NUCLEAR DETERRENCE v1.12 By Lee Blum for I.B.O. Ltd. Proofreading by Kevin Anderson Official Website @ Online news, tips, and version updates! This ReadMe file contains a 'Getting Started' section for beginner players but not a tips section. If you're stuck and need some game tips, visit the website at . The more questions I get, the bigger the Tips & Hints section of the website grows! For questions, bug reports, advice, comments, or anything else on your mind, contact the author at . INDEX 1. Registration Information 2. What's new? (Version History) 3. System requirements 4. Game Story 5. Getting Started 6. Installation & UnInstallation 7. Troubleshooting ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. REGISTRATION INFORMATION This software is a limited SHAREWARE version of Nuclear Deterrence. Registration will make it a Full featured version and will grant you: - The full, Commercial version of the game. - Updates of newer versions. - E-mail News about the developer's other games. - Technical Support priority. And all that for only 17 USD! So how do you register? There are two ways: ---1. Payment can be made by cheque or cash sent directly to the author (Please write the cheques to I.B.O. LTD) I.B.O. LTD P.O.Box 16338 61162, Tel-Aviv Israel Please send your e-mail address, so the registration code will be sent to you within minutes of receival of order. ---2. Payment can be made by Credit or Cheque orders through Secure On-Line Order Form: General Information : Orderline - (Orders Only) Available 9am - 5pm : U.S. and Canada : 1-877-REGSOFT (1-877-734-7638) International : 1-770-319-2718 Fax Line Available 24 hours : 1-770-497-9234 Address for Registrations : Inc. PMB 201 10820 Abbott's Bridge Road Suite 220 Duluth, GA 30097 Attn : Registrations ---Updated registration information at the website - Questions regarding registration? Contact the author at ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. WHAT'S NEW? (VERSION HISTORY) Version 1.12 (September 2000) - Play game on Full-Screen option added. - Credit Orders now available! Info added to ReadMe.txt plus a link from the game to the on-line registration form. - Improved Documentation ('Getting Started' Section was added) - Improved AI movement of character. - Fixed: The common 'Run Time Error 16' (In process). - Fixed: The 'blue square bug' that has occured on some machines. - Fixed: 'Run-time error 5'. - Added the 'Getting Started' section of the ReadMe.txt file. Version 1.1 (September 1999) - Fixed: Mouse disappearance after receival of messages. - Fixed: Spelling in introduction and game texts. - Fixed: Adjusted game speeds in relation to monitor performance. - Added: Technical Support regarding graphic glitches. - Added: Technical Support regarding Error 76. Version 1.0 (August 1999) - Over a year of hard work comes to an end when NUCLEAR DETERRENCE is finally released! - Website is up at . ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED - Windows 95 / 98 / NT - 486+ processor - 8MB free disk space - 16-bit color depth or higher ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. GAME STORY 'With pestilence and with blood will I enter into judgment with him; and I will rain on him, and on his hordes, and on the many peoples who are with him, an overflowing shower, and great hailstones, fire, and sulfur.' [Ezekiel 38:22] Ali Hassan is the General Manager of the Ministry of Finance in the fictional Islamic country of Islami Arabia. He is also an Israeli spy, working for the 'Mossad', the Israeli Intelligence Service. His real name is Dr. Uri Yaniv. Inactive for many years, he slowly made his way to the top ranks of Islami Arabia politics, but now he is needed. Islami Arabia is in final stages of developing a nuclear warhead for ballistic missiles that can reach beyond Israel. When the Pentagon failed to sabotage the missile construction, Ali was called to duty. He starts off in the secret communications room in his house. Using his Morse communication kit, he will be contacted by his commander, codenamed 'Fox', at the Mossad Headquarters in Israel. ...And so the adventure begins! ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. GETTING STARTED This part is for beginner adventure players. It contains some spoilers for the game, so if you want to fully enjoy the adventure, try to solve it all by yourself! Run Nuclear Deterrence from the Start menu. Now select the screen mode you prefer - full screen or window mode. Welcome to ND! You can see the introduction and read the short help screen. Now select 'Start a new game' and find yourself in the begining of your adventure. You are Ali Hassan, the spy in service of the Mossad. You are standing in front of the Communication Kit in your hidden room, and have just received a message. After reading the first few lines that Ali says, hit to see the Communication Kit's screen. You have a new message waiting for you! Click on 'Receive message' and read the input. This process, same as sending messages, will be repeated several times during this adventure. The message is kind of cryptic, isn't it? Well you ARE a spy... See the 'PWD'? It stands for password. You should write down all the passwords because you will need them later on in the game. So the message told you to meet Jamil in the Market, you better do as instructed. See the 'Zone' and 'Location' labels in the bottom-left part of the game screen? These are useful hints in navigation. Walk out the door in the bottom-right part of your screen and press to open the hidden door in the library. Now walk west (as north is 'up') and then south. Now you're in the street, in the entrance to your home. You can read the sign next to the door by standing in front of it and pressing or clicking the right mouse button. Walk south. Now you're in the Market. Now who and where is that Jamil guy? Walk around the Market. Did you find him? If not, walk to the most southwest screen of the Market. See the fat guy in the bottom-right part of the screen? Talk to him. He asks for a password. Now what password could it be? :) Jamil mentions the Islamia City University. You better go there. Hit the 'J' key or using the mouse click the 'Jump to Car' button, and find yourself near your car. Hit the space bar in order to use it. Now you see the map to Islamia City. Can you see the University? It is a new location, added after your conversation with Jamil. New locations come up several times during the game. Click the University in order to get there using your car (there is no other way). Now you're on your own! In general, pay attention to the conversations - many important details can be obtained from them. Exlpore all the zones to the max, walk around all the screens until Ali says that there is no reason to walk any further. If you persist, victory will be yours! If you still get stuck, you can browse through the tips and hints section of this readme and also Visit the Nuclear Deterrence website at or email me at ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. INSTALLATION & UNINSTALLATION INSTALLATION -> Unzip into a temporary folder -> Run Setup.exe -> Select a directory and click on the computer picture to install -> Open the Windows Start Menu and select the "Nuclear Deterrence" icon from the "Nuclear Deterrence" folder in the Programs menu to run the game. UNINSTALLATION -> Double-click on "My Computer" -> Double-click on "Control Panel" -> Double-click on "Add/Remove Programs" -> Select "Nuclear Deterrence" -> Click the "Add/Remove" button. ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. TROUBLESHOOTING These are some of the technical questions that may arise when trying to run Nuclear Deterrence. In general, it is preferred to run ND when the memory is free after restarting the computer. --- Q: I have various graphic problems when I run the game. A: If the whole game screen gets messed up when Ali walks, the cause is just a memory shortage. Restart your computer and run the game again. If this isn't the problem, the issue is more complicated: The optimal performance of Nuclear Deterrence is under 640X480 resolution, and most importantly a 24-bit color depth (set it using the Display Control Panel under the 'Settings' tab). If you don't have a 24-bit color depth, there might be a problem. When I programmed ND, I did all my best to avoid the use of DirectX libraries, to make the game size as small it could be. However, some new Windows platforms seem to mishandle some of the 'old' graphic routines. The best solution is to report me the errors and I will do my best to find a solution. --- Q: My computer freezes when I run or close ND in Full-Screen mode. A: If this happens, wait a few seconds to a minute, sometimes it will unfreeze by itself. If nothing happens, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and wait a few seconds. This will normally unlock the program. If that doesn't help, sorry - you have to reset the computer. If the problem persists, you better play ND in Window mode. --- Q: Ali moves really fast when I use the arrow keys. A: Press F4 while playing the game. --- Q: When I run ND I get the message "Run time error 76 : Path not found" or "Run-time error 75: Path/File access error". A: Create the path 'c:\Windows\Temp\' and run the game again. --- Q: When I run Nuclear Deterrence I get the message "File-Access error 76". A: Delete the temporary directory 'c:\Windows\Temp\TempC' and run the game again. --- Q: I finished ND but there is no ending sequence! A: Due to memory problems, this may happen. Restart the computer and reload the game. --- Q: A window pops up when I start ND and says that I should change my Settings to small fonts. A: The solution is simple yet annoying. The windows system font must be set to "Small Fonts" using the display options, in order to play ND. Right-Click your Desktop. Then click 'Properties' > 'Settings' > 'Advanced' > 'General' > 'Font Size:' Here select 'Small Fonts'. --- Q: During installation I am asked to "Abort, Retry or Ignore" when one of the files is copied. A: Press "Ignore". This message just means that you already have the file in question. --- Q: I don't have the file msvcirt.dll . A: E-mail me at and I'll send the file to you directly. --- If your question was not answered in this section, go to the online techincal support at ____________________________________________________________________________ 1999 - 2000 (C) All Rights Reserved to Lee Blum & I.B.O. Ltd. The plot, characters, names, and pictures mentioned and used in this game are totally fictional and have no relation to real stories, places, or people, dead or alive. SHAREWARE VERSION The SHAREWARE version can be copied freely while unmodified. The author must be noted of mass distribution of the game by CD-ROMs, diskettes, or any other distribution medium other than the Internet. REGISTERED VERSION The REGISTERED version must not be copied or duplicated. This software is copyrighted. The game files must not be changed, hacked, or decompiled in any manner. Graphics, music, plot, and any other part of the game must not be copied or duplicated by any method. This software is provided "as is" and the author will not be held responsible in any way for any damage that it may cause. Not following these rules is a clear violation of the law.