================================================================ Title : Labyrnth Filename : LABYRNTH.WAD Author : Jim Lowell Email Address : -none- Misc. Author Info : Description : Kill everyone in this great Deathmatch WAD. Additional Credits to : Dan (DOOM) Wilkinson & Dave Hilden. If I didn't have them around to kill all of the time I'd never have any way to test me wads. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Oh YES) Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21 Known Bugs : Some of the textures could be aligned better. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may do whatever you want with this file. Notes & Stuff- This is my first Wad, so don't get your hopes too high. This level has evolved from a single player level to (what I consider) an extreamly good Deathmatch level. Many of the things (rooms, weapons, bonuses) in this level were added while I was playing it as a deathmatch level at work which add nothing to the single play of this level. Although it is still a good single level. It is not intended that all of the monsters be destroyed in this level. It can't be done without cheating so don't even try unless you intend to gang up on the big monsters (you'll know which ones I mean) in a cooperative mode. Most noteably is the Cyberdemon behind the cage in the blinking hallway. Dan suggested that I find a way to keep people from lingering in that hall, and that's what I came up with. Run like hell. Lastly, in the room with all of the blur globes, the intention for them is that you take only one at a time. Of course anyone can still run over them all and remove them. (You won't see the blur globes in single play mode, they only show up in multi-player games). I'm working on a newer level which I haven't named yet, but it looks like it will be even better than this one (shouldn't be too tough). Hope you like it. ;>