The CD-ROM inside the back cover contains all sample projects described in this book. Copy the files from any CD-ROM directory to an empty directory on your hard drive and then open the copied project with Delphi's File|Open or File|Open Project commands. Browse to any directory and open the .dpr file--there is only one in most project directory paths. If you don't see a .dpr file, make sure the Open dialog's Files of Type box displays Delphi file (*.pas, *.dpr). Not all sample directories, however, contain projects. For these, there are no .dpr files to open. All listings in the book are located in named directories on the CD-ROM. None of these files is compressed. To use the files, copy any subdirectory from the Source directory to your hard drive. Or, if you have the room, copy the entire Source directory to a hard drive letter such as C:\ or D:\. All programs are compiled. If you just want to run them, use the Windows Explorer program to execute any .exe code file. You may execute most programs directly from the CD-ROM. However, those programs that write to disk files must first be copied to your hard drive or another writeable device. To compile a program, you must first copy its directory to your hard drive. If you attempt to compile a program directly to the CD-ROM, Delphi will display an error message when it attempts to write to the .exe code file. If after copying a directory to your hard drive you still have trouble compiling, the target files might be marked Read-Only. Copying CD-ROM files might set their Read-Only attribute flags, which will prevent writing to the .exe and .dcu code files. If when compiling a program you receive an error that a file is in use or marked read-only, follow these steps to correct the problem: 1. Copy the Source directory from the CD-ROM to your hard drive directory C:\, D:\, or other. 2. Open a command-line prompt (MS-DOS) window. 3. Enter C: or D: (or another letter) to change to the Source drive. 4. Enter the command CD \Source to change to the Source directory. 5. Type the command ATTRIB -r *.* /S to turn off all Read-Only flags. 6. If you receive a "sharing violation" error in Step 4, exit Delphi and try Step 4 again.