Exposing The Myths - THB
Company: THB - Promoting Modern Masonry Construction

Traditional build cant be innovative

This is simply not the case. The perception is that new is innovative. However, factory produced goods by their very nature produce volume items that are the same. By contrast, building in modern concrete masonry allows for far greater flexibility in design, room shape, size and open plan living as the residual strength is borne in the structure, not in the modular sections.

Are lightweight prefabricated systems cheaper?

No, the Barker Interim Report has proved that prefabricated building methods are approximately 10% more expensive than traditional build.

Isnt there a shortage of labour for masonry construction?

The labour force in the building industry is often transitory. Workers travel for employment and often are absorbed into different areas of the industry when trade work is scarce. However, masonry construction is a well-known build method, which workers are familiar with and understand, without the need for additional training.

Arent other build methods quicker?

No, this is a common misperception. It takes approximately the same time to construct a house using modern masonry construction techniques as it does to develop a house from lightweight prefabricated methods. The only difference is that masonry construction takes place on site and the prefabrication process to construct a frame or panels takes place in a factory before being assembled on site.
