Table of Contents
Living Healthier, Living Longer
Arteries in the Heart
Eating Healthy
Making Changes
Being Physically Active
Getting More Active
Managing Stress
Making Your Plan
Small Changes, Great Rewards

Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier Heart

Small Changes, Great Rewards

High cholesterol, high blood pressure, excess weight, and lack of activity are all risk factors for heart disease. You can help protect yourself from these risks by eating less fat and more fiber, keeping active, and reducing stress. Start by making a plan for a few small changes you'd like to try. As each change becomes a part of your lifestyle, you can add other changes. The reward? You'll feel better and may add years to your life—because you'll be making lifestyle changes for a healthier heart.

For More Information

The American Heart Association can give you more information on reducing your risk for heart disease. Look in the white pages of your phone book for the local office, or call:

American Heart Association


This content is not intended as a substitute for professional health care.
©1998 The StayWell Company, 1100 Grundy Lane, San Bruno, CA 94066-3030. (800) 333-3032. All rights reserved. Some images ©1998 by PhotoDisc, Inc., and Adobe Image Library.
Consultants: Nancy Houston-Miller, RN, BSN, Cardiac Education
Contributors: Linda Clark, MS, Worksite Wellness;   William Craig, MD, Cardiology;   Rita Stackhouse, RN, BSN, Cardiac Education
Making Your PlanReturn To Living Healthier, Living Longer