SameGame for Windows 95/98/NT t h e u l t i m a t e t i m e w a s t e r version : 1.5 released : 99 06 03 SameGame copyright (c) 1999 Olof Tjerngren. SameGame is distributed as freeware. You may use this software without any charge and may distribute to others. The software is owned by Olof Tjerngren and is protected by applicable copyright laws. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted material. Commercial distribution of the software is restricted without permission. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the software. This software provides absolutely no warranty. Olof Tjerngren will in no event be liable to you for any damages arising out of the use of this software. _______ ABOUT SAMEGAME SameGame is a very addictive game somewhat similar to Tetris. The goal is to remove all the blocks on a field, but you can only remove two or more squares immediately adjacent to each other at a time. The more adjoining squares you remove at the same time, the more points you score. This SameGame version works on Windows 95/98/NT. SameGame is also available for Psion series 5, Palm Pilot, MacIntosh, Windows CE and Java enabled browsers. _______ SAMEGAME WEB SITE Download the latest version, upload high scores etc on the SameGame web site at _______ KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS space : cycle brick colors esc : quit program # : high scores ? : about box ctrl-z : minimize _______ SAMEGAME SKINS Read more about how to make skins for SameGame in sameskin.txt located in the default folder. _______ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS This version works only on Windows 95/98/NT. We recommend that your screen use millions of colors and a sound card enhance the experience. _______ DEVELOPMENT TEAM programming Olof Tjerngren graphics Artopod sounds Tribal Sound Studio Thanks to Jonas Karlsson for easter egg algorithm. please send your comments and suggestions to