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 dot.gif (966 bytes) Introduction

 dot.gif (966 bytes) Rules

 dot.gif (966 bytes) Registration

 dot.gif (966 bytes) Revision history

 dot.gif (966 bytes) Contact Information

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Featured product:
NetWalk ][, � 1998-2000 Beiks LLC

Recommended product:
Pilot Lines - the challenger

dot.gif (966 bytes) Introduction

After the wide success of NetWalk we received tons of letters with requests to continue and enhance the game. Most asked for more puzzles, some for ability to create own levels and some for help with the bonus puzzle. Nobody ever asked for refund! This is one of the very few products with several thousand sales and no support problems whatsoever. In fact, NetWalk was so successful we were afraid to launch a new version for a long time. It is a golden rule that you shouldn't change anything while things are running well, isn't it? If it weren't for those color devices that came out and were quite unhappy with the black and white NetWalk...there would have never been NetWalk ][ at all maybe....

But anyway, here it is: NetWalk ][ with color support, embedded level editor, new set of levels (gee, I think you are going to call to complain about the last one) and....something more. You'll see what for yourself.  

Being able to create your own levels also means there will be more sets of levels in general. We invite all people to submit the levels they've created - directly to us and/or on PalmGear/Handango. That's a great opportunity to have your name on tons of handhelds, isn't it? We also hope this would allow more sets of levels to be available to anyone to play.

dot.gif (966 bytes)  Rules

In the beginning there was a Net. Not a tidy, well-organized network it was...a more of a pile of computers and connectors spread all over the place...then the Player came in...and the Palyer said: "Let there be net!"...

You have a 10x9 field with a server in the middle, several computers and different types of connectors filling the cells. The game objective is to connect each computer to the server. In order to do so you will have to adjust the direction of the connectors as well as determine the correct position of the computers and server outputs so that the signal from the server can spread through the net.

There are two levels of difficulty - Master and Expert.

  • Master levels are the standard game levels. Usually the whole playing field is full with computers and connectors. There could be misleading connectors as well.
  • Expert level is... well, for the experts. Find why yourself ;-)

At the end of the game there is a SURPRISE puzzle (the same as from the previous version). You are only allowed to see it if you have completed all the other puzzles.

Sometimes there could an additional requirement to complete a puzzle in a predefined set of moves. Look at the bottom of the screen to see if there is such a requirement for the currently active puzzle.


dot.gif (966 bytes) Registration

The DEMO version of the game is limited to only 7 puzzles and no level editor.

You can get the full version for $10.00 on our website, PilotGear H.Q. or Handango. You will not receive an unlocking code, but the full version of the program instead!

NetWalk consists of two parts - the program (NetWalk.prc) and the puzzles file (something like NW02.pdb, NW03.pdb and so on; actually it could have any name). In its initial release, NetWalk ][ does not support multiple puzzle files, which means you could only have one set of puzzles active. We should be changing that soon, so don't forget to check NetWalk's page on our website! All game updates are free (standard BEIKS practice).

Registered users can create their own sets of levels and publish them - for free or for money. To learn more about how to do it, check NetWalk's page on our site.


dot.gif (966 bytes)  Revision history

11/1/99     - v1.0:    Initial version
11/16/99   -v1.1:    Two interface bugs fixed; "Next" button added at the end of each level instead of automatic invoking - now users can see the completed level before going to the next one.
7/10/00     - NetWalk ][ released; color support, visual effects, phrases, onboard editor.
10/21/00   - NetWalk 2.1; minor fix: the passed puzzles are printed in bold again in the puzzle selector; Eastern egg added that gives a hint for the bonus puzzle


dot.gif (966 bytes)  Contact Information

Come and visit our website or mail us!

NetWalk is (c) Arsenal Software.
NetWalk for PalmOS, Karateka for PalmOS, PilotLines and BDicty are (c) 1998-2000 Beiks Ltd.
Palm Pilot and Palm are registered trademarks of 3Com Corp.
All other trademarks in the document belong to their
registered owners.