___ _ _ _ _____ / __|| | | || | |_ _| | (__ | |_| || |__ | | \___| \___/ |____| |_|v2 Created By Lee Blum Studio-Blum.com/Cult FREEWARE Version 2.0 (Multilingual) Cult is FREE. Give it to all your friends and upload it onto websites and web archives, but please only distribute the complete, unmodified archive. Contact the author for information on distributing Cult on CD-ROM and other media. CONTENTS Story of the Cult project.......1 New features in version 2.0.....2 Installation & UnInstallation...3 Getting Started.................4 System requirements.............5 Game Story......................6 Game Tips & Hints...............7 Troubleshooting.................8 Version History.................9 Credits........................10 Copyright information..........11 ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. STORY OF THE CULT PROJECT It all started in 1997. I just wanted to make one of those old school adventure games, opposed to the flood of Quake-style shoot-them-ups. Low tech graphics and a good story were my weapon. Living in the Middle East, I knew right away that the whole idea in Cult should be a non-violent solution to a very delicate situation. As violence was necessary in order to beat any other game at that time, in Cult you had to use negotiations and trade in order to reach a peaceful solution. ...Oh, and one more thing - Cult was free. So it really succeeded and hundreds of thousands have already played Cult, but it started to look a bit outdated with its 8-bit graphics and sound. On December 1999 I started working on Cult version 2, and in ten months it was ready. This total revision include much better graphics (but it's still ain't Descent Freespace, as one Beta tester said), excellent music by Jeremy Robson, solutions to most of the bugs, and the best thing about it - the multilingual feature makes Cult available in TEN languages! As Cult is FREEWARE, all the people who have worked on it worked for free, contributing their time, effort and good will. They have all volunteered by contacting me through Cult's website, starting from Kevin Anderson with his excellent proofreading work and great ideas and advice, and later on with Vincent Bertrand and his translation of Cult to French. It continued with all the rest of the translators that did a splendid job. I wish to thank all of them for their work and friendship (they are credited at the bottom of this file). I'd also like to thank all the great Beta testers that helped me fix all the known bugs in Cult. By making the second version on one year of international effort, I found a host of warm and diligent people, willing to work hard for a common goal. But the job is never done, as in the coming month an update with Japanese and Swedish versions will be released. Still, if you speak a language that is not available in Cult, contact me and join our team! This was a team effort. I hope you'll enjoy the result! Sincerely yours, Lee Blum, Author of Cult. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 2.0 Version 2.0 (October 1, 2000) - New 24-bit Graphics! - New Original Background Music! - New Full Screen or Windowed option! - Better movement controls! - 'File-Access error 75' abolished! - Cheat Codes are available for health restoration, tips, and more! - Full map of the game is available at the website, for those who get stuck and desperately need a hint! - Cult is multilingual! Included full versions in English, French, Chinese, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish, Hebrew and Italian! ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. INSTALLATION & UNINSTALLATION INSTALLATION -> Unzip Cult.zip to a temporary directory. -> Run 'Setup.exe'. -> Select a directory and click on the computer picture to install. -> Open the Windows Start menu. -> Run the program by selecting "Cult" from the "Programs" submenu. UNINSTALLATION -> Run Cult, delete all saved game files and exit. -> Double-click on "My Computer" on the desktop. -> Double-click on "Control Panel". -> Double-click on "Add/Remove Programs". -> Select "Cult" from the list of programs. -> Click on the "Add/Remove" button. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. GETTING STARTED This section is for people unfamiliar with adventure games. It contains some spoilers, so if you want to fully enjoy the adventure, try to solve it all by yourself! Technically, to get started, run Cult from the Start menu. Select your language, and the screen mode you prefer - full screen or windowed mode. Welcome to Cult! *In order to play, use only your keyboard!* Use the arrow keys to navigate through the game's main menu, and hit when 'Story' or 'Help' is selected to learn more about the game. Select 'Start a new game', and you'll find yourself at the beginning of your adventure, right on the grounds of the villa that the Cult has barricaded itself in. Many people don't realize that at this point they can explore the garden outside the villa by walking east or west (north is 'up') from this first screen. As you walk around, get the blue key from the Gardener's cabin on the north bank of the canal and flip all the switches (those red circles). Now enter the building. Talk to the Cult members a couple of times until they open the room to D'shaque. Go to the eastern part of the garden and enter his room from outside the building. Now you're on your own! If you get stuck, you can browse through the tips and hints section of this readme, visit the Cult website at http://Studio-Blum.com/Cult/, or email me at Cult@Studio-Blum.com. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Windows 95 / 98 / 2000 / Me / NT - 486+ processor - 4MB free disk space - 16-bit / 32-bit color depth ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. GAME STORY " Hi there. My name is Zack Bon, and I'm a cop. I've been a member of the special operations unit for three years, and now I feel that I'm ready for my first solo operation. Two weeks ago, about one hundred people who identify themselves as the 'Cult of the Stars' barricaded themselves in a villa two kilometers away from town. We know they have guns and ammunition, but we don't know what for. Because the cult members have refused to talk, there haven't been any negotiations. Until now. Two days ago I decided to go into the villa. I convinced my superior officer to go along with my plan. After contacting the cult leader, he allowed me to enter on two conditions - I must carry no weapons, and the leader's chamber is off-limits. I agreed. My goal is to solve this problem in peaceful ways. I can contact my captain at any time with a state of the art MicroCommunicator that the cult members don't know I have on me. This is the last chance to save whoever is in that villa, and the worst part is - we know there are children inside. " ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. GAME TIPS & HINTS For new and updated tips visit Cult's website @ http://Studio-Blum.com/Cult/ TIP Even though some people look similiar, it doesn't mean that they talk the same. If you're stuck, talk to EVERYONE. -- Q:  I can't do anything! How can I take objects? Where is the Blue key? - OR - I got to a point where I flipped a few switches and got the Bible. Now what??? A:  You didn't notice that you have the option to explore the garden outside the villa. Assuming North is 'up', walk one screen south from the screen that you start the game at, then walk over the flowers between the canal and the bushes one screen east or west. Now you're in the garden! (The garden is big, make sure you explore everything and don't forget to go back inside the building) -- Q: Where is the Brown Key?! A: It is hiding on the edge of a body of water. Look closely... -- Q: Where is Nejara (who the letter is addressed to)? A: Nejara is one screen south of the screen you got the green key from. (It extends from a vertical corridor in the most eastern part of the building). -- Q: How do I open Nejara's room? A: The 2nd switch to Nejara's room is one screen south to Nejrara. -- Q: I can't reach the sign in the southwestern room of the villa becuase of the chemicals. A: The sign is a distraction. It reads 'No Smoking'. -- Q: How do I get the bone for the dog? - OR - How do I open the door for the Women's Bathroom? A: The bone is in the women's bathroom. The switch that opens that room is in a room one screen north of the bathroom. -- Q: Where is the switch that opens the little room with the wristwatch? A: The switch is located one screen east to the wristwatch, in the room with all the pillows and acid. -- Q: Where is the swich to the room with all of the pillows and acid? A: It is in the social club. -- Q: Where is the switch that opens the Library? A: The switch is one screen north of the library, in the most south-eastern room on the screen. -- Q: How do I open one of the FIVE DOORS? A: Look for the tips on the website at http://Studio-Blum.com/Cult/ -- Q: I have a low health status! A: Try to walk around the chemicals or at least not right on top of them, but on their edges. This way you won't get hurt so much. If you really need health and have no medical kit in sight, type 'ZackIsBack' while playing and watch the miracle! -- Didn't find what you were looking for? For an updated tips section, visit the website at http://Studio-Blum.com/Cult/ ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. TROUBLESHOOTING Thanks to your E-mails regarding previous versions, I managed to answer most, if not all, of the technical questions that may arise when trying to run the game. -- Q: My computer freezes when I run Cult or close Cult in Full-Screen mode. A: If this happens, wait a minute or so and sometimes the program will unfreeze by itself. If nothing happens, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and wait a few seconds. This will normally unlock the program. If that doesn't help, sorry - you have to reset your computer. If the problem persists, you ought to play Cult in Windowed mode. -- Q: Zack moves really fast when I use the arrow keys. A: Press F4 while playing the game. -- Q: When I run Cult I get "Can't load (or register) custom control picclp32.ocx". A: From the "Start" menu, select "Run..." and type "c:\windows\system\regsvr32 picclp32.ocx". -- Q: A window pops up when I start Cult and says that I should change my Settings to small fonts. A: The solution is simple, although a bit long. You have to change the Windows system font set to "Small Fonts" in the display options in order to run Cult. Right-Click your Desktop. Then click 'Properties' > 'Settings' > 'Advanced' > 'General' > 'Font Size:' and select 'Small Fonts' from the drop-down menu. -- Q: During installation I am asked to "Abort, Retry or Ignore" when one of the files is copied. A: Press "Ignore" - It won't cause any problems. It just means that you already have the file in question. -- Q: I don't have the file msvcirt.dll. A: Email me at Cult@Studio-Blum.com and I'll send the file to you directly. -- Didn't find what you've been looking for? For updated troubleshooting, visit the website at http://Studio-Blum.com/Cult/ -- ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. VERSION HISTORY Version 2.0 (October 1, 2000) - For details read section 2 (New features in version 2.0) of this document. Version 1.24 (July 1, 1999) - Fixed a few typos. - Fixed a pixel glitch that occured in some computers. - Updated Troubleshooting and Tips in the ReadMe file. Version 1.23 (July 20, 1998) - All the game scripts were proofread by Kevin Anderson. - Simultaneous release of Cult 1.23 Hebrew version. - Opening screen renewed. - Change of plot in two major issues along the story line. - Music and Sound Effects can be toggled on/off. - Faster animation due to character graphical change. - Fixed problem - First sentence in microcommunicator didn't show up if space was pressed. - Fixed problem - Zack was going through walls on some occasions requiring the game to be loaded or restarted. - Fixed problem - Zack could get stuck in the storage room requiring the game to be restarted. - Troubleshooting updated with two new technical problems. Version 1.22 (May 3, 1998) - Added troubleshooting for common technical errors. - Wall blocking problem fixed. - Zack's STEPS dimmed. - Ending music is always played. - Map fixed (Storage room). Version 1.21 (April 1, 1998) - A minor bug caused a fatal error... fixed. - Even faster animation. - Web site is up! Version 1.2 - Cult is now freeware! - Better graphic procedures now produce faster animation and page loading. Version 1.1 - Fixed errors in map file that resulted in "Input past end of file" message. - Fixed bug at the ending sequence. (Game ends even though the player didn't complete all tasks.) - Fixed grammar and spelling mistakes. Version 1.0 - After five months of hard work, "Cult" is finally compiled and ready to go! - Temporary web site is up! ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. CREDITS A GAME by Lee Blum ORIGINAL MUSIC Jeremy Robson ENGLISH PROOFREADING Kevin Anderson INTERNATIONAL VERSIONS FRENCH Vincent Bertrand CHINESE Zhai Yuefeng DUTCH Hetty Minkjan GERMAN Ronny Otto ITALIAN Caroline Havemann PORTUGUESE Sergio Leser SPANISH Sergio Ramirez HEBREW Lee Blum RUSSIAN Evgeny Bychkov BETA TESTERS Rob Mackenzie, Roger Martin, Andy Howard, Jing Zhao, Marvin G. Wise Jr., Audrey Beck, Casey King, Peter Holvenstot, Patrick Muesken, Andrew Lenahan, Thomas Zeller, Jon Hansson, Peter Douthwright, Ryunosuke Berglund, Jack Johansen. ____________________________________________________________________________ 11. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION 1998, 1999, 2000 (C) All Rights Reserved to Lee Blum "Cult" in its distributed version can be copied freely. However, the game files must not be changed, hacked, or decompiled in any manner. This software is copyrighted. Therefore, the graphics, music, plot, or any other part of the game must not be copied or duplicated by any method. The author must be noted of mass distribution of the game by CD-ROMs, diskettes, or any other distribution not through the Internet. The game must be distributed in its original full version with all the game files, unmodified. Not following these rules is a clear violation of the law. This software is provided "as is" and the author will not be held responsible in any way for any damage that it may cause.