.0 B=+0.0 C=+0.0 Exiting!..5 SORRY!... That type of function is NOT present.U SINE: Y = A*Sin(BX+C) COSINE: Y = A*Cos(BX+C) TANGENT: Y = A*Tan(BX+C) A=+0.0 B=+0.0 C=+0.0 e+ t >e+ t CIRCLE: (X-A) +(Y-B) PARABOLA: Y = AX +DX+F ELLIPSE: (X ) = 1 A=+0.0 B=+0.0 D=+0.0 R=+0.0 F=+0.0 ,Q,e, -A-U-}- .+.J.i. /(/Q/j/s/ 1X2f2t2 2(363v3 4?4S4}4 4 5F5f5t5 7&7+747B7[7o7 8!9*989K9U9Z9_9 9!:E:R:j: ;-;@;J;O;t; <%<4<9#>+>9>U>c>h> >0?>?C?`?m?u? @6@r@ A"A9AYA A"B6B^BrB C C=CJCRC`C}C DUDsDxD E-E5ELElE F&F+FMFUFcFkF G/GCGkG G7HUHfH I'I5I=ITI J6JCJQJkJxJ KCKHKeK L#L?LSL{L N7NDNQN_NgN~N O>OKOYOsO P5P:PKPrP R-RFR_RxR}R S S%S.S for combined plot... Combined Plot... V Amplitude=+/- H Amplitude=+/- Frequency #1= Frequency #2= PARA 1 STATISTICSU &Calculating!...Please wait a moment... Partials being plotted... Y=A Sin(T+ X=C Sin(DT)-Sequencing ERROR..MACRO Terminating...Para 2. #Press for combined plot... Combined Plot... V Amplitude=+/- H Amplitude=+/- Frequency #1= Frequency #2= PARA 2 STATISTICSU &Calculating!...Please wait a moment... Partials being plotted... Y=AX/B Y=-C Cos(DX)-Sequencing ERROR..MACRO Terminating...Comp 1. #Press for combined plot... Combined Plot... V Amplitude=+/- Slope= Frequency= COMP 1 STATISTICSU &Calculating!...Please wait a moment... Partials being plotted... Y=A Cos(BX) Y=C Sin(DX)-Sequencing ERROR..MACRO Terminating...Comp 2. #Press for combined plot... Combined Plot... V Amplitude=+/- Frequency #1= Frequency #2= COMP 2 STATISTICSU .....- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U *** SPLINE PROCEDURES ***.Sounds like a lot, but don't worry, it's EASY! SPLINE Information NThe SPLINE module is extremely powerful yet simple to use. It accepts six setsMof data which are used to automatically develop numerous additional data setsNas needed to define a smooth curve. The only requirements placed on your dataNare that the values lie within system limits of +/- 99, and that they be in anMascending order of X. The six data sets are obtained by solving any equation*that can be expressed in terms of X and Y.#The STEPS to accomplish this are...HSTEP 1. DECIDE upon an EQUATION in X and Y that you wish to investigate.6STEP 2. TRANSPOSE the EQUATION to obtain a Y=X format.1STEP 3. SELECT 6 values for X in ASCENDING ORDER!9STEP 4. SOLVE the EQUATION for Y with your 6 values of X.ESTEP 5. PAIR the Y values obtained with their corresponding X values.5STEP 6. ENTER the X and Y value pairs at the prompts.< U SPLINE HELP EQUATIONS are in Y=X FORMAT. X values in ASCENDING ORDER! EXAMPLES:"EQUATION: Y=8*Sin(X/2) {SINE WAVE}"X= -7.9, -4.7, -1.6, 1.6, 4.7, 7.9"Y= -8.9, 8.0, -8.0, 8.0, -8.0, 8.0 EQUATION: Y=X {LINE}"X= -9.0, -6.0, -3.0, 0.0, 4.5, 9.0!Y= 9.0, 6.0, 3.0, 0.0, -4.5, -9.0 EQUATION: Y=(X/3) {PARABOLA}"X= -9.0, -5.5, -2.0, 2.0, 5.5, 9.0 Y= 9.0, 3.4, 0.4, 0.4, 3.4, 9.0U Y(# WARNING!... Single or multiple% substitutions required to maintain ascending "X" sequence... Maxima= Minima= Function Mean= Approx. X Intercept= SPLINE STATISTICSU User Defined! *** SPLINE FUNCTION *** "Active Keys = .....- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U ! & + a o $!2!^!l!t! "$"-"E"X"a"j" "1#J#c#|# $#$O$]$e$n$ 's'x' *)*U*c*k* +&+.+^+{+ ,$,F,O,X, -+-D-K- .*/l/v/ 2#2,2A2z2 3$3)3_3m3 4E4T4h4u4 5G5d5p5 6/686A6 7"7v7 869x9 <&<_< =D=R=~= >A>O>W> ?(?;?D?M?o?x? @-@F@_@x@ A-AYAgAoAxA AZBsB|B C,CdCmCvC D'D_DhDqD EYEnE F,F6FWFnFwF G*GBGXGdGnG}G L+L0L5LQLVL[LrLwL|L M.M3M8MEMWM\MaMnM N$N)N.N;NMNRNWNdNvN{N O$O1OCOHOMOZOlOqOvO O9QAQFQSQeQjQoQ|Q R R2R7Rdbd eaeoe e?fMf h.....- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U m u z 6!M!R!v! "N"t" #.$<$i$w$ $:%D% &\&{& '((S(u( )+)R)`)h) -&-M-[-c- 1!1H1V1^1 2q2|2 5,5S5a5i5 5J6c6l6u6 7$757C7[7j7s7|7 738<8J8v8 9!939 :&:+:3: QUADRATIC HELP VARIABLE PRIMARILY AFFECTS: A Root Separation B Root Reversal C Imaginary Roots EXAMPLE VALUES!1,6,0 Roots of - 6 and 0 -1,6,0 Roots of 6 and 0 1,0,0 Both Roots = 0U 1.0$ WARNING!..."A" must not equal "0"& This would lead to division by zero.& ** DIVISION BY ZERO IS UNDEFINED. ** 0.0' WARNING!..."B -4AC" must not be < "0"& This would lead to IMAGINARY ROOTS.& ** (-) SQUARE ROOTS ARE ILLEGAL ! **U Scale Factor = Greater Root= Lesser Root= Root Separation= QUADRATIC STATISTICS Scale Factor = Unit ScaleU Quadratic: AX +BX+C = 0 *** QUADRATIC EQUATION *** Y= 0.0 Quad.: X = -B +/- -4AC)/2A "Active Keys = .....- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U CIRCLE HELP VARIABLE PRIMARILY AFFECTS: A Horizontal Offset B Vertical Offset R Circle Size EXAMPLE VALUES -5, 0, 4 Y = 0 Axis -5,-5, 4 3rd. Quadrant$0, 0, 1.1 Small circle at origin$0, 0, 5 Large circle at originU PARABOLA HELP VARIABLE PRIMARILY AFFECTS: A Amplitude/Polarity D Phase Shift F Vertical Offset EXAMPLE VALUES 8,-5, 0 Phase Shift -7, 0, 0 Reverse Polarity 3, 0, 0 Wider 7, 0,-30 Negative OffsetU ELLIPSE HELP VARIABLE PRIMARILY AFFECTS: A Horizontal Width B Vertical Height EXAMPLE VALUES 4,8 Major Axis Vertical 8,4 Major Axis Horizontal!5,5 Transition into Circle$5,3 Foci = 16=+/-4.0U HYPERBOLA HELP VARIABLE PRIMARILY AFFECTS: K Horizontal Offset EXAMPLE VALUES 0.5 Approaching Asymtotes 5 Normal Hyperbola 90 Transition into LineU CONIC SECTION HELP%To properly visualize conic sections,%prepare a set of Right Circular Cones&out of paper and cut (section) them as'directed. The cut-line will describe a:$Circle: -Selection 1- if cut through a cone parallel to either base.'Ellipse: -Selection 2- if cut at a ver- tical angle through a cone.&Parabola: -Selection 3- if either cone is cut at a vertical angle at a distance from the diameter.$Hyperbola: -Selection 4- if cut ver- tically through both cones atU 1.0$ WARNING!..."R" must not be < "0"( This would represent a negative length.' ** NEGATIVE LENGTHS DO NOT EXIST ! ** CIRCLE: (X-A) +(Y-B) CIRCLE: X (A=B=0) *** CIRCLES ***U .....( SORRY!... No Statistics available.- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U ( J ] q !(!:!?!D!Q!c!h!m!z! "0"5":"G"Y"^"c"p" #&#+#0#=#O#T#Y#f#x#}# #0$^$g$u$ %+%>%H%M%~% %/&L&Y&x& '-'2'7'E' (>(j(}( )&)9)L)c) *2*E*J*X*]*|* +-+@+J+O+ +N,q, ---2-F-Y-^-l-q- /-/@/J/O/T/ 0C0W0j0o0}0 1<1f1y1 3$383K3P3^3c3v3 3E4s4|4 4 5(5P5c5w5 5O6r6 8#84898>8H8m8|8 9&9=9N9X9k9}9 :0:A:F:K:b: ;3 >=>K>i> >0?t? @)@o@ A&B?BXBqBxB BMCtC C4DTD|D D$ECE\EdEiE F4FeF G'GGG^GrG H@HTHhH K+LLLjLqL M=M{M N,NSN N#OWOuO~O O)PGPPP Q(QZQcQ Q+R4RiRrR S4S=SnSwS V^VsV|V W WEWSWjW W:XOX Y8YOYXYvY Z&Z2ZJZ`ZlZvZ TRIANGLE HELP EXAMPLE TRIANGLES: 3 Points are needed to define a triangle... RIGHT Triangle... Point#1 X= -3.0, Y= -3.0 Point#2 X= 3.0, Y= -3.0 Point#3 X= -3.0, Y= -3.0 EQUILATERAL (close) Triangle... Point#1 X= -4.0, Y= -3.5 Point#2 X= 4.0, Y= -3.5 Point#3 X= 0.0 Y= 3.5U Not a Triangle! Length#1= Length#2= Length#3= Angle#1= Angle#2= Angle#3= Total of Sides= TRIANGLE STATISTICSU User Defined Vertices. *** TRIANGLE MODULE *** "Active Keys = .....' SORRY!... No Triangle statistics.- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U IMPORT HELP (A) Insure each X value has a corresponding Y value. Place them on separate lines, X value line first. (B) Insure you leave a space between values and any comments on their lines. (C) Acceptable value formats include: 0.1, 1, 1.2, 12, -0.1, -1, -1.2, -12U Reading Your DATA File...!ERROR detected in NUMERIC INPUT # REPLACED with ZEROS+UNKNOWN ERROR detected, REPLACED with ZEROS/ SORRY!... File was found EMPTY..Aborting!2ERROR! UNEVEN NUMBER of values, LAST value REMOVED#Check your IMPORT value SEQUENCE... IMPORT was Successful!... Y Maxima= Y Minima= Y Mean= Y Variance= Y Std. Deviation= IMPORT STATISTICS *** XYSee IMPORT *** Readings= Check Scale! /Active Keys = ....... - SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U .IMPU " ; R i q y : ? Q [ ` !&!0!H!U!Z! "*"/"D"N"W"l"v" %_%m% &@'V' ($(=(V(k(t( )#)+)0)R)W)`)i)r) *#*0*B*G*L*U*h*z* +!+0+T+`+ ,",),<,a,x, ,.-:-`-n-}- ._.h.v. /!/3/E/i/ 0#0(0e0q0 1!1<1S1_1i1 1-D POINT HELP VARIABLE AFFECTS: A Horizontal Amplitude. B Horizontal Amplitude. EXAMPLE VALUES 7, -2 Standard Point. 0, 0 X=0 Axis." 6, 3 Maximum (+) Offset."-12, 3 Maximum (-) Offset.U 2-D POINT HELP VARIABLE PRIMARILY AFFECTS: A Vertical Amplitude. X Horizontal Amplitude. B Vertical offset. EXAMPLE VALUES 1,5,0 Standard Point. 1,0,5 X=0 Axis. 0,5,0 Y=0 Axis."1,10,0 Maximum (+) Offset."1,-10,0 Maximum (-) Offset.U LINE HELP VARIABLE PRIMARILY AFFECTS: A Vertical Amplitude X Horizontal Amplitude B Slope polarity C Vertical offset EXAMPLE VALUES!-2,3,1,4 + slope / - offset!-2,3,1,-4 + slope / + offset 0,3,1,0 0 slope / 0 offsetU Scale Factor = (X) Offset = 1D POINT STATISTICS Scale Factor = Unit ScaleU One Dimensional Point: X = A+B 2.0'*** ONE DIMENSIONAL POINT FUNCTION *** Y= 0.0 One Dimen. Point: X-(A+B) = 0 "Active Keys = .....- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U (X) Offset= (Y) Offset= (X)-(Y) Offset= 2D POINT STATISTICSU Two Dimensional Point: Y = AX+B 1.0'*** TWO DIMENSIONAL POINT FUNCTION *** Two Dimen. Point: Y-(AX+B) = 0 "Active Keys = .....- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U X=+/- 1.0$ WARNING!..."B" must not equal "0"& This would lead to division by zero.& ** DIVISION BY ZERO IS UNDEFINED. ** Maxima (+) = Minima (-) = Vertical Mean= Slope= Length= LINE STATISTICSU LINE: AX+BY+C = 0 *** LINE FUNCTION *** X=+/- LINE: Y = (AX+C)/-B "Active Keys = .....- SORRY!... No plot available to overlay. Exiting!..U 9 D O T Y f v { & + \ p ~ !;!c!v! "$"."3"d"x" $-$A$s$~$ %1%6%>%C%}% '3'_'m' )")*)H)h) )@*b*n* ,7,], -#---2-F-P-U-i-x-}- ._.t. /2/ when ready.1 F1=Help :Use the Editor to Create, Change, and Validate your files!7Select file TYPE acro..mport..

uzzle...: ; 0 SORRY!... Editor cannot use Macros..Aborting!5 8 5Select Macro LEVEL ma..ma..ma..ma..ma.6 .PZLU -WARNING! The Syntax Check has found an error.- /Select to Exit.. to show Error.0 SAVE changes?..(Y/N). XY-DEMO.MAM!Saving changes..one moment please" 0 SORRY!... Editor cannot change 'XY-Demo.MAM'.4 #CONTINUE editing this file?..(Y/N).$ F1=Help Undefined P U Undefined F1=Help Reading File... Edit a NEW file?..(Y/N)./ 0 5 : P U Z g w | # ( 5 C ` m !5!=!B!G!T!b! !D"R"W"}" #0#9#F#X#]#b# $E$J$\$a$f$s$ $#%A%N%`%e%j%{% & 'n' (-(2(7(X(c(l(u(~( (1+A+Q+V+[+u+z+ ,:,L,Q,V,c,u,z, -*-<-A-F-a-n- .-.=.d.q. /'/;C;H;b;g;l; ='=2=]= MenuSee.DTA1Required DATA FILE NOT FOUND..program terminating+Unexpected END OF DATA..program terminatingU SetSee.Dta%SETUP file NOT FOUND..defaults active (Invalid SETUP file DATA..defaults active Insight Advantage 5Copyright (C) 1990, D.Thompson. All rights reserved. AX+BY+C=0,*** Mathematic Functions in Graphic Form ***U 0 U *** WARNING *** CONFIG.SYS File Exists!%XYSee will ALTER the CONFIG.SYS file. CONFIG.SYS File Does NOT Exist!&XYSee will CREATE the CONFIG.SYS file.'

roceed...Install FILES=20 Statement. uit......NO Changes! elp......Whats Going On?U

roceed:%When you select

roceed, XYSee will!determine if you currently have a&"FILES=20" statement in a "CONFIG.SYS"&file. If not, XYSee will create/alter#the "CONFIG.SYS" file as necessary. uit:'You may prohibit changes to your system'by selecting uit at the menu prompt. Press to continue... U *** NOTICE ***(Files set to '20' in Existing Statement.,Statement ADDED to Existing CONFIG.SYS File.)Statement ADDED to a NEW CONFIG.SYS File.+Please RE-BOOT (Reset) prior to continuing! Press or .! 3WARNING!..Continue at your own risk..Press . *** SYSTEM CONFIGURATION *** \CONFIG.SYS$ !Select

roceed..uit..elp." FILES=20 *** NO CHANGES MADE ***U " SORRY!... Printer NOT ready.# Printing XYSee Order Form...? Dated:8 XYSee version 2.5.0 ORDER FORM8 ==============================, Thank you for registering XYSee...G Please enclose a check or money order for the CORRECT AMOUNT.G Insight Advantage will pay shipping and handling costs within the United States.@ (foreign customers: Please contact Insight Advantage.)J Insight Advantage Ship to: _________________________________J 4509 Yellowleaf Dr. _________________________________J Fort Worth, TX 76133 _________________________________J _________________________________A ( ) Copies of XYSee @ $30.00 each: $ ________A Subtotal: $ ________A TX residents add 7.00% sales tax: $ ________A TOTAL: $ ________A The format I am ordering is: IBM-CGA ____ Hercules ____% This registration is for a:F Business ___ School ___ Individual ____ Other ______________G (please specify)5 I received my present copy of XYSee from a:F Bulletin Board ___ Shareware Vendor ___ Other ______________ NOTE:F A special license is available for educational institutions.A We attempt to ship all orders within 16 business hours. U 0Insure printer ONLINE..Press when ready.1 ( *** XYSee REGISTRATION ***'This Software is an Endangered Species!&Today's students will need more than a-"Trap for Zoids" or a "Blaster for Math" when0confronting the science and engineering sections of a Math Placement Test!*For programs like this to survive and grow1however, more is needed than just our commitment.#Your Financial Assistance is VITAL! Press to continue... XYSee Registration .....$30.006Registration at this level will enable us to send you:)1. The latest version of XYSee with full printed documentation./2. The latest listing of user developed custom"MACROs, Import files, and Puzzles.4Send check/money order payable to: Insight Advantage 4509 Yellowleaf Dr. Fort Worth, TX. 76133/Select

rint order form.. to continue. *** XYSee LIMITED LICENSE ***$= = In the Interest of Education = =6A license for personal use and distribution is granted6for an unlimited period. Assistance in continuing the6development of XYSee is facilitated via registration..7Personal use is however subject to the following rights.which are specifically reserved by the author:9 Commercial/Institutional multi-copy non-registered use.1 Alteration rights to program diskette contents.8 Distribution of program documentation in printed form.U *** XYSee PROCEDURES ***JSYSTEM: ARROW Keys are used to move back and forth within and between menu?selections. Indicate your choice by pressing the key.BHELP: Context sensitive HELP is available within each menu level=and function plot section. In addition, parameter-value HELP@within each Puzzle module may be used to "Zero-in" on solutions.JMACRO: During MACRO execution; Press to Pause.. to Abort.@Use the Editor to Create, Change, and VALIDATE your MACRO files.DSTART: Select START to begin each new Puzzle. The currently active3Puzzle may be saved on disk for later reactivation.CSETUP: The system environment may be changed. If you must operate?your computer in a "quiet" environment, or the color setting is?unappealing, etc., select "SETUP" at the bottom of this screen. Number Lock is ON$Please press your Number Lock key... Number Lock is OFF%Thank you... SETUP?...(Y/N) -Update system defaults for SOUND, COLOR, etc. 1SETUP CONVERSION failed...color default is active Default Special Drive 'A' A:\ Drive 'B' B:\ Drive 'C' V to Exit. $... U B3@;F Exiting XYSee...6XYSee Mathematic Functions in Graphic Form; Ver. 2.5.0 Copyright (C) 1990, D. Thompson. All rights reserved.,* * * Make an Investment in the Future * * *%* * * Give a Copy to a Teacher! * * * nsight dvantageU 0 ; F Q \ g r } " 0 5 > F K [ f k !%!0!`!e!w! "-"@"U"j" #<#A#F#b#g# $7$I$N$S$\$i${$ $_+l+q+ , ,%,=,B,G,Q,V,`,e,w,|, - -2-7-<-N-S-X-j-o-t-~- . .2.7.<.F.K.].b.g.q.v. /"/4/9/>/P/U/Z/d/i/{/ 0"04090>0H0M0Z0l0q0v0 1(151G1L1Q1b1z1 7*787=7F7N7S7`7r7w7|7 8 8-8?8D8I8V8h8m8r8 9,9>9C9H9U9g9l9q9~9 :":4:9:>:K:]:b:g: ; ;2;7;<;I;[;`;e;r; <&<3<8<= keys. ENTER next level key.&EXIT to previous level key.7Sequencing ERROR..MACRO Terminating...Menu HELP module. Press to continue... U P EDITOR Help!U - ,USE: This Language-Sensitive Text EDITOR is+used to Create, Change, and Validate MACRO,&Import, and Puzzle files. If a syntax$error is discovered during post-edit&validation, the editor will return you)to the precise line containing the error!*FORM: The graphic on the right illustrates&the editors straightforward structure.)HELP: Multi-Level HELP is available while(using the editor. HELP screens progress#from listings of Edit-Key functions!and system Syntax requirements to%actual Application-Specific commands. Start Get File Edit File Check Syntax Save File Continue Edit Edit New File End :Context sensitive HELP is available throughout the Editor.; U F1=More CURSOR CONTROLS Left/Right on line .F2 Cursor up .........Up-arrow Right 10 spaces ...TAB Cursor down .....Down-arrow Top of screen ....Home Cursor left .....Left-arrow Bottom of screen ..End Cursor right ...Right-arrow Previous screen ..PgUp Insert character .......Ins Next screen ......PgDn Delete character .......Del Top of file ........F3 Backspace/Delete .Backspace Bottom of file .....F4 LINE FUNCTIONS Copy line from .F5 Insert line ...F7 Copy line to ...F6 Delete line ...F8 Append line ...RET Restore line .F10 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Print edit file .......F9 HELP ..................F1 Exit/Syntax check .ESCapeU H FILE SYNTAX: Macro:0(Line 1) {Comment}2(Line 1) <"Message">{Comment} (Line 2) Import:((Line 1) {Comment} Puzzle:((Line 1) {Comment}-(Line 2) {Comment}-(Line n) {Comment}CNotation convention: , {Optional}, "Literal", (Note only)U H AUTOMATIC COMMANDS!BEEP ..............Attention Bell!ENTER .ENTER/RETURN key emulation!ESCAPE ......ESCape key emulation!FORMULA ........Alternate formula!MESSAGE ........Display a message!NULL ..........Non-executing line!OFF-KEY, ON-KEY ..Lock/Unlock Kbd!PLOT .........Alternate plot font!PRINT ...........Activate printer!SPACE ........Space-Bar emulation!STOP .............Terminate MACRO!UP, DOWN .....Arrow key emulation!LEFT, RIGHT ..Arrow key emulation!WAIT ........Pause till SPACE key MANUAL COMMANDS ESCape key .........Abort MACRO SPACE key .Pause till SPACE key SPECIAL COMMANDS 0-9 .Step DELAY Multiplier # ...NUMERIC Value follows PUZZLE FUNCTIONS 2D-Point Line Circle Parabola Ellipse Sine Cosine Tangent Para#1 Para#2 Comp#1 Comp#2U $ V c t & 1 > C H _ q v { !$!/!:!E!R!W!\!i!{! "*"5"@"K"X"]"b"o" ###3#8#=#J#\#g#r#}# $!$,$9$>$C$P$b$m$x$ %'%9%>%C%P%j%o%t% &$&1&C&N&Y&d&o&z& '$'/'<'A'F']'o't'y' ($()(6(H(M(R(_(q(v({( )+)0)5)B)T)_)j)u) ***5*B*G*L*Y*i*t* +"+'+4+F+Q+\+g+r+}+ ,*,:,E,P,],b,g,~, -!-.-@-E-J-W-g-r-}- .8.=.B.U.e.j.o.|. /(/8/C/N/[/`/e/r/ 0 0%0*0O0k0w0 0\1u1 2/24292O2_2d2i2u2 3$3)3 7(7-727?7Q7V7[7h7z7 8#8(858G8L8Q8^8p8u8z8 9+9=9B9G9T9d9i9n9{9 :1:6:;:H:Z:_:d:q: ;';,;1;>;N;S;X;e;w;|; <3<8< ?1?6?;?H?Z?_?d?q? @'@,@1@>@P@U@Z@g@y@~@ A"A'A4AFAKAPA]AoAtAyA B*BGPGUGZG K&K8K=KBKOKaKfKkKxK L.L3L8LELWL\LaLnL M$M)M.M;MMMRMWMdMvM{M N$N1NCNHNMNZNlNqNvN O'O9O>OCOPObOgOlOyO *** REFERENCE PLOT *** Check Scale! U ( RSP Q RSP 3HRSP fHRSP @zRSP Check Scale! U U 2D-POINT LINE CIRCLE PARABOLA ELLIPSE SINE COSINE TANGENT PARA#1 PARA#2 COMP#1 COMP#2 U .PZLU +READING Data File! . . . One moment please. 2D-POINT LINE CIRCLE PARABOLA ELLIPSE SINE COSINE TANGENT PARA#1 PARA#2 COMP#1 COMP#2 WARNING! . . . Invalid FUNCTION..Incorrect_SEQUENCE! . . . Select another file.'File EMPTY! . . . Select another file.U Puzzle File PreparationBThe first step in preparing a Puzzle File is to select a ToleranceCvalue. The Tolerance value determines how close a solution attemptBmust come to a reference function before it is considered a match.DA selected tolerance value remains active until a solution is found..Selection 0 = 0.0 Tolerance. 5 = 0.5$1 = 0.1 6 = 0.6$2 = 0.2 7 = 0.7$3 = 0.3 8 = 0.8$4 = 0.4 9 = 0.9 = Cancel TOLERANCE Selection = 1 Select a TOLERANCE value. 0Sequencing ERROR..MACRO Terminating...Kbd Start. D Puzzle function selection and variable definition G is the next step. You may select and define as many G reference functions as you desire. Press at the G function prompt when you are ready to plot your values. 81 = 2D Point 5 = Parabola 9 = Para#182 = Line 6 = Sine A = Para#283 = Circle 7 = Cosine B = Comp#184 = Ellipse 8 = Tangent C = Comp#22 ( = Finished = Cancel Function Selection = Select a FUNCTION. ( ? d !-!2!C!j!w! !:"?"P"y"~" #2#~# $"$/$=$E$\$ &*'f'o'x' ($()(.(7(D(V([(`(i(|( )(*:*?*D*M*Z*l*q*v* -$-=-V-o- /#090 3 3%3d3 5'585I5Z5k5|5 6"656>6O6T6 #>5>:>?>L>^>c>h>u> ?&?+?0?D?T?Y?^?z? @ @-@?@D@I@V@h@m@r@ A!A5AHASA C,C>CCCHCUCgClCqC~C D#D2DCDMDrD E8FaF GSGXG