Table of Contents
Living with Type 2 Diabetes
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes
Why Manage Diabetes?
Checking Your Blood Sugar
Eating Healthy
Eating Healthy
Getting Active
Taking Medication
Treating High and Low Blood Sugar
Having Regular Exams
Caring for Your Body
Keeping Yourself Safe
Preparing for Special Situations
Living Your Life
Getting Support
Getting On with Your Life

Type 2 Diabetes

Having Regular Exams

For your diabetes care, you may see your primary care provider or a specialist 2 to 4 times a year. This page lists some of the regular exams and tests recommended for people with diabetes. To learn more, contact the American Diabetes Association.

Tests and Immunizations

These should be done at least as often as stated below:

  • Blood pressure check: every doctor visit
  • HbA1c: every 3 to 6 months
  • Cholesterol and blood lipid tests: at least once a year.
  • Urine tests for kidney function: once a year
  • Flu shots: once a year
  • Vaccinations: keep them up to date
  • Other tests: as recommended by your doctor

Regular Exams

These and other regular exams help keep you healthy.

  • Foot exams. Nerve and blood vessel problems can affect your feet sooner than other parts of your body. Make sure that your doctor checks your feet at every office visit.
  • Eye exams. You can have problems with your eyes even if you don't have trouble seeing. An ophthalmologist (eye doctor) will give you a dilated eye exam at least once a year. If you see dark spots, see poorly in dim light, have eye pain or pressure, or notice any other problems, tell your healthcare provider right away.
  • Dental exams. Gum disease (also called periodontal disease) and other mouth problems are common in people with diabetes. To help prevent these problems, see your dentist 2 or more times a year.

Treating High and Low Blood SugarCaring for Your Body