3D Blockout®  ver. 4.0
dedicated to my lovely Svetlana                                                                            Blockout® is a registered trademark of Kadon Enterprises,  Inc.

3D Blockout
Support Color&Gray. any device.
min. Palm OS 3.0
Hot news
3D Blockout is 300%  faster!
 Blockout WebTour is coming soon!

Try 3D Tennis  - the Top20 Tour
Rated 5 stars at ZDNet! The only tennis for Palm!
Supports Color&Gray&BW. any device.Any OS

Try more products:
3DBingo � the only bingo for PalmOS ever. For 1-20 Palm devices. 60+ levels (bingo shapes).
Rated 5 stars at ZDNet!
3DLotto - game&checker&filler

General info
This software and the source code: © Stefan Komilev, 2000-2001
http://palmdepot.dir.bg        e-mail: komilev@dir.bg

Buy some hardware:
If your company needs high qualified PalmOS&Windows developer contact me.

Blockout® is a registered trademark of Kadon Enterprises,  Inc. , used by permission for this PalmOS application.
The USA company Kadon Enterprises, Inc., has designed and produced over 100 beautiful,
challenging gamepuzzles since 1980. These are "math as art" in playable form. Kadon's website,
"gamepuzzles for the joy of thinking", is a showcase of all their games, with secure ordering, and includes
a Puzzle Parlor for online play plus a philosophical journal, "The Life of Games".
Kadon's president is Kate Jones.

Credits to Joe Stadolnik for PToolboxLib Library.

The only three-dimensional falling blocks' game for Palm. The all times 3D fun favorite Blockout meets Palm.
Supports COLOR , GRAY SCALE (4 & 16 shades) ,  min. requirements  PalmOS  3.0.
We promiss you the most colorfull game you ever saw for Palm, especially for non-color devices.
This game has more then 14 years history already, you can learn more from Kadon Enterprises website here.

Game options:
- various Pit's dimensions- from (3,3,3) to (7,7,7)
- rich Blocks' set - 40 3D pieces in 3 categories
- holds high score table for a every game's type, indexed by pit's size and the blocks type (Uses just 0.6 K of
  Palm RAM)
- 6 falling speeds, Practice mode=X (non-falling)
- Initial filling with blocks (trash)
Advanced controls
- control with the stylus and the toolbar
- alternative control with Palm hard buttons
Fully configurable even during the game:
- cool sounds (on/off)
- Shadow on the ground for better navigation (Show/Hide)
- Next piece preview (Show/Hide)
- Screen options: play it on the Small or Big Screen, Black or White background, Patterns on top of each level (Show/Hide)

Future plans: If there is enough customers support for 3D Blockout we plan to add a full support for
"Blockout WebTour" in the next few months. You will be able to test your skills against thousands of players all over the world. Every month thousands of downloaders from all Palm related websites will try to reach your records. Like this idea? So sponsor 3D Blockout now.
The Blockout WebTour will be announced on the following two games: (pit's dimensions:W5-H5-D7 blocks:Flat and Complex.) Your HiScore results from ver. 4.0+  will be WebTour compliant so begin from now!

ver. 4.0

ver. 3.0 ver. 2.0 some major optimizations (drop piece 60%, redraw pit after a drop 60%, rotation & translation 20%)
changed appearance of the shadow

Install the following 3 files to your Palm device:
+ shared libraries:
PocketC.prc (if you haven't it already)
PToolboxLib.prc (if you haven't it already)

be sure to read  upgrade.txt  if you upgrade an old version of 3D Blockout!

You can beem this application to a friend using the Infrared Port of your PDA. You must beem the all 3 prc files.

General installation instructions:
Start your Palm Desktop application on the PC.
To install the file to your handheld, choose the game file, for example,   3DBlockout.prc
and run it using Explorer, command line, or your favorite file manager. Palm Software Installation utility will prompt you with other installation options.  Repeate this for the all 3 files.Then put your Palm in the cradle and press the hotsync button there. The "3D Blockout" icon will appear when you start your PDA.

How to play?
This application has a short but effective built-in help about the controls.

The player must place 3D pieces (polycubes) by translations and rotations in order to fill the game floor. The falling speed increases with the player skill. When the piece is in the right position you can drop it down (click on the correspondent toolbar button, or double-tap the Graffiti area).
The game ends when there is no space for a new piece
By default the game starts at the slowest Speed No 1. The falling speed increases on every 100 cubes been dropped.
The screen shot at the begining of this file explanes everything better.

New gaming features in ver 4.0
We have two game modes in this release - a "Tour game" and a "Practice game".
The difference between them is that the "Tour game" scoring results are qualified for the High Score,but the "Practice game" not.
By default you start each new game as a "Tour game".
Only if you invoke the Preferences panel during the game (using the 9-th toolbar button) and change the falling speed of the 3D piece, this game becomes "Practice game".
e.g. If you are trying to achieve a new HiScore, don't change the speed.
The same is valid if you start a new game at [X] Speed - non-falling mode.
Don't worry that you may forget this simple rule - 3D Blockout will remind you that when you launch the "Preferences panel".

Why this was done?
1. This simple rule ensures the your HiScore results are valid all over the World.
Future plans: If there is enough customers support for 3D Blockout we plan to add a full support for "Blockout WebTour" in the next few months. You will be able to test your skills against thousands of players all over the world. Every month thousands of downloaders from all Palm related websites will try to reach your records. Like this idea? So sponsor 3D Blockout now.
Check our website if this killing opportunity is added at this very moment.
2. There is large category of people which just want to enjoy the feeling of fitting 3D-blocks together. 3D Blockout is the right game for them, because it is the only blocks game ever that allows user to change the falling speed during the game. They are able to stop the piece in a hard situation or to play all the time at a constant speed.

Scoring (new bonuses in 4.0)
The scoring system is simple. We have decided not to bother our customers with 100000s of scoring points, which are difficult to be tracked.
Point and bonuses are awarded for clearing the 3D Levels as follows:

Tips & Tricks. Important features:
1. N.B. So you may use the first slow speed levels for earning more bonuses (see up). When you reach Speed No 5 and Speed 6 - just try to survive as long as possible.
2. N.B. The beta tests showed that if you adjust to control the piece with Palm hard buttons instead of the "toolbar&stylus" it is easier! You can control this unique game with just one hand, walking!
3. If you decide to play "Practice game" you are are able to stop the piece in a hard situation or to play all the time at a constant speed. Just launch Preferenses Panel during the game.
4. You can rotate and translate the piece simultaneously. You can press the moving buttons several times and the piece will execute all moving events.
5 You can not rotate the piece simultaneously around two different axes.
6. If the rotation or translation is not possible, because  neighborhood blocks obstrude, 3DBlockout protests with a short sound and displays "Do-not-enter" traffic sign at the last line of the screen. Move the piece around to find enought place for the rotation you need.
7. The game difficulty increases if you descrease pit's dimensions, select next more complicate "Blocks" set, increase "Speed".
8. This application saves state on exit (when you click the "Home" Palm silk-button) so you can play your favorite game for days.
9. To clear the highscore of the current game, press "Menu" (Palm's silk-button at the down-left corner of the screen), then "Clear highscore" item from the menu that will apear.

Great ideas
Try this game: Width:3 Height:7 Depth:7 Blocks:Flat
Looks different!

Try: "W3xH4xD7 Simple blocks" - very fast and addictive game.

Try playing on the white background.
Try to play on the "BIG Screen".
Try to change the pit's dimensions - there are hundreds of different looking games awaiting for you!
This game never ends! It worths!

How to register?
Purchasing 3D Blockout you sponsor our new cutting-edge applications for Palm! They will never be released without your support!. All future updates will be free for the registered users.
Unregistering kills shareware.

You can purchase a licensed version at www.palmgear.com (PalmGear H.Q)
Enter for word "blockout" in the "Search" field in the top of the main page there to find the product
When find it, click on "Buy" button.
There is a direct link to the Store and detailed instructions at the developers' site how to register.

PalmGear H.Q maintain a secure server to accept credit cards for all registrations, as well as taking telephone
You can order 3D Blockout from PalmGear H.Q. by phone: 817.640.6558 or by fax: 817.640.6614.
You will receive an e-mail from developer with the Registration Code based on the Hotsync user name of your
Palm device. Start 3D Blockout. Click on the "Register" button at the first screen.
Please, allow 1-2 days for processing/e-mail of the registration info. We work on holidays!

Important! You must be aware of what is your exact Palm username when purchasing!
If not, click on the "Register" button at the first screen of "3D Blockout". You will see it. Note that it is case-sensitive so "John" is not like "john".
Write it exactly as you see it.

"3D Blockout" is a commercial shareware.
By installing this Product on you PDA you ("the user") are agreeing to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this license agreement:
1. You a free to try this game without any shareware restrictions for a trial period of three weeks.  If you want to keep it afterwards you must purchase a licensed copy (to register).
Remember that we urgently need your support to continue to develop more cutting-edge Palm applications like 3D Tennis and 3D Blockout. Unregistering kills shareware.
2. The unregistered version of this application may be distributed by/to everyone, but only in its entirety.
3. Unauthorized use, copying or reproducing of the "Blockout" trade mark without a prior consent of Kadon Enterprises, Inc. is a crime and is prohibited by US and international law.
4. Unregistered users have the right to use the product on a PDA provided that they conform to the present license. They may not try directly or indirectly to gain the features a registered user has.
5. The Product is owned and is the exclusive property of Stefan Komilev, as an independent developer.
6. You may not modify, adapt, transfer, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative work without the prior consent of  the developer.
7 .You may not remove or modify any proprietary notice, labels or marks on the product.

Legal disclaimer
This software is provided AS IS, with no guarantee of fitness for any particular task. The user assumes all responsibility for its use.