-- DMLAMOU2.WAD -- -------------------- v 5.0 | FOR | | PROFESSIONALS | (27 Mai 1995) | OF DOOM | | ONLY | for DOOM II -------------------| ===================== ----> Read Recommandations ! - because this WAD is REALLY DIFFERENT - ============================================================================ Title : DMLAMOU2.WAD (part of DMLAMOUR.ZIP archive) My second level. It's a short one but a Great One. (Players have said : "It's a masterpiece") Filename : DMLAMOU2.WAD First version : September 1994. Upgrade and Conversion for DOOM II done on 27/04/95. NEW upgrade of the 5.0 conversion built on 27/05/95. Author : Fran‡ois LAMOUREUX. Email Address : 75337.71@compuserve.com By letter : Fran‡ois LAMOUREUX 24-34, rue de l'Oasis 92800 PUTEAUX - FRANCE. Tel : (33 1) 49-00-07-47 Answering machine enable ============================================================================ RECOMMANDATIONS : 1ø) - Play in complete screen mode if possible. =============== You can provide this with the [+] key. The status bar deseapears but it is no avaible with the automap : use the [TAB] key to see it. 2ø) - Adjust your gamma correction to LEVEL 2 or 3 : this level has been specialy designed for it. You can provide this with the [F11] key. ==> 3ø) - You don't have to cheat : all secret passages are indicated by something : be smart ! ==> 4ø) - Turn the music OFF to hear monsters and tricks. =================== A sound card id HIGHLY RECOMMANDED !!! 5ø) - Play slowly to enjoy the design and the game, =========== => play carefully. ============== 6ø) - You'll need a 486DX2-50, DX2-66, DX3, DX4 or a PENTIUM computer for run this level confortably. -> an accelerated graphic card is recommanded. 7ø) - Be patient to see what you haven't never see before... ==> 8ø) - Launch the level by the LAMOU2.BAT file, because this wad needs DOOM1-2.WAD ! A help file (LAMOUMOD.TXT) is avaible to launch and play the level with a modem. ==> 8ø) - You have to THINK to resolve this level. If you don't, the begining of the game will be too hard or impossible without cheating !!! (specially the helicopter port part) I spent a lot of time on it, as you will see by yourself ; that's the reason why this level is reserved for the serious amateur of DOOM. Good Luck ! ============================================================================ Description : It's my second level. It's a small one very well designed and plenty of new ideas, as you'll se by yourself. I specialy made it for you : enjoy ! - THANKS to FEEDBACK - =================== (it's important for an author who have spent such time on creating wads) ============================================================================ Additional Credits to : Thanks to Rapha‰l Quinet & Brendon J. Wyber for their fabulous DEU, to Colin Reed for his good and fast rebuilting BSP and to Per Allansson for his very speedy and usefull GO32. ============================================================================ * Play Information * Map # : 01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : YES and TESTED SUCCESSFULLY ! (New feature of 5.0) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES and TESTED SUCCESSFULLY ! (New feature of 5.0) Difficulty Settings : YES, all skills are avaible. (New feature of 5.0) (but this level was originally designed for ULTRAVIOLENCE skill) Rembember : THIS LEVEL IS DIFFICULT IF YOU DON'T THINK. New Sounds : No New Graphics : YES (New feature of 5.0) New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ============================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Time of work : 170 hours (my last one which is a big one took me more of 600 hours : look for it : 'DMLAMOU1.WAD'. Be sure to have the version 3.0 of it ! Editor(s) used : DEU 5.2 with GO32 to increase speed and memory, and nodes-ssectors rebuilding with BSP 1.1x, RMB for rejecting data and MAPCONV for Doom II conversion. Upgrading with DEU 1.0 for DOOM II. New graphics inserted with NWT and DEU 1.0. Known Bugs : one graphics bug without importance. ============================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels but this level can be one of the levels of an new episode : contact me. ----------------------------------------------------- You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ============================================================================== * Where to get this WAD * - COMPUSERVE Action Games Forum (Doom II levels library) - French BBS. *** HAVE A NICE TIME ! *** Sincerely and friendly from France, Francois LAMOUREUX.