11.11.2000 Astro Solutions http://www.muenster.de/~dambergj dambergj@muenster.de X-space The object of this game is to build a space station. There are modules of the space station coming from the sides of the screen. Theses modules have to be added to the space station. A module is docked when it flies near an other module with docking capabilities. To deinstall this game just delete the folder xspace and its files. The Game: Use the arrow keys to move the space station. A new module is connected when it reaches a docking place at the station. If a new module touches the station at the wrong place or leaves the screen the game is over and a new game is started. Meteors must not touch the space station. They must also not fly near solars. You have to dock as much modules as you can. Modules: Node Can be docked at a free docking place and offers docking places for three further modules. Labs Can be docked at a free docking place. But there are only two possibilities to dock them, because a docking place must be connected to another docking place. EndLab Can be docked to every free docking place but no further modules can be connected to an endlab. Solar Can be docked to every free docking place but no further modules can be connected to a solar. You must avoid Meteors flying near solars. Meteors Just let them pass through the screen. They cannot be docked to the space station. Start About or Xspace to run this game. About.class Xspace.class Other files: xspace.txt winstart.bat node.spr ou.spr lr.spr end.spr solar.spr comet.spr To start xspace under windows just double-click winstart.bat In the end of 2000 everybody was trying to start a new era: Astro Solutions http://www.muenster.de/~dambergj dambergj@muenster.de