OLYMPUS The Greek mountain that the gods lived on; the top, of which, is always covered with snow. •TARTARUS The deepest part of Underworld where the prisoners, those that were wicked during their life, were kept.•MAENADS Women who celebrated Dionysus' rites. When they were excited by wine and god's presence, they ran through the hills drawing wild animals with their hands. They wore pantherskin and they grasped a thyrsus, a stick wound with vines and ivy.•PYTHIA Apollo temple priestess in Delphi. She was called this in memory of the Python snake, who protected the Gaea oracle. Apollo beat the snake and to honour Gaea, he decided that the temple priestess be a woman who was called "Pythia". Pythia pronounced the responses, as she was inspired by God.•AMBROSIA The food of gods and divine horses. Doves took it into the Hesperides garden. It was used to prepare a very perfumed unguent, which gave immortality to men, and preserved dead bodies.•NECTAR Gods drink which gave immortality. Hebe, youth goddess, served it to gods.•TUNIC A linen or wool garment. It was short for men and long for women. It had the shape of a sack and had a belt.•CHLAMYS This is a short mantle that men wore on the tunic and was laced on the right shoulder.•PEPLUM The women's garment that was worn on the tunic. It was made from one rectangular length of material and was draped under the right arm and laced on the left shoulder.•SIRENS The old companions of Persephone. They were changed into monsters, because they didn't defend her when Hades abducted her. They were half woman and half bird, like the Harpies. They lived on an island near Sicily. Their song was very sweet and bewitched sailors causing them to be shipwrecked.•HARPIES These are half women, and half bird monsters. They were held responsible for the disappearance of everything that couldn't be found.•MEDUSA One of the three Gorgons. She was killed by Perseus and she was decapitated. Her head was given to Athena to put the middle of her shield. Pegasus was born from Medusa's blood.•GORGONS They are Steno, Euriale and Medusa. According to some traditions they were beautiful, while other traditions describe them as winged monsters with fangs, forked tongues, bronze claws and snake hair. Their glance changed men in stone. They lived on the shores of the Ocean in the Far East.•PEGASUS The winged and immortal horse. It was born from Medusa's blood and was tamed by the hero Bellerophonte.•LAUREL Apollo considered it a sacred plant. It adorns the god lyre, the quiver, and the poets' head. Daphne changed herself into a laurel to escape from Apollo's love.•LYRE An old stringed instrument. Hermes made the first lyre with a tortoise shell by adding seven strings. The strings, however, were stolen from Apollo's bow and arrows. When he was found out, he played the lyre so well that god forgave him. Hermes gave back the bow and the arrows and he gave, as a present, the lyre to Apollo.•ARACNE A young woman who was very skilled into the weaving. She challenged Athena to compete against her. Their tapestries were both excellent, but Athena tore Aracne's tapestry and then she changed Aracne into a spider.•LEDA She was the king of Sparta, Tyndareus' wife. She was loved by Zeus and because of this reason he changed himself into a swan. She was the mother of the Dioskouroi: Castor and Pollux, of Helen and Klytemnestra.•IO A priestess of Hera. Zeus fell in love with her, but Hera changed her into a white heifer (= young cow). Io was tormented by a horse-fly sent by Hera and travelled all over the earth without stopping. She was controlled by Argus, the shepherd with one hundred eyes who never slept. During the wanderings of the heifer, she arrived at a sea, named after her, the Ionian Sea, and finally in Egypt. When she arrived in Egypt, Zeus caught her up and transformed her back into a woman.•EUROPA She was the daughter of Agenor, the Phoenician king. She was loved by Zeus, who changed himself into a tame white bull. Europa jumped on the bull's back and it took her to Crete. Minos, Rhadamanthys and Sarpedon were born from their union. Zeus gave her three presents: a lance that never missed the mark; a dog that never prey escape and a bronze man who defended the Crete Island from its enemies.•DANAE She was the daughter of Acrisius, the Argus king. He put her in a bronze tower, because according to a prophecy Danae's son would have killed his grandfather. Zeus fell in love with her, and for this reason he changed himself into golden rain. Perseus was born from their union. Acrisius then put his daughter and his grandson in a sealed boat and left them in the middle of the sea. The boat arrived in a island where a fisherman saved them. The island king wanted to marry Danae and he sent Perseus away. Perseus had to take Medusa's head. While he was away his mother was locked up in a temple without food so that she gave up. When Perseus came back, he changed the king and his court into stone statues.•ALCMENA She was Amphitryon's wife. Zeus fell in love with her and he changed himself into Amphitryon. Heracles was born from their union. He had to become a brave hero so that he could help gods to fight against the Giants.•HERACLES He was Zeus' and Alcmena's son. From the cradle he gave proof of his strength. In fact, he strangled two snakes that had been sent by Hera. When he served Eurystheus, he did the famous twelve labours. He dressed like a woman when he served Queen Onfale and he spun with her maids for three years. After other exploits he married Deianira. She made him wear poisoned clothing by mistake. When he was at the point of death, Heracles threw himself on the fire, but Zeus made him immortal. Heracles is described as a very muscular man who wears the skin of the first lion he killed and carries a club.•CLUB A knotted stick used by Heracles.•TITANS These are gigantic creatures. They were born from the union of Uranus (the Heaven) with Gaea (the Earth). They ruled the world before the gods. The most important ones are: Cronus, Rhea, Oceanus, Tethys, Mnemosyne. Also Elio, Prometheus and Atlas are considered as Titans. When Zeus deprived his father Cronus of his power, there was a battle. The Titans lost and they fell into the Hades behind bronze doors. These doors were guarded by the Giants. Although some Titans didn't take part in the war.•CASTOR and POLLUX They are called Dioskouroi, which means "Zeus' sons" of which only Pollux was immortal. They watched after sailors and appeared to them as fires. Together they took part in many adventures. Castor was mortally wounded during a battle and Zeus suggested to Pollux that he shared his immortality with his twin. Thus each one took turns spending one day each in Olympus and one day in the Underworld.•CENTAURS They were half men and half horse. They were rough and savage, except Chiron, who was wise and kind and educated many gods.•CYCLOPS They were giants with only an eye in the middle of their forehead. They were born from Uranus and Gaea. They were imprisoned in the Underworld, but Zeus freed them. The Cyclops became workmen and forged his thunderbolts, the trident of Poseidon and the helmet of the invisibility of Hades. A group of Cyclops built the walls of Mycenae.•SILENUS He was the son of Pan and a Nymph. He was depicted as a hairy, bald, fat old man with a horse's tail and ears. Riding a donkey. He was famous for his wisdom and he took the Maenads and Dionysus to their parties.•PHOEBUS (APOLLO) The son of Zeus and Leto. He was the god of music, poetry, art, farming and health. His arrows could cause or cure diseases. He was depicted driving a chariot pulled by horses. This chariot was symbolized by the sun, that crossed the sky and it was preceded by Eos, goddess of the dawn. Apollo always kept his lyre near him. The swan, the wolf, the olive, the palm and the laurel were dedicated to him.•ARES (MARS) He was the god of war, son of Zeus and Hera. He took part in every battle together with his sister Eris, goddess of contention, and his sons Deimos and Fobos, gods of Panic and Terror. The planet of Mars and the second day of the week in countries, with Latin derived languages, take the name from him.•ERIS She was sister and follower of Ares. When she fought she became bigger and bigger and she could not stop growing. Not being invited to the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, she crashed the party, throwing the famous apple of discord.•ARTEMIS (DIANA) Apollo's twin sister, daughter of Zeus and Leto. She was the goddess of hunting. She never got married. She was depicted as a tall, slender girl, with gathered hair wearing a short dress, she is armed with bow and arrows, accompanied by a deer and a dog. Her arrows could cause or cure diseases, similar to Apollo's arrows. She was personified by the Moon.•CHIMERA She was the daughter of Typhon and Echidne. She was a monster with three heads (lion, dragon and goat) which spewed fire.•CYBELE (RHEA) She was the daughter of Uranus and Gaea. She got married with Cronus and they had many children. As Cronus ate his children, she hid Zeus saving his life. She is shown as an impressive woman wearing a crown of towers on her chariot pulled by lions or with a lion on her lap.•CRONUS (SATURN) He was son of Uranus and Gaea. He became Cybele's husband after having beat his father. As a prophecy told that one of his children was destined some day to dethrone him, he thought to swallow them as soon as they were born. Cybele wrapped a stone in baby-clothes, which he supposed was their last son, Zeus and he swallowed it accordingly. Cybele hid Zeus in Crete. At last, when Zeus was grown, he forced his father to vomit all his brothers and dethroned him. Zeus became the king of the gods. Cronus symbolizes the Time, which devours everything. He is represented by the planet Saturn and the sixth day of the week in Anglo-Saxon countries.•DIONYSUS He was the god of wine and ecstasy. He travelled all over Greece and Asia on a chariot pulled by tigers and adorned with grape vines. He took part in many adventures together with Maenads, Satyrs and Silenus.•HECATE She was daughter of Zeus and Demeter. She was the goddess of moon. She was represented by the three moon's phases. She was shown with three faces and she held six smoky torches, which made a sinister light. She wandered on the backroads, and people could hear the howling of the dogs before her arrival. Her attributes were snakes, torches and daggers. She was also the goddess of the black magic.•HEPHAESTUS (VULCAN) He was the son of Hera and the husband of Aphrodite. When Hera saw that he was born ugly and deformed, cast him out of Olympus. He was the blacksmith of gods and made their bronze palaces and weapons. He also made Achilles' armour.•HERA (JUNO) She was daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and Zeus' wife. She was the queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage and motherhood. Her numerous quarrels with Zeus represented the atmospheric disturbances which disturbed the sky. Zeus won her heart changing into a cuckoo frightened by a storm. The goddess picked it up and laid it against her bosom. She was depicted as an impressive woman, holding a sceptre crowned with a cuckoo in her right hand, and a pomegranate in her left hand symbol of fertility.•GAEA (EARTH) She was born from the originary Chaos. She was considered the mother of all gods, and all dead and living beings.•IRIS She was the goddess of the rainbow, on which she moved to relay the gods' messages.•PERSEPHONE (PROSERPINE) She was daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and Hades' wife. For four months she was the Queen of the Underworld and for the other eight months she lived on the earth where she symbolized spring and summer.•TETHYS She was the daughter of Uranus and Gaea, the wife of Oceanus and mother of Oceanine's nymphs.•THETIS She was the daughter of Nereus and Doride. She was a beautiful young girl and all the gods wanted her. Nevertheless according to a prophecy, Thetis' son would one day be greater and more powerful than his father. For this reason the gods decided that Thetis should marry the mortal Peleus. Achilles was born from their marriage.•ACHILLES He was the son of Peleus and Thetis. His mother immerged him in the river Styx to make him immortal, but she held him by the heel leaving this as his only vulnerable part. Achilles participated in the Trojan war wearing an impenetrable armour made by Hephaestus riding a chariot pulled by four immortal horses. He was killed by an arrow that hit his heel.•HADES (PLUTO) He was son of Cronus and Rhea. Brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera and Demeter. He abducted and married Persephone. He was the god of the dead and the lord of the Underworld. His name was seldom used, as it was not considered auspicious, but he was not an evil god.•POSEIDON (NEPTUNE) He was son of Cronus and Rea, and Zeus's brother. He was the god of the sea. He could stir up earthquakes and sea-storms. He considered horses and bulls sacred. He was shown as a very tall man, wearing a beard and carrying his trident, which was made by the Cyclops. Poseidon was a vindictive and dangerous god, and lived in a splendid palace beneath the sea and he drove his swift coach over the waters.•DEMETER (CERERE) She was daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and Persephone's mother. She was the goddess of the Earth and of the harvest. She spent little time on Olympus, as she preferred to live on the Earth.•APHRODITE (VENUS) She was the wife of Hephaestus. The goddess of love and beauty. According to a legend, she had sprung from the foam of the sea. She was shown, with her body adorned with fronds of myrtle, on a chariot pulled by sparrows and doves. Swans, dolphins, hares and turtles were animals sacred to her, as well as the myrtle, the rose, the apple-tree and the poppy. Aphrodite had a capricious disposition. Her power to make gods and human beings to fall in love often caused a lot of troubles. She was identified with the planet Venus and with the fifth day of the week in the countries with Latin based languages.•URANUS He was son of Gaea and the embodiment of the Sky.•HERMES (MERCURY) He was the son of Zeus and Maia. He was a helpful, cunning, and joking god. He was the gods' messenger and took the dead into the Underworld. He was the god of inventions (the lyre, letters and numbers) and the protector of traders, thieves, shepherds, and of the streets. Hermes was shown as an handsome young boy with a caduceus in his hands and on his feet were winged sandals. The planet Mercury is dedicated to him and his name is given to the third day of the week in the countries with Latin based languages.•CADUCEUS Olive or laurel stick surmounted by two wings and with two twisted snakes. Today this symbol of peace is still used as symbol of medicine and is seen on the doors of many chemists' shops.•HEROS He was the son of Aphrodite and Ares. He was the god of love. He was depicted as a winged, blindfolded child carrying a bow from which he shot his infallible arrows which made fall in love whoever was hit. He had two types of arrows in his quiver: those with a golden point aroused desire, while those with an iron point prevented it.•ATHENA (MINERVA) She sprang from Zeus' head, full-grown and in full armour. She was the goddess of wisdom, knowledge, war, arts and science. She was shown with an helmet, a round shield and a lance. She wore an aegis and on her shoulder roosted an owl. The owl was sacred to her.•AEOLUS He was the god of the winds which he kept in a sack, freeing them when he wanted or when gods asked for them.•PAN He was the ancient god of the woods, pastures, flocks and herds. He had goat hooves and horns on his head. He was a rude and bad-tempered god. He wandered in the woods playing the instrument he invented: the syrinx or flute. He slept at midday, and if disturbed, emitted terrifying noises which caused people to panic.•OCEANUS He was son of Gaea and Uranus. He represented the river that encircled all known lands. He was the god of all waters and father of the rivers.•NYMPHS Young, beautiful girls, who lived in the mountains, rivers, seas, springs, caves and in trees. They got their name according to the place in which they lived.•AMALTHEA She was the goat on whose milk the infant Zeus was fed. From her horns dripped nectar and ambrosia.•ATLAS He was a Titan, brother of Prometheus. He had led the Titans against Zeus, for this reason he was condemned to carry the world on his shoulders.•PROMETHEUS He was a titan, brother of Atlas. He created the first man from the mud against the will of Zeus. He stole fire from the gods and gave it to the human beings. He was considered the inventor of navigation, medicine and science. For having fooled Zeus he was chained to the summit of Caucasus where a vulture ate his liver which regrew during the night. From this punishment he was rescued by Heracles.•CERBERUS He was son of Tiphon and Echidne. He is shown as a three headed-dog with a snake-tail and snake heads on his back. He was the guard of the Underworld and he had to devour anyone who tried to escape from the kingdom of the dead.•MOIRE (PARCHE) They were the three goddesses of fate: Cloto, Lachesi and Atropo. They kept in their hands the thread of life of every man: Cloto spun it, Lachesi measured it, and Atropo cut it when it was time to die. Even Zeus had to consult them before deciding about the lives of men.•PANDORA She was created by Zeus to become the scourge of mankind. Each god gave her a divine quality, such as beauty, cunning, and deception. Gods gave her a sealed box that contained all evil and at the bottom of which was wisdom. Pandora shouldn't have opened it, but her curiosity pushed her to disobey and in doing so was considered responsible for all the misfortunes that plague mankind.•PRIAPUS He was the son of Aphrodite and Dionysus. His mother abandoned him because he was extremely ugly. Some shepherds raised him. He was the god of fields and herds and he symbolized the fertility of nature. His picture was often put into the fields as scarecrows.•SISYPHOS As he had blackmailed Zeus, he was condemned to push a huge rock up a steep hill in the Tartarus. Every time the boulder was at the top of the hill, it rolled back down and Sisyphos had to begin all again. Since then his toil became a synonym of useless labour.•TANTALUS He killed his son, Pelope. Afterwards he gave his body to the gods to eat. He also stole ambrosia and nectar. Therefore he was condemned in the Tartarus to suffer hunger and thirst because food and drink drew away from him when he tried to take them.•MUSES They were the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. They protected poetry, song and dance. Poets before beginning their work invoked the Muse who protected the kind of poetry they wanted use.•SATYRS Genies of the woods, waters, and mountains. They accompanied Dionysus eating and drinking with sounds and dances. They were shown with goat's legs, horns and tail, like Pan.•CHAOS The nothing from which Gaea was born. Afterwards it organized itself to become the Cosmos as we know it.•HESPERIDES GARDEN The garden where was an apple-tree, which gave golden fruits. It was guarded by some Nymphs. Heracles had to take these apples during his labours and asked Atlas to go himself offering to support the sky on his shoulders in his place. When Atlas returned he no longer wanted to resume the weight. So Heracles asked him to hold the sky for just a moment while he arranged things better, Atlas fell and Heracles went with the apples.•ODYSSEUS (ULYSSES) King of Ithaka, famous for his cunning. He is the main character of the Odyssea. He tells all his adventures during his long voyage home from Troy.•UNDERWORLD Place where the dead were. It was divided into three parts: In the Fields of the Asphodelus there remained the greater part of the Dead, that is those who had been neither good nor bad. In the Tartarus the evil finished, and in the Elysian fields the good.•ZEUS (Jupiter) Zeus was gods' father and king. He was Lord of the Sky and dominated atmospheric disturbances: rain, thunderbolts, thunders ecc... His weapons were the thunderbolts. He was shown as a man wearing a beard sat on a throne with a few thunderbolts in his hand. He was the protector of the State and property, family, hospitality and he was the head of the oracles. He defeated his father Cronus together with his brothers Hades and Poseidon and he became the king of the gods. He got married to many goddesses (Meti, Temi, Demeter, Leto) and finally Hera. He gave birth to many heroes and half-heroes with many mortal women. He was identified with the planet Jupiter and with the fourth day of the week in countries, with Latin based languages.•ORACLE The answer given by a god to a question made by a mortal. A priest or a priestess, as the Pythia, pronounced the oracle response, inspired by the god. Famous oracles lived in Delphi and in Dodona.•LABYRINTH Dedalus built it in Crete to hold the Minotaur in.•ICARUS Dedalus' son flew from the Labyrinth togeter with his father, but than fell into the sea.•DAPHNE She was a Nymph, and a daughter of Peneus river. Apollo fell in love with her, but she did not love him. She called for her father's help while the god was pursuing her. It was for this reason that she decided to be changed into a laurel plant. Apollo declared this plant sacred.•SYRINX Her story is like Daphne's story. The Pan god fell in love with her and for this reason she decided to be changed into a rush. Pan made the flute with this plant. He called it with the Nymph name.