This file contains important information about ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û ÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û ÛÛ Û Û kombat 3D Û Û Û Û Û Û Û 1.0 _ _ by Marko Kavcic CONTENTS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. System requirements 2. Introduction 3. The story 4. Controls & parts of the screen 5. Problems 6. Next version information 7. Credits 1. System requirements 386 or better (486 recommended), VGA graphics (needed resolution 320X200 in 256 colors), DOS (works OK under Windows(not in a window), not tested on Windows95), some free conventional memory. 2. Introduction TANKkombat3D is a balistics game in a full 3D environment. There can be 2 to 11 players. All you have to do is to blow everybody else away. You can select bomb, speed and direction of the shot. And then you shoot. You get money for surviving as long as possible, killing and winning. With this you can buy better (bigger!) bombs. In the beginnining you only have 100 hand grenades, 10 grenades and one other randomly selected bomb. 3. The story In the beginning (1918) there was a multinacional country named Hiugoslavia. It was formed as a federation of six republics. The more developed republics had to pay less developed republics money for development. For a long time everybody was pleased with that. Especially because of their great leader OTIT. Everything seemed OK, until OTIT passed away. The leader of Sberbia (on the north - east part of Hiugoslavia) Blodosan Limosevic (pron. Bloodthirsty) wanted to take over the control of the entire Hiugoslavia. The western republics were against it. But they couldn't do anything about it. So they did the only possible thing. They decided to become more independent. First they wanted a confederation, but that wasn't enough. Complete independence was the only option. Since seizing control over the remaining Hiugoslavia was not enough for Blodosan, he got the idea of creating Big Big Sberbia. 'Wherever there are Sberbs, there is Sberbia.' was his motto. At the same time he was trying to keep Hiugoslavia together. With the aid of federal army he tried to force Svolenia (the republic on the north-west) to stay in Hiugoslavia by taking control over its borders. But the old sicret wish of Svolenians to be independent was too great. After ten days and a few dozen casualties of so called 'war' the federal army had to leave Svolenians in peace (and in one piece). Svolenia was out. It should never even be in. This was good. But it had disastrous consequences. Crobatia (the second republic from the north-west) wanted to leave as well. This was not so good. There were many Sberbians in Crobatia (remember what Blodo Said?). The Sberbs in Crobatia under his influence wanted to be independent as well, eventhough life in Crobatia would be much better. But the seed of international hate was planted. The war was at this point inevitable. It was a much bigger war then the previous one. At one point Sberbs controlled more than a third of Crobatia. Now they have only about five percent and the war seems to be over in Crobatia. In the meantime BOMBSNIA (republic trapped between Sberbia and Crobatia) went on its way to be independent too. This republic was like a barrel of radioactive material you can see in DooM. It had three nationalities. Bombsnians, Sberbs and Crobatians. Blodo was the trigger. The war started. And it was much much bigger than the previous one. Sberbs fought Bombsnians and Crobatians, than Crobatians fought Bombsnians. And Bombsnians fought Bombsnians. Sberbs against Sberbians and Crobatians against Crobatians. Then the Nations United tried to stop the war with diplomacy. There were endless negotiations with no effect. So OTAN and Maericans took over the peace negotiations. No effect. They almost gave up. But then suddenly, like a miracle, negotiations became effective (nobody knows why). At the moment (1996) it seems the war in BOMBSNIA has ended. They even managed to hold free elections. But nobody knows what the future holds. I doubt the conflicts are over. The future (2000) is not bright. Everybody will fight everybody. Each tank against everybody else in the hills and valleys of BOMBSNIA. Some aliances will be possible, but they won't last... It is now 2001. OTIT is very pissed in heaven. He thinks he has done such a good job keeping Hiugoslavia together. He wants to wipe BOMBSNIA off the face of the planet with a series of tank battles with improved weapons. ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û Û ÛÛ Û Û Û INVITES YOU TO A GAME OF T A N K k o m b a t 3D. Your reward is your continuous existence and a piece of land left after the game. You'll be sent in with a little tank as one of two to eleven players and a few grenades. Your job is to survive. The only way to do this is by killing everybody else! If you are good enough, you will gain some money and buy bigger and better bombs for the next battles. The winner of a battle is the only one who survives. The winner of the game is whoever wins more battles (what else?). Suicides are not appreciated. Beware of the Super H(idrogen) Bomb. It might blow up your computer. After some shots OTIT usually gets bored and throws lightning and OTAN tries to stop the war with an airstrike. All you need to do is set up the direction and power of the shot and then shoot! WARNING: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ The above story is absolutely true (up to 1996). Only some names have been ³ ³ changed to avoid the consequences of speaking the truth. You can and ³ ³ should guess the original ones. I will deny them if necessary! ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 4. Controls & parts of the screen Inside game: Controls: Key Action F1 ingame HELP Esc exit current round Enter shoot + - next/previous bomb Fast key Key Action m , (<) decrease speed / . (>) increase speed Home Left turn cannon anticlockwise End Right turn cannon clockwise PgUp Up turn cannon up PgDn Down turn cannon down 'Fast key' does ten times 'key'. Game Screen: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ³ ³ X X ³ ³ X X ³ ³ X X ³ ³ X 3D X ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ X GROUND X ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ X X 2 ³ D ³ 2D ³ ³ ³ X X ÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄ ³ MAP ³ ³ ³ X X WI ³ ND ³ ³ ³ ³ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ HOR. VE³RT. ³ ³Player name ³BOMB³ ³ SPEED ³ ³ ANGLE ÄÄÄÅÄÄÄ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ AN³GLE ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Bombshop: Controls: Key Action F1 help Esc exit bomb shop Space,Enter choose bomb Down move down Up move up Bomb buying panel: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ BOMB Bomb name ³ ³ PICTURE You get You have Price ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If bomb picture is reddish, the bomb is unavailable(you don't have enough cash to buy it). 5. Problems No real unsolved problems detected. If the game is too slow, buy yourself a better computer (486's are not so expensive). It might be hard to control where you are shooting, but you'll get used to it. This section will include answers to your questions. Send e-mail to if you have any. 6. Next versions Future versions of TANKkombat3D will include (not in this order): - computer intelligence, - new bombs (rollers, bouncers, dirt), - new grounds, - music & SFX, - joystick and mouse support, - team play, - some of your suggestions, - ... Check my homepage ( for new versions. 7.Credits _ _ TANKkombat3D was created by Marko Kavcic. It was written in Turbo Pascal. Thanks go to Mitja Krebelj for help with the assembler procedures. You can and should support me in these ways : - by playing the game, - by testing it under different conditions and in different environmets, - by reporting any bugs you encounter in the game (not very likely), - by sending your oppinions about the game (the best ones will be in the next version of this file with the next version of TANKkombat3D), - by sending me your suggestions and ideas about the future versions of TANKkombat3D and any other game you would like me to make, - by reporting any mistakes in this file (grammar and other), - by leaving all the TANKkombat3D files: tank3d.exe - the game file, tank3d.txt - this file, tank3d.sto - story, tank3d.pix - file including all the pictures intact and not separated, - by copying, lending, uploading, downloading, distributing, redistributing, reredistributing, making spare copies,... (follow the previous instruction!) - by NOT reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, creating derivatives, using parts of the program for a different purpose, taking out pictures or any similar doing, - by copying, lending, uploading, downloading, distributing, redistributing, reredistributing, making spare copies,... (follow the previous instruction!) - by sending me contributions in CASH (I can't accept credit cards) - by drawing two strange markings on the 'c'-s in my surname (as seen on the starting screen of the game) and pronouncing them as 'ch' in 'cheese', - by including your name, address, type of computer, kind of problem (if any), version of TANKkombat (this one should be 1.00), where you got TANKkombat3D and any other important data in you mail or e-mail. My address is: _ _ Marko Kavcic Poljanska 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Europe e-mail: home page: P.S. Play TANKkombat3D!