The Snake River Basin - Reference Information
Christiansen, R. L., 1982, Late Cenozoic volcanism of the Island Park area, eastern Idaho, in Bonnichesen, B., and
        Breckenridege, R.M., eds., Cenozoic geology of Idaho: Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 26,
        p. 345-368.

Cosgrove, D.M., G.S. Johnson, S. Laney, and J. Lindgren, 1998, Description of the IDWR Snake River Plain aquifer
        model:  Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 100p.

Daly, C., 1998, Regional Precipitation Map:  Oregon Climate Service, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon,
        Internet location at (as of 3/2002).

Garabedian, S.P., 1992, Hydrology and digital simulation of the regional aquifer system, Eastern Snake River Plain,
        Idaho, U.S.Geological Survey Professional Paper 1408-F, 102 p.

Glover, R. E., 1968, The Pumped Well, Technical Bulletin no. 1, Colorado State University Experiment Station,
        Ft. Collins.

Goodell, S.A., 1985, Water use on the Snake River Plain, Idaho and eastern Oregon:  U.S. Geological Survey
        Open-File Report 85-559, 94 p.

Horn, D. and Jeong. S., 1989, User of Multivariate Modeling to Estimate Impacts of Ground Water Withdrawls
         on Stream Flow for the Camas Creek Basin:  Idahow Water Resources Research Institute,  Research
         Technical Completion Report 14-08-0001-G1419-08.  University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 242p.

Hubbell, J.M., Bishop, C.M., Johnson, G.S., and Lucas, J.G., 1997, Numerical Ground-WaterFlow Modeling
        of the Snake River Plain Aquifer Using the Superposition Technique, Ground Water, vol. 35, no. 1, p 59 � 66.

Idaho Department of Water Resources, 1997, Upper Snake River basin study: Idaho Department of Water
        Resources, Boise, ID., 85 p.

Idaho Water Resources Board, 1996, The State Water Plan: Idaho Water Resource Board, Boise, ID, 97 p.

Jenkins, C.T., 1968, Computation of Rater and Volume of Stream Depletion by Wells, U.S. Geological Survey
        Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Chapter D1, Book 4.

Johnson, G.S., C.W. Bishop, J.M. Hubbell, and J.G. Lucas, 1993, Simulation of the impacts of Snake River aquifer
        water use on flow in the Snake River: Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho,
        Moscow, ID, 56 p.

Johnson, G.S., Cosgrove, and D.M, Lindgren, J., 1998, Description of the IDWR Snake River Plain Aquifer Model
        (SRPAM), U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Snake River Resources Review, Idaho Water Resources Research
        Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.

Johnson, G.S. and D.M. Cosgrove, 1999, to be supplied, Application of Response Functions to Snake River Plain.

Kjelstrom, L.C., 1986, Flow characteristics of the Snake River and water budget for the Snake River Plain, Idaho
        and eastern Oregon: U.S. Geolgoical Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atalas HA-680, scale 1:1,000,000,
        2 sheets.

Kuntz, M.A., H.R. Covington, and L.J. Schorr, 1992, An overview of basaltic volcanism of the Eastern Snake River
        Plain, Idaho: in Regional Geology of Eastern Idaho and Western Montana, eds. P.K. Link, M.A. Kuntz, and
        L.B. Platt, Geological Society America Memoir 179, p 227-267.

Lindholm, G.F., 1986, Snake River Plain regional aquifer systems study. In: Sun, R.J.,ed., Regional Aquifer-System
        Analysis Program of the U.S. Geological Survey-Summary of Projects, 1974-84. U.S. Geological Survey
        Circular 1002, p 88-106.

Lindholm, G.F., 1993, Summary of the Snake River Plain Regional Aquifer Systems Analysis in Idaho and
        eastern Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 91-98, Boise, ID., 62 p.

Newton, G.D., 1978, Application of a simulation model to the Snake plain aquifer: University of Idaho
        unpublished thesis, Moscow, Idaho.

Newton, G.D., 1989, Geohydrology of the Regional Aquifer System, Western SRP, Open File Report 88-317,
        U.S. Geological Survey, 82 p.

Whitehead, R.L., 1986, Geohydrologic framework of the Snake River Plain, Idaho and Eastern Oregon:
        U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-681, 3 sheets.

Information supplied by Idaho Water Resource Research Institute, University of Idaho December 1998
Authors: Dr. Gary Johnson, Donna Cosgrove, and Mark Lovell.
Graphics: Sherry Laney and Mark Lovell
All State of Idaho images and graphics created with GIS files obtained through Idaho Department of Water Resources Public Domain GIS unless otherwise noted.
Atlas Sources