tron-shot.gif (3471 bytes)

Tron: Board game, $10, free updates.

netwalk.gif (2739 bytes)

NetWalk: An excellent opportunity for your brain to relax without falling asleep!



   TETRIS is another old game from Russia. It is a type of puzzle game that tests your reflexes. It's really simple to play.
     TETRIS originally came from the word "tetra" meaning the number 4. By rearranging four squares, you can make seven different shapes which are the pieces used in this game.



    Beiks Ltd. is proud to present the Pilot clone of the game. There are some extensions, though, that (we hope) will pleasantly surprise these, who already know it. Hopefully, we will update the game, so it is a good idea to check Beiks TETRIS page our site from time to time.



    Everybody knows the rules in Tetris: Seven different shaped blocks fall down the game field one after the other. The object of the game is to keep the blocks from piling up to the top of the game field. To do this, you can move blocks to the left and right, and rotate them as they fall. If you can completely fill in one horizontal line, that line disappears and you get points. If the blocks pile up to the top of the game field, then that's the end of the game.

     TETRIS is simple, easy-to-understand, but difficult to drag yourself away from!


    The registration is only $10 on our website, PilotGear H.Q. or PalmCentral. We will need your Pilot User Name (sometimes referred as HotsyncID) in order to give you completely working copy of the game (and eventually another one!).

    Support shareware!

    Free updates!

Revision history

    3/1/00    - v1.0:    Initial version.

Contact Information

    Come and visit our webpage or mail us!

PilotLines, NetWalk, Clickomania and BDicty for PalmOS are � 1998-2000 Beiks Ltd.
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