================================================================ Title : STEALTH.WAD Author : Alan P Tye Email Address : Compuserve - 100044,551 Description : This patch file is for E1M1, although it is an adventure in itself!. Try it at first without the map or any cheats. It's my second attempt and things are hotting up... Have fun! : The level has been tested in Doom 1.2 and 1.666. It has also been tested in 1.666 with the additional weapons supplied in 7 SUPER WEAPONS FOR DOOM 1.666+ by Wesley Leong and Scott Tingley : No BFG or Rocket Launcher. No Spider demon or Cyber Demon ... perhaps next time... Additional Credits to : Steven "Moley" Lundy for being my guinea pig and agreeing to test the level... ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : No - no pain no gain! New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : Too many hours to count! Editor(s) used : DCK 1.1 Known Bugs : Doom 1.2 wouldn't raise the floor level in the various pits, when the walk line was passed. Hence switches were added to allow the pits to be raised should you fall in! Doom 1.666 does not need the switch as the pits' floor level is raised upon walking over the trigger line. If anyone knows why this is I'd like to hear from you...via compuserve. Thanks. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Please credit me, the author, where necessary. You may do whatever you want with this file! * Disclaimer * The author accepts no responsibility for anything...etc...