

PacMan now runs in your Palm and supports color! If you like it, please register here. Trial version is limited to one PacMan and does not keep Hi-score.

To Install

Note for existing user...
To upgrade from version 1.2 or earlier, please: 
1. Open Application list, delete PacMan. 
2. Install PacManUN.prc file.

To install, please hot-sync the PacManUN.prc file to your Palm device.

To Config

To control the PacMan's movement, you can use the application and up/down buttons, as shown on the diagram. Or you can click on the screen to change the moving direction. To use a different set of control keys, please select A or B set in the About PacMan form. 2P is two-player mode. SS is screen saver.

If you have any comment or suggestion, please send an email to me.

Tip #1: To start a new game quickly, press PageUp and then PageDown key.
Tip #2: To pause in between a game, click inside the ghost base.
