Bridge for Palm OS from Stand Alone, Inc. To install, please delete all old versions of Bridge and install. The game comes with a free 30 day trial period and then you must register. Once registered all 1.x updates are free. Preferences are available via the menu button. To register ($15)visit: To email bugs or questions please email: The Game Menu: New Game - starts a new game and resets the score Auto Play - palm will play for you till end of round (this is quicker if you are losing or know who has won already) Undo Round - choose the wrong card, this undoes the current round. The Options Menu: Bids - shows who bid what. Score - shows current score Preferences - see below Enter Password - go here when you register About Bridge - a little about the game Preferences: Durring AutoPlay Play faster - no taps required between rounds Display Longer - gotta tap between rounds, easier to see what is going on. Draw Full Hand at end of round - so you can see what every one started with Tap to end turn - so you can see what the last player played longer Human Plays when dummy - you play when north or south is dummy. Auto bid - palm bid for you Auto correct incorrect bids - Palm will try to correct your bid if it wrong. If this is not checked you still can not make illegal bids. Show Hands: 'They' see all - Are you good? Check this box. Palm will look at everyones had before playing, giving it a little edge (Seat Positions) - you can see checked off hands. Currently the Palm is an ok player, checking off 'They' see all helps a lot. To make up for this the Palm bids a little low (sometimes) to ensure it can make the contract. If you do not know how to play Bridge, you will need to get a book to learn. This program can be an excellent aid to the learning process. This game is also quite fun for the experienced player, to play whenever they want. Thanks, Erik Wiessmann Stand Alone, Inc.