Night Owl's Publishing Inc. OFFICIAL BUG FIX To all users of the Night Owl's Shareware CD Rom volume #8 (NOPV8). TO SAVE YOURSELF TIME, PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE TEXT BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO CORRECT THE PROBLEM. It has come to our attention that due to a production error, there is a minor annoyance (BUG) on our recently released NOPV8 CD Rom. The bug shows when trying to access files from directory #59 "Windows BMP/ICO/WAV" while using the NIGHT file retrieval tools. You will be told that the file or files cannot be found. The problem is caused by a spelling mistake in the text listing for that directory. ** UNDER TESTING, WE HAVE NOT FOUND THIS BUG TO AFFECT FILE RETRIEVAL DURING OPERATION OF THIS CD IN A BULLETIN BOARD INSTALLATION. ** The cure is rather simple, for those of you that answered YES when asked if you wanted the directories copied to your hard drive for faster access, you need only to edit the text file "DIR59" found on your hard drive in the NIGHT\TEXT directory. The word "Loacation" at the beginning of the second line of the text file is mis-spelled. The line should read "Location of files 059A" . Note the placement of the letter (a) in the original. ***NOTE*** YOU WILL HAVE TO CLEAR THE READ ONLY ATTRIBUTE OF THIS FILE BEFORE YOU CAN EDIT IT. ***ALSO NOTE*** THE LINE YOU ARE EDITING IS CASE SENSITIVE AND SHOULD BE COPIED AS SHOWN IN THE ABOVE TEXT WITHOUT THE QUOTATION MARKS. For those of you that answered NO to this question, you will need to erase the file NIGHT.CFG from the NIGHT directory created on your hard drive during the original installation and reinstall the NIGHT retrieval program. This time answer YES to the question of copying the text files to your hard drive, then edit the file as stated above. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused any of our valued customers. Richard Graham