Tsarevna: A Medieval Russia Quest. Registration Hints. Tsarevna: A Medieval Russia Quest. Registration hints. WHY REGISTER? Because, as a registered user, you: Encourage the authors to further develop and improve this game, as well as create new great games for you; Get a fully playable version of the game. Access support and assistance, via E-mail worldwide; WHAT YOU NEED TO REGISTER If you wish to become a registered user, all you need to do is make a payment to the authors, via one of the registration sites listed below. All registration sites will accept credit cards,cash or cashier's cheque. If you wish to register on-line using a credit card, please visit one of the following web-address: https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=4138-2 or http://www.regsoft.net/purchase.php3?productid=33108 If you are having difficulties accessing secure servers, please visit http://www.regsoft.net/purchase_nonsecure.php3?productid=33108 REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Upon receipt of your registration fee with the completed registration form you will receive a patch, that will activate the registered features of the game. For the latest information about Buddha Puzzle and other Yav products please visit our site at www.yav.ru/english/news.shtml (English) or www.yav.ru/rus/news.shtml (Russian) Thank you for using Tsarevna Yav games development team