Welcome to WordZearch LE! If you download or use the WordZearch LE package you agree to the terms in the enclosed file 'license.txt'. Please read it before continuing. Details about this program and the full feature version with 3000 words and 10 categories, are available at: http://www.notionssoftware.com/games Software requirements: ****************************** Palm OS 2.0 or greater HardWare Requirements: ****************************** PalmPilot Professional or greater Installation Instructions: ****************************** Note: Before installing this (or any other) software onto your Palm OS computer, it is recommended that you back up your current data by running HotSync. The WordZearch code is distributed as a compressed 'WordZearchv15LE.zip' file or 'WordZearchv15LE.sit' file for the Mac. These include the software license ('license.txt'), the program ('WordZv15LE.prc'), the program database ('WordZLEdb.pdb') and this Readme.txt file. To install the program: 1. Download the 'WordZearchv15LE.zip' or 'WordZearchv15LE.sit' file to your desktop machine. 2. Extract the files from the 'WordZearchv15LE.zip' or 'WordZearchv15LE.sit' file using a tool such as WinZip or UnZip or Stuff-It. 3. On your desktop machine, start the Palm or Workpad Install tool. 4. Click on the "Add" button and select the 'WordZv15LE.prc' file which you just extracted. 5. Click on the "Done" button and confirm if requested. 6. Repeat 4-5 for the 'WordZLEdb.pdb' file. 6. Place your Palm or Workpad device in its cradle and press the HotSync button. The program will then be installed near the end of the HotSync process. 7. If you are upgrading from WordZearch LE, you will want to delete the existing WordZearchLE.prc from your device to save on memory usage. Game Instructions: *********************** Can you find all of the words in the puzzle? Drag the pen across the word to circle it. Circle all of the words to complete the puzzle. To see the list of words in the puzzle, click on the 'W' button in the top right corner. The next word on the list always shows in the top title bar, however, any word can be circled at any time. In two player mode, both players solve the same puzzle. When player one completes the puzzle, the timer shows the time to beat. Player two must race against the clock as it ticks down to zero. Notes: *********************** 1. Each puzzle is generated randomly. The game chooses one of the available categories and places the desired number of words from that category. 2. You can change the number of words placed, size of the playing grid, and available categories in the Preferences menu. 3. The number of words actually placed will vary. Depending on the size of the words selected to place, the game sometimes cannot place as many words as requested. New Features in v1.5 ******************** - A real-time timer has been placed on the playing grid. This provides more dynamic play, especially in two player mode. - Two player mode has been added. The option to choose one or two player mode is presented each time a new game is selected. - An 'I give up' option has been added to the menu. This is convenient when you wish to stop play, but you want to see the location of words you had not found yet. - An option to change the size of the playing grid has been added. v1.0 had a static 10x10 playing grid. v1.5 allows players to choose from 5 different sizes (from 9x8 to 13x12). This was the most requested feature from users.