FLABBERGASTED! v1.10 - SUPPORT INFORMATION Thank you for evaluating FLABBERGASTED! In the event you need help installing, configuring, or using FLABBERGASTED!, please browse this guide. You should be able to get the help you need right here! For the most up-to-date support information, check out the Purple Planet web site at http://www.purpleplanet.com. Thanks to Ziff-Davis and FamilyPC magazine for making FLABBERGASTED! their 1998 winner in the Preschool and Elementary Education category! ======================================================================= INDEX I. Installing FLABBERGASTED! v1.10 II. Uninstalling FLABBERGASTED! III. Contents of the FLABBERGASTED! Demo Package IV. What's New in FLABBERGASTED! v1.10 V. Purchasing FLABBERGASTED! VI. Index of Common Error Messages and Troubleshooting VII. FLABBERGASTED! Technical Support for the Evaluation Version VIII. When asking for support help, be sure to include details ======================================================================= CONTENTS I. Installing FLABBERGASTED! v1.10 The FLABBERGASTED! demo distribution package contains FLABBERGASTED!, additional information about FLABBERGASTED!, a configuration utility, and an uninstall program. If you need more information about each of these programs, read the descriptions in the following section. To install FLABBERGASTED!: - Download the FLABBERGASTED! demo package to a temporary directory on your hard drive. - Run the FLABBERGASTED! demo package from Windows Explorer or from the Windows "Run" dialog. The Installation Wizard appears. - The main components of FLABBERGASTED! will be installed as you go through the wizard. - The final panel for the Installation wizard asks if you would like to view the "readme" file and/or run FLABBERGASTED! right away. - Select the options you want, then click "finish". II. Uninstalling FLABBERGASTED! If you need to uninstall FLABBERGASTED! for any reason, you can do so by using the Windows add/remove Programs Control Panel applet, or you may choose "Uninstall" from the "FLABBERGASTED!\Utilities" menu. To uninstall FLABBERGASTED!: - From the Windows "Start" menu, choose "Settings", then "Control Panel". - Double-click on "Add/Remove Programs". - Choose "FLABBERGASTED!" from the list. - Click on the "Add/Remove" button. The FLABBERGASTED! uninstall utility will execute and remove FLABBERGASTED! from your system. Click "Ok" when it has completed it's task. III. Contents of the FLABBERGASTED! Demo Package The fully-functioning evaluation version of FLABBERGASTED! includes links to the Purple Planet Software web site, a configuration utility, an uninstall utility, and of course, FLABBERGASTED!. Uninstall This utility will remove all FLABBERGASTED! components from your system. You must use this feature if, after 7 days, you decide not to purchase FLABBERGASTED! Screen Saver The screen saver allows you to use FLABBERGASTED! as a windows screen saver. Links or Info Depending on if the Installation wizard found an Internet browser on your system, you will either see a submenu of links or text files which will help you evaluate FLABBERGASTED! Links or text files are available for Ordering FLABBERGASTED! direct from Purple Planet Software, general Purple Planet Software information, Purple Planet Software news, a product catalog, and an evaluation survey. Please complete the survey, it helps Purple Planet Software serve you better. IV. What's New in FLABBERGASTED! If you've been using FLABBERGASTED!, you're probably interested in what's new in v1.10. Primarily, music playback has been improved and changed to use a custom music format called a ".ZOT" file which stores music data far more efficiently than other formats. The full version of FLABBERGASTED! will play all General MIDI, S3M, and MOD music files. V. Purchasing FLABBERGASTED! To purchase FLABBERGASTED!, simply point your browser to http://www.purpleplanet.com and visit the Purple Planet Software online store. All major credit cards are accepted on our secure web server. VI. Error Messages and Troubleshooting ERROR: "fatal error (1307): not enough memory" SOLUTION: FLABBERGASTED! needs at least 8MB of free memory in order to run. Exit all running programs, or allocate more virtual memory. VII. FLABBERGASTED! Technical Support for the Evaluation Version Due to the enormous popularity of FLABBERGASTED!, Purple Planet Software regrets that it cannot provide direct telephone technical support. for the evaluation version. However, current online resources are available to help you make the most of your evaluation at: http://www.purpleplanet.com/support You may also email us with any FLABBERGASTED! question at: support@purpleplanet.com VIII. When asking for support help, be sure to include details We're happy to be of any help, but we'll need a detailed description of the problem you are having with FLABBERGASTED!. Here's a list of questions that might just point you in the right direction or, at least, give us a head start to get you playing FLABBERGASTED!. 1. Do you have a Windows 95 system with 8 mb of memory? If not, FLABBERGASTED! will not run on your system. FLABBERGASTED! was designed specifically for Windows 95 and requires 8 megabytes of memory. Hopefully, you saw this before you had to download the whole thing and find out too late. Unfortunately, to do some of the cool stuff in the game, we had to use up all of that memory and leave some users behind. 2. Did the file transfer complete? If not, try downloading the file again. This time, check to ensure that all 2.4 MB is there and then proceed with the installation. 3. Did you run the FLB110.EXE program? If not, you'll have to double click on FLB110.EXE, and complete the installation wizard before you can run FLABBERGASTED!. 4. Did you see The FLABBERGASTED! icons in your start menu? If not, our installation wizard failed and we'd like to learn more about your system. If this happened, let us know and we'll send further instructions to try and gather additional information from you so we can fix the problem. 5. Did you choose the FLABBERGASTED! icon and run the program? If not, click Start, Purple, then FLABBERGASTED! The game should run right away. 6. Did you get the FLABBERGASTED! title screen which displays the terms of the evaluation period? 7. Did you get the FLABBERGASTED! black screen with a mouse cursor? 8. When you moved the mouse, did the green ball move too? 9. When you pressed keys on the keyboard, did anything happen? If any of these items failed, our program has failed and we'd like to learn more about your system. If this has happened to you, let us know and we'll send further instructions to try and gather additional information from you so we can fix the problem.