2 PLAYER DEATHMATCH REVIEW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Short review of WADS which we have found to be best for two player deathmatch. These WADS are all pretty small which makes them better for two players, there's no hiding for long. I haven't played with four players but I imagine that they will be even more frantic. If you're going to design a deathmatch level then take a look at these first. Far too many deathmatch levels are too big for a good frag count. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME RATING COMMENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HITMEINF.WAD ***** Excellent a total frag fest. Proof that small and simple is fun. Well worth getting. It could do with an exit though. SPANKME.WAD ***** Hours of fragtabulous fun. The best weapons are in exposed places. Good sniper and ambush positions. A very close second to HITMEINF.WAD. Well worth getting. TOURNEY.WAD ****+ Nearly too big for two players. This WAD converted me to the deathmatch. Well designed and so it should be. LEDGES.WAD ****+ A classic level, great fun to play. The best weapons are the hardest to get. You really should have a copy of this. LEDGES2.WAD ****+ Another classic from the same author as the first. Similar to the first and just as good. TNCROSS.WAD **** Small single room. Gets too dark when the lights go out. GARDEN.WAD **** Walk through walls make it confusing at first but good for sniping. All the green makes a change from grey textured wad. LEDGES3.WAD ***+ Not quite as good as the first two but still worth a look. Slightly too big for two players and a bit dark. Weapons are well positioned. SHADOWS.WAD ***+ Nice and small. A bit too dark, but still get a good kill rate. Weapons in exposed places. ELEMENTS.WAD ***+ Quite stylish. Big for two players but its still fun. Another nice green one. BUTT.WAD ***+ A bit of a castle theme. Some good effects with lighting, loads of dark corners to hide in but watch out for the flashing lights. HOUSE.WAD *** Lots of windows to snipe through and a multitude of doors, no exit. Could do with the textures tidying up. FRAGDAY.WAD *** Not bad, the stack of barrels are a good way to give your opponent some grief when they go for the BFG. M_ROHE.WAD ** Not great but not bad. Its fairly small which makes it good fun. COR81.WAD Havent played this yet but it looks pretty good. SHADOWS3.WAD Havent played it yet but it looks like a winner. The death logo is cool. Lots of twisty corridors around the rooms are always a laugh. All these wads are worth getting for a two player fragorama, If you haven't got the top scoring levels then get them soon and get some opponents. Deathmatch is the only way to play doom. All these WADS are available from infant2.sphs.indiana.edu ftp s