PocketIFS 0.3d (c) T.Frogley 2001 email codemonkey_uk@hotmail.com Copyright --------- PocketIFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; (gpl.txt) if not, write to: The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Install ------- PocketIFS is a PocketC applet, and requires the PocketC runtime to work. The PocketC runtime is freely avaiable from http://www.orbworks.com/ Once PocketC is installed simply upload PocketIFS.PDB to your handheld device, to run PocketIFS run PocketC then select PocketIFS and press "Execute". PocketIFS v0.3d was tested using PocketC v3.92 Use (v0.3) + ------------ This is an early version of PocketIFS which lets you play with IFS's, more information on IFS can be found on the web. This document briefly describes how to use the PocketIFS applet. 1) When PocketIFS starts you are presented with a licence alert. (Feel free to remove it for personal use, but it must be present if you distribute [copy & give to others] it). Press OK to continue. 2) You are now in 'draw' mode, click using the pen to define the corners of a shape, draw mode will be over once you have created a closed polygon. 3) Now you are in transform mode, which has 5 buttons at the top, from right to left they are: 1) Rotate. 2) Scale 3) Move. 4) Lock. 5) Happy. The first three are the three basic transformations that can be done, each stage starts on pen down, and ends on pen up. Whist the pen is down you deform (a copy of) the original shape, on the X and Y axis independently by moving the pen up & down, and left & right. You can lock XY for rotation and scale using the Lock icon. Once you are happy, select the happy face icon, which will confirm your selection. Once you have confirmed that you are finished you will be asked if you want Another, if you say yes you will be returned to transform mode with a new copy of the shape (and so create multiple transformations). Once you have created all the transformations you want (only do one first time, I've never usefully used more than 3) PocketIFS will draw your fractal by recursively applying the transformations. Enjoy! New in 0.3d ----------- Improved program efficiency for faster rendering. Fixed a bug that occurred when compiling the fixed depth plotter under PocketC v3.92 Added profiling support to source code. New in 0.3c ----------- IO bug fix, distribution tidy up. New in 0.3a ----------- Minor interface bug fixes