Table of Contents
Living Healthier, Living Longer
Arteries in the Heart
Eating Healthy
Making Changes
Being Physically Active
Getting More Active
Managing Stress
Making Your Plan
Small Changes, Great Rewards

Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier Heart

Getting More Active

Once you get in the habit of being active, you can make your activity breaks longer and a little more brisk. This will strengthen your heart and help you lose weight. A good goal is to work up to 30 minutes or more of physical activity on most days. Several short activity breaks can easily add up to 30 minutes. If you have any medical problems, such as arthritis or bad knees, be sure to talk with your health care provider before you start an exercise program.

Lifestyle Movement

Think of the way you would move if you were hurrying to catch a bus. You feel your breathing and your pulse get a little faster. This is the next level of activity, and it means greater health benefits.

Be ready to move whenever you have a few spare minutes. Exercise in three 10-minute sessions or two 15-minute sessions a day. Do whatever best fits your schedule. You can start with 5 to 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week. Then add a few minutes each week. Work up to a total of 30 minutes on most days.

If you get bored, vary what you do each day. Or take the kids or a friend with you. In bad weather, do indoor activities. And since you don't need lots of time, you can fit movement in when you travel.

What could you do to be more active? Here are some ideas:

  • At work: Stride to and from a lunch spot a few blocks away. Or use your break for a brisk walk.
  • On errands: "Powerwalk" in malls. Do a few fast laps before you shop.
  • At home: Walk the dog. Play ball or tag with the kids. Or ride an exercise bike while you watch TV.
  • At play: Spend time walking on the beach. Or walk in the park.

Aerobic Exercise

The next step is planned aerobic exercise. This means longer, nonstop movement at a faster pace. Your heart and lungs work harder. This gives you even more health benefits. And it can help you lose excess weight.

There are three ways you can make movement more aerobic:

  • You can do 30 minutes or more without a break.
  • You can go at a faster pace.
  • You can go more often — 5 or 6 times a week instead of 3 or 4 times.

You might try swimming, brisk walking, biking, hiking, or skating. Or join a gym or sign up for a dance or aerobics class. Pick one or more things you enjoy. Be sure to wear sturdy shoes made for the activity you choose.

Before and After Exercise

When you exercise for 30 minutes or more, warm up by starting slowly for about 5 minutes. At the end, slow down your pace for the last 5 minutes to cool down.

Setting Your Goals

Think of one change you'd like to make to be more active. Write it on the same piece of paper you used to write your eating goals.

Being Physically ActiveManaging Stress